
The UN-REDD Programme is the United Nations Collaborative initiative on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD) in developing countries. The Programme was launched in 2008 to assist developing countries prepare and implement national REDD+ strategies, and builds on the convening power and expertise of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
As a partner country of the UN-REDD Programme, Sri Lanka is committed to developing the necessary capacity to implement REDD+ according to the components of REDD+ readiness jointly identifiedby UN-REDD and the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) of the World Bank. The national programme will thus contribute to ensuring that Sri Lanka is prepared to effectively participate in the REDD+ mechanism resulting from the UNFCCC negotiations, by focusing on key initial elements of REDD+ readiness. 
The overall objective of the UN-REDD programme in Sri Lanka is “support the Government of Sri Lanka in catalyzing the establishment of key mechanism and process and development of capacities, required to implement REDD+.” This objective will be secured through the following five Outcomes:
  • National Consensus reached on the Sri Lanka REDD + programme;
  • Management Arrangements contributing to the National REDD+ Process defined;
  • Improved Stakeholder Awareness and Effective Engagement;
  • National REDD+ Strategy and Implementation Framework developed:
  • Forest Monitoring System for REDD+ Activities developed.                                        
To implement the national programme, a UN-REDD Programme Management Unit (PMU) will be established at the Forest Department (FD) of the Ministry of Environment. The PMU will be led by a Programme Manager (PM) who will support FD to ensure smooth implementation and coordination on a daily basis. The PMU will provide secretariat functions to bodies within the national REDD+ management structure including the REDD+ Programme Management Coordinating Committee (RPMCC), UN-REDD Programme Executive Board (PEB), Task Forces (TFs) and Technical Working Groups (TWGs).

Duties and Responsibilities

The Technical Expert –UNREDD National Programme will be responsible for performing the following tasks under the guidance of the Programme Manager of the Programme Management Unit:
  • Provide technical support in REDD+ areas of Governance, Stakeholder Engagement and Social/Environmental Safeguards;
  • Developing and finalizing Terms of Reference (TOR) for national and international consultants/experts and subcontractors related to the UNDP Programme components; 
  • Assist the Programme Manager (PM) to submit the reports, outputs and other deliverables related to UNDP programme components in a timely manner for reviewing and evaluation, to the Programme Executive Board (PEB) and the REDD+ Programme Management Coordinating Committee (RPMCC); 
  • Support the PM to develop Annual Reports of the National Programme and provide information on UNDP programme components to the Communication Officer of the programme;
  • Co-ordinaion and technical vetting of narrative and financial reports to UNDP;
  • Prepare and ensure prompt submission of required technical and financial reports to UNDP; recommending appropriate measures for enhancement of efficiency and effectiveness and endorsing the same to the NPD for review/integration and eventual presentation to the PEB/RPMCC;
  • Develop and implement monitoring and evaluation mechanism for financial, administrative, and operational activities of UNDP programme components and ensure timely submission of progress and financial reports of UNDP programme components; 
  • Provide technical assistance to the Project Manager of UN-REDD programme in implementation, reporting, monitoring of the UNDP led programme components in UN-REDD  
  • Develop annual and quarterly workplans and operational budgets related to UNDP programme components and ensure timely submission of these documents to the National Project Director for obtaining approval from the PEB; 
  • Provide technical inputs to the Programme Manager (PM) to supervise the implementation of UNDP related UN-REDD Programme components, activities and tasks in line with the corresponding work plans and budgets; 
  • Assist the PM to supervise the management of the UNDP programme budget and ensure delivery of UNDP Programme budget as per approved workplans; 
  • Support the PM to develop Annual Reports of the National Programme and provide information on UNDP programme components to the Communication Officer of the programme;
  • Assist the PM to identify and monitor issues and risks related to the UNDP Programme components regarding the delivery of programme outputs and activities and recommend remedial actions to the NPD, PEB and RPMCC, as appropriate;
  • Assist the PM tocoordinate UNDP related programme activities and effective communication with all stakeholders to facilitate smooth implementation of the programme.


  • Consistently ensures timeliness and quality of work;
  • Excellent leadership, coordination and team working skills;
  • Be a strong team player, able to work independently and possessing excellent interpersonal skills and the ability to engage and motivate a wide range of people;
  • Demonstrated communication and report writing skills;
  • Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Highest standards of integrity, discretion and loyalty.

Required Skills and Experience

  •  Minimum of Master’s level education in forestry, community development or relevant subject area.
  • Minimum of 5 years experience in Forestry or community development and proven track record in conducting similar impact assessments in the past;
  • Proven experience in result based management systems.
  • Professional knowledge in Tamil or Sinhala and English languages.
 How to Apply
Interested individual consultants or institutions must submit the  documents/ information to demonstrate their qualifications and experience:
Please duly fill the below financial proposal and attach to the last page of the CV along with all other required documentation above.
Financial Proposal
All Inclusive Lump Sum Fee
(in words;                                                          )
VAT (12%):--------------------------- (if applicable)
Other taxes:--------------------------- (if applicable, please specify