

UNDP in close consultation with national counterparts is undertaking a series of interlinked and complementary interventions within a programmatic framework that aims to promote transparent participatory governance and strengthen human rights in Iraq. The framework has four outputs focusing on strengthening human rights and transparency through participatory governance mechanisms. The first output is to support the mandate and organizational structure of the Iraq High Commission on Human Rights (Human Rights Commission), including the establishment of sub-national commissions. The second output is to provide long term institutional development of the Human Rights Commission and its outreach capabilities through participatory governance mechanisms. The third output is to combat corruption through the promotion of accountability, integrity and transparency at all levels of government including support for the establishment of a new KRG Commission of Integrity. The fourth output is to utilize civil society organizations to promote participatory and transparent governance which includes financial and technical support to civil society organizations to enhance their engagement with parliament and a nationwide campaign on the National Anti-Corruption Strategy.
This assignment relates to the third and fourth outputs mentioned above, with the objective to strengthen anti-corruption initiatives undertaken by CSOs in Iraq.


Through a competitive expression of interest, UNDP will select a maximum of 25 local NGOs to participate in the project. Selected NGOs will be invited to attend a 4-day start-up workshop on anti-corruption and will then be given the opportunity to present a small anti-corruption initiative proposal to compete for a micro-grant (5000 usd) to be implemented within 3 months. About 10 NGOs will received micro-grant funding from UNDP. The anti-corruption initiatives will be selected based on their innovation and application of new ideas and methodologies gained during the start-up workshop. Online expert coaching will be provided to the NGOs during their micro-grant implementation phase. Finally a 3-day wrap-up workshop will be organized to consolidate the learning and share experiences related to NGO anti-corruption initiatives. Iraqi institutions such as the Commission of Integrity and the Integrity Committee of the Council of Representatives will be invited to attend part of the workshops.

Through this intervention UNDP expects to be:
  • Reinforcing local NGO capacities for anti-corruption interventions;
  • Promoting networking of local NGOs active in the anti-corruption field;
  • Linking local NGOs active in the anti-corruption field with the Commission of Integrity and Integrity Committee of the Council of Representatives.

Devoirs et responsabilités


The objective of the assignment is to design and facilitate specialized support to reinforce Iraqi NGOs capacities to engage in effective anti-corruption initiatives. The consultant will have to design a relevant curriculum tailored to the context of Iraq ensuring NGOs are engaged into debate and look into innovative and technically sound methods to approach anti-corruption interventions.

Scope of Services, Expected Outputs:

The consultant is expected to achieve the following outputs by tailoring his anti-corruption expertise to the context of Iraq and adapting it for Iraqi NGO consumption. The international consultant will have to team up with a national consultant (that will be selected by UNDP through a competitive process) to deliver the outputs below. The international consultant will be the Team Leader and will be responsible for the quality delivery of the outputs mentioned below. Linkages with the Integrity Commission or the Integrity parliamentary Committee may be required throughout the process. The international consultant will be in regular contact with UNDP keeping the project team regularly updated and consulting them on all important matters.

Output 1: Design and facilitate tailored start-up Anti-Corruption workshop for Iraqi NGOs

  • Design 4-day workshop content and delivery methodology (in English) based on NGO topics of interest and based on current context of Iraq.
With the support of the national consultant: the international consultant will gather information from the NGOs’ application forms and through email consultation. Preparatory work should be planned and requested from the NGOs attending the workshop to engage NGOs in a more meaningful participation.
  • Lead in facilitating 4-day workshop in Erbil (in Arabic). Facilitation should promote NGO participation, NGO inputs, discussion and debate. The final workshop day should focus on NGOs building ideas for their micro-grant anti-corruption initiative proposals.
The national consultant will co-facilitate the workshop during the 4 days under the leadership of the international consultant.

Expected result of the workshop: NGOs have gained new knowledge and perspectives on carrying out anti-corruption initiatives in Iraq. Innovative and technically sound skills and methodologies of work have been gained by NGOs. NGOs are guided into proposing anti-corruption initiatives that demonstrate utilization of the new skills and perspectives.
  • Pre and post training technical questionnaires should be designed by the consultant.
The national consultant will facilitate this process of administering the questionnaires and summarizing the findings.
  • A workshop report (5-10 pages) should be produced by the consultant with support from the national consultant. (In English).
Output 2: Provide online coaching to CSOs during their anti-corruption initiative implementation phase
  • Review anti-corruption initiative proposals selected for 5000 USD micro-grant funding by UNDP (10 proposals approximately) and share a 1-2 page set of comments and recommendation with each NGO by email. ( In English and Arabic).
The national consultant will support in drafting the comments and recommendations for each NGO and with translation if necessary.

Output 3: Design and facilitate tailored wrap up anti-corruption workshop for Iraqi NGOs
  • Design 3-day workshop content and delivery methodology (in English) based on NGO anti-corruption initiative completion reports, pending interests of the NGOs (identified during the start-up workshop and by email consultation with the NGOs) and based on current context of Iraq. The consultant should request some preparatory work from the NGOs attending the workshop to present their achievements and ideas for future anti-corruption work in Iraq in structured manner.
The national consultant will facilitate the collection of the NGO completion reports, further email consultations with the NGOs on the content of the wrap up training and support the NGOs in reviewing their presentations prior to the workshop.
  • Lead in facilitating 3-day workshop in Erbil in Arabic. Facilitation should promote NGO participation, NGO inputs, discussion and debate. The final workshop day should focus on NGOs building ideas for their micro-grant anti-corruption initiative proposals.
The national consultant will co-facilitate the workshop during the 3 days under the leadership of the international consultant.

Expected result of the workshop: NGOs have consolidated knowledge and new perspectives on carrying out anti-corruption initiatives in Iraq. Innovative and technically sound skills and methodologies of work have been consolidating with NGOs as demonstrated by the anti-corruption initiative implementation experiences. NGOs initiate a debate on priority areas of work related to anti-corruption in Iraq and issue recommendations on ways forward on anti-corruption work for NGOs.
  • Pre and post training technical questionnaires should be designed by the consultant.
The national consultant will facilitate this process of administering the questionnaires and summarizing the findings.
  • A final report covering the overall intervention (20 pages) and including annex with workshop recommendations and ways forward, should be produced by the international consultant with support from the national consultant. The national consultant may also support with translation if necessary (In English and Arabic)

 UNDP staff will manage directly the logistical organization (inviting participants, booking the venue and refreshments, interpretation system and equipment required) and cover the costs related to the two workshops.

Deliverables and outputs:

While UNDP will be responsible for the logistic costs of the participants. The Consultant Under the direct supervision of the requesting unit is requested to produce for the following deliverables:
  • Workshop agenda and methodology document;
  • Lead facilitation of 4-day workshop;
  • Pre and post workshop questionnaires;
  • Workshop report;
  • Share with NGOs 1-2 page comments and recommendations on each NGO initiative (10 approximately);
  • Workshop agenda and methodology document;
  • Lead facilitation of 3-day workshop;
  • 3Pre and post workshop questionnaires;
  • Final report.


Key Performance Indicators during implementation of Services
  • NGOs demonstrate, through their anti-corruption initiative experiences, having gained new knowledge and perspectives on carrying out anti-corruption initiatives in Iraq. Including innovative and technically sound skills and methodologies of work having been applied.
  • NGOs are satisfied with the facilitation provided by the Consultant.
  • The consultant is able to engage all participating NGOs into quality debate and discussion during the two workshops that result in a set of recommendations on the way forward on anticorruption work for NGOs in Iraq.
  • UNDP Iraq is kept well informed and consulted on key documents and methodologies before reaching out to stakeholders.
  • Deliverables are produced with quality and in a timely manner.
  • The national consultant is well guided and supported in his work, and the team work results in added value.
Corporate Competencies:
  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism;
  • Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment
Functional Competencies:
  • Understanding of the anti-corruption context and related institutional set up in Iraq, as well as of NGO initiatives and dynamics when engaging in anti-corruption work;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Experienced working in a post conflict environment an advantage;
  • Ability to work under pressure and to meet deadlines;
  • Ability to handle confidential and politically sensitive issues in a responsible and mature manner;
  • Demonstrates excellent oral and written communication skills;
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
  • Self-reliant and able to work as a part of a multi-cultural team in a stressful environment;
  • Ability to develop innovative solutions - encourage and contribute creative solutions to address challenging situations;
  • Ability to establish effective working relations in a multicultural team environment.

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Master’s degree required in relevant field, PhD level in relevant topic would be an advantage.
Work Experience:
  • At least 10 years of professional experience relevant to anti-corruption work (also covered by accountability and transparency work);
  • Including experience working with or advising anti-corruption governmental institutions, or related research, think tank or civil society organizations;
  • Including experience facilitating workshops, trainings and consultative processes related to anti-corruption for civil society organizations and/or government institutions in Iraq or similar regional context;
  • Experience in working for the UN or other international development organisations on a similar assignment would be an asset.
  • Competent in usage of MS Office programmes (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint) and the Internet;
  • The candidate should be able to work in hardship conditions;
  • The post requires considerable cultural and political sensitivity.
  • Fluency in English both written and oral (advanced Level);
  • Fluency in Arabic both written and oral (advanced Level);
  • A language assessment will be conducted [if needed] for the purpose of verifying influence in Arabic and English;
Documents to be included when submitting the Proposal:

Technical Proposal:
(Which will include the following):
  • Signed Template Confirmation of Interest and Submission of Financial Proposal. (Please use Annex 1);
  • A letter explaining why he/she considers himself/herself the most suitable candidate for the work;
  • Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references. Please Use the attached (P11 Form Only) CV Form – Annex 2 attached. UNDP-Iraq reserves the right to disqualify any of CVs who are not compliant with the requested form;
  • Sample reports of previous work in English;
  • A language assessment will be conducted [if needed] for the purpose of verifying influence in English;
  • A brief Methodology on how the candidate will approach and conduct the work.
(The expert is asked in his/her offer submission in the methodologies section to bring the description of the above mentioned points in Scope of Work and Expected Outputs.)

Financial proposal:

The financial proposal will specify a total lump sum amount and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables. Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. A breakdown of this lump sum amount is to be provided by the IC candidate. Total Fees: Please use Annex 3 – Financial proposal form.

All necessary information including: Complete Terms of Reference, The Selection Criteria, and Annexes are found on the following link under Procurement Notice Number IC-052/13:

Proposals should be submitted to the following e-mail address no later than COB 17th of August 2013 (Amman Time +3GMT):

Important Notes:

Applicants should download the application documents (presented in compressed file) from the previously mentioned link for UNDP Iraq – Procurement notice web site, complete and sign them, and send the scanned copies to the email account above by or before the deadline of this post.
  • Applications with NO financial offer or MISSING P11 form or the required documents for the technical evaluation will NOT be considered for evaluation;
  • Applications WITHOUT Annex 3 for submitting a financial offer instead of other format will not be considered due to the need of Annex 3 for the ease of comparison of the received offers. All the necessary information for this post (TOR, Deliverables, Target dates, etc. are presented in the procurement notice documents) therefore, applicant MUST download it to apply for this post;
  • Do not send only CV to the Email account mentioned above without Annex 1, 2, 3, 4, Cover Letter and Methodology (If Requested) as it will considered as incomplete application;
  • The documents are available in PDF (the Procurement Notice, Annex 3, 4 and 5) and Word 2010 (Annex 1 and 2) format; this is the only format available and it will not be provided in other formats;
  • Applicants need to use Adobe reader, Word 2010, zipping software (WinRAR) to be able to use and view the documents for this procurement notice;
  • Each email should be less than 8 MB; emails over this size will not be received to the above mentioned account.