
The SADC Secretariat with support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) would like to develop a Regional Green Growth Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Development.

The United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992 was a landmark event marking international commitment to provide public and political support to address environment and development issues in a holistic and integrated manner, for the attainment of sustainable development. This Conference otherwise known as the Rio Summit, adopted Agenda 21 to build on the momentum engendered by the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment (UNCHE), Sweden in 1972.

A five-year review conducted in 1997 revealed that little progress had been made in implementing Agenda 21. In view of this, the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) was convened in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2002. The goal of WSSD was to conduct a further (10-year) review of the implementation of the outcomes of UNCED, particularly Agenda 21, and to reinvigorate global commitment to sustainable development.

In 2009, the Second Committee of the General Assembly adopted a resolution to organize the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD). The conference took place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil from 13th to 22nd June 2012.

The Conference focused on two main themes which included:

  • A green economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication; and
  • The institutional framework for sustainable development.

The outcome of the Rio+20 Conference is a document entitled “The Future We Want” that sets the global agenda for a sustainable future.

As a response to these findings, and benchmarking on the outcomes of Rio+20, SADC intends to develop a Regional Green Growth Strategy and Action Plan for sustainable Development that will facilitate a balanced and accelerated attainment of the  Rio+20 outcome  anchoring on the three pillars of sustainable development namely environmental sustainability, economic well-being and social equity.

Deberes y responsabilidades

The overall objective of this consultancy is to develop a comprehensive Regional Green Growth Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Development for the SADC region. This strategy and action plan will take into account the priority recommendations identified by the regional review process on sustainable development and the outcomes of Rio+20, as elaborated in ”The Future We Want.”

The specific objectives shall be to:
  • Carry out a situation analysis on the extent of the adoption and application of the green economy as a tool towards achieving sustainable development in the SADC region;
  • Develop a concise and comprehensive well-informed, action-oriented Regional Green Growth Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Development based on the situation analysis report; and
  • Mmake recommendations on how the green economy can effectively be harnessed to drive the sustainable development agenda of the SADC region.
In order to meet the objectives specified above, the consultant shall carry out the following tasks:

Conduct a thorough and critical review and analysis of the following:

  • Progress in the implementation of sustainable development commitments since Rio, Rio+5 and Rio+10 (WSSD);
  • he region’s efforts to transition to a Green Economy;
  • The institutional and strategic frameworks necessary for adoption of the green economy and enhancement of    sustainable development;
  • New and emerging challenges in light of the transition to a  green economy in the region including gender and youth dimensions; and
  • Various SADC Policies, Protocols, Strategies and master plans.
In conducting the review and analysis, the consultant shall:
  • Undertake a desk review and consult with key actors in the region to identify, and acquire the necessary data and information from key sectors;
  • Be guided by Agenda 21 (A21) the Programme for Further Implementation of Agenda 21 (PFIA21), the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation (JPOI). The Consultant shall also be guided by relevant decisions and resolutions of the African Union (AU) Summit, AMCEN and governing body of SADC. The Consultant shall also consult relevant reports to obtain the necessary data and information to inform all aspects of the Review Report. These include country reports of Member States, sub-regional and regional entities, UN agencies and other international organizations; and

Use both quantitative data (charts, tables and graphs) and qualitative information to prepare the Consultancy Report for the Southern Africa region, which shall contain analytical account of:

  • Priority sustainable development issues in the Region;
  • Progress made, achievements, including best practices, constraints and challenges, lessons learned and provide well-articulated recommendations on the way forward to enhance implementation;
  • The inter-linkages between the economic, social and environmental pillars of sustainable development;
  • The institutional and strategic frameworks for sustainable development and recommend ways of enhancing them with a view to make them responsive to the requirements of sustainable development;
  • transition to a Green Economy in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication in the region;
  • New and emerging challenges for the region; and
  • Recommendations

Develop a situation analysis report with detailed and workable recommendations on the adoption and utilization of the green economy concepts and practices that promotes green growth in the region;

Develop the draft Regional Green Growth Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable development for the Region which shall outline a detailed strategy and a (costed) Action Plan with a clear and concise implementation matrix for greening the regions development agenda.

Make recommendations on how the findings of the study can feed into the review of the RISDP.

Present the first draft report and Strategy and Action Plan to the regional consultative meeting for Southern Africa, to be held tentatively in October for review, provision of comments and additional inputs.

Finalize the Consultancy Report and the Regional Green Growth Strategy and Action Plan for Sustainable Development on the basis of comments and additional inputs provided by key stakeholders and the regional consultative meeting.


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
Functional Competencies:

Development and Operational Effectiveness

  • Ability to lead and document strategic planning, change processes, and results-based planning, management and reporting;
  • Ability to lead formulation, oversight of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development projects and;
  • Ability to apply development theory to specific country and regional context
  • Demonstrated strategic technical and intellectual skills in substantive area;
  • Demonstrated ability to develop and maintain strategic partnerships;
  • Demonstrated entrepreneurial abilities and demonstrated ability to work in an independent manner.
Knowledge Management and Learning:
  • In-depth practical knowledge of inter-disciplinary development issues.
  • Strong conceptual and programme development skills for large and complex programmes;
  • Ability to apply technical knowledge relating on environmental management and sustainable development to the development of national and regional development strategies.
  • Proven knowledge and detailed understanding of the sustainable development concept(s);
  • Demonstrated leadership in overseeing complex programming issues, including the ability to achieve results in multi-faceted processes;
  • Demonstrated ability to programme and develop nationally and internationally financed sustainable development projects in developing countries;
  • Capacity to work with multiple stakeholders and across a wide range of disciplines;
  • Demonstrated ability to operate effectively in a highly complex organizational context;
  • Excellent drafting ability and communication skills, both oral and written; ability to defend and explain difficult and complex issues with respect to key decisions and positions;
  • Excellent presentation skills;
  • Capacity to work with multiple stakeholders and across a wide range of disciplines.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas


  • Advanced university degree (Master's degree or equivalent) in development studies, economics, sustainable development, environmental sciences, social sciences or related fields.
  • A minimum of ten years of progressively responsible experience in a sustainable development- related field in the context of Southern or Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • He/she must have a good understanding of the sustainable development agenda and challenges in the SADC sub-region, as well as a good publication record, including in the field of sustainable development.

Other Skills:

  • Computer skills for compilation, analysis and dissemination of statistical data are is required;
  • Proficiency in database development and management and information management and technology is an advantage;
  • He/she must have good networking skills and proven ability to speak in public.


  • He/she must be fluent in English and have good working knowledge of English.