
The Evaluation Office (EO) of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) conducts country evaluations called Assessments of Development Results (ADRs) to capture and demonstrate evaluative evidence of:

  • UNDP’s contributions to development results at the country level; and
  • the effectiveness of UNDP’s strategy in facilitating and leveraging national effort for achieving development results.

The Evaluation Office is independent of UNDP management, headed by a Director who reports to the UNDP Executive Board through the UNDP Administrator. The responsibility of the Evaluation Office is two-fold: (a) provide the Executive Board with valid and credible information from evaluations for corporate accountability, decision-making and improvement; and (b) enhance the independence, credibility and utility of the evaluation function, and its coherence, harmonization and alignment in support of United Nations reform and national ownership.

ADRs are independent evaluations carried out within the overall provisions contained in the UNDP Evaluation Policy. Based on the principle of national ownership, EO seeks to conduct ADRs in collaboration with the national Government whenever agreed and possible. The purpose of an ADR is to:

  • Provide substantive support to the Administrator’s accountability function in reporting to the Executive Board;
  • Support greater UNDP accountability to national stakeholders and partners in the programme country;
  • Serve as a means of quality assurance for UNDP interventions at the country level;
  • Contribute to learning at corporate, regional and country levels.

The Evaluation Office is seeking an outcome evaluation consultant for the governance programme in Sierra Leone covering the outcomes related to:

  • Development Resources;
  • Service Delivery;
  • Justice.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Under the supervision of the EO Evaluation Manager (EM) for the Sierra Leone ADR the consultant will:

  • Review key material relevant to the outcome areas including UNDP Country Programme documents, Results Matrices, ROAR reports, evaluation reports, progress reports and other pertinent documents produced by donors and national entities. Particular attention should be paid Country Programme Action Plans and Results and Resources Frameworks, results reporting to identify evidence of results that should be validated as part of the ADR exercise;
  • Based on preliminary research and remote contact with the Country Office, prepare a draft Outcome Paper for each agreed outcome, based on the agreed format prior to field work. The drafts should: (a) synthesize the information derived from the documention review, (b) include a Theory-of-Change diagramme for each outcome, (c) identify gaps in information (d) highlight key areas and issues that should be validated and triangulated during the data collection phase of the evaluation, (e) Using the generic “Evaluation Matrix” presented in Annex 3 as a point of departure, design relevant data collection instruments such as the interview guide;
  • Participate in a pre-mission team meeting (either in-person or via Skype) to discuss Theory of Change diagrammes, preliminary data collection plans and processes, and information gaps that will be needed to be filled during the field work phase of the assessment;
  • Pariticipate as a team-member the field-based data collection and analysis activities in Sierra Leone, and conduct interviews and site visits in accordance with the evaluation design and methodology as guided by EM as well as in the Terms of Reference. The mission is to take place between 30 September and 18 October 2013 in Sierra Leone. This phase of the assessment will culminate in a debriefing session with the Country Office and other key stakeholders;
  • Finalize draft Outcome Papers to EO who will provide comments and modifications. Finalise Outcome Paper and submit to EM by agreed deadline;
  • As a member of the evaluation team, actively participate in the team discussions/ joint analyses as the 8 outcome reports are synhesized into the ADR report;
  • Be responsible for his/her work schedule (e.g. field visits and interviews) in consultation with EO/CO staff;
  • Provide additional data/ information, clarification required to the Outcome Paper(s) as requested by EM.


The team specialist is expected to have

  • Substantive technical expertise, knowledge in the areas of Governance;
  • A demonstrated capacity for strategic thinking and ability to provide policy advice;
  • The ability to conduct evaluations in the development context;
  • Strong report writing and communication skills;
  • The ability to work in a multicultural and multidisciplinary team environment;
  • Familiarity with UN Peacekeeping and political missions an asset;
  • Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Highest standards of integrity, discretion and loyalty.

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • Master’s degree or higher in Social Science, Public Policy, International Relations and any other areas relevant to UNDP work.


  • Minimum of 15 years of work experience in the field;
  • Experience in general human development issues, in the country/ region under review;
  • Experience with assessment of UNDP activities in post-conflict countries is required;
  • Work experience in the areas of Governance.


  • English is the working language.