
National Institute of Administrative Research (NIAR) is a Research and Training wing of the Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration (LBSNAA), Mussoorie on developmental issues and policy planning. In order to deepen its engagement with issues related to climate change, NIAR has recently established a Centre for Climate Change and Environment (CCCE). The primary objective of CCCE is to develop the capacity of the officers of Civil Services* to understand and respond to the challenges posed by climate change and environmental degradation. Under a collaborative programme, UNDP is supporting the development of CCCE in strengthening the capacities of Civil Service officers on climate change and environmental issues, within the broad training framework of the LBSNAA.

The Centre is expected to build a knowledge base on policy, programmes and administrative systems which are closely related to climate change and environment. The knowledge base will include knowledge products, platforms for dissemination and networks for collaboration. This will enable the Centre to offer services to other Central and State institutions which have been established to train Government officers at various levels and belonging to different service cadres. NIAR conducts several training programmes to officers of Civil Services (at entry, mid-career and senior levels). Right approach, attitude and skill sets to address climate change issues at the policy, programme and operational levels requires substantial capacity enhancement and developing a full-fledged set of knowledge materials is crucial.

Energy is the defining challenge of the 21st century, with unprecedented implications for national security, long-term economic competitiveness, and climate change. India is the fourth largest emitter or Green House Gases (GHG), and largely relies on fossil fuels for its energy. India is expected to be among the lead importer of oil and coal for its energy production** , which puts a heavy burden to achieve energy security. The Government understands the interrelationships and challenges of energy security and rising GHG emissions and is responding through schemes and programmes to increase the share of renewable energy and promote energy efficiency. However, the success of such programmes and policies are achieved only if these are implemented appropriately. Civil Service officers are posted as Chairpersons of State Electricity Boards, Central Regulatory Authority, and at various Ministries and Government departments working in the energy sector and are at the helm of designing and implementing such programmes that ensure energy security and also mitigate GHG emissions.

In this regard consultancy services of a Documentation Consultant is sought who is expected to develop a, “Compendium/Manual and Policy Brief on Climate Change and Energy Security”

One of the challenges in mainstreaming energy and climate change in growth and development related policies in India is lack of awareness and contextual understanding of climate impacts and the links to energy security amongst policy makers. The Compendium/Manual is aimed to serve as a useful handbook for officers working in the Energy sector to understand the linkages of climate change and energy security and successfully implement existing schemes on renewable energy and energy efficiency. The Policy Brief would be useful to sensitize senior policy makers to frame policies at the national and subnational level as well as identify institutional and financial gaps for successful implementation of such policies and the Compendium/Manual would be useful for junior officers.

*Officers belonging to the central services play a pivotal role in India achieving its national development goals. Government of India has an extensive and complex administrative structure from National, to the District Level and below; and the officers belonging to various categories of central services are engaged at different levels from governing of an Administrative Unit (District Magistrate) and implementation of development schemes (Project Directors for MNNREGS/NRHM/SSA) to policy level planning (Joint Secretaries). These officers are responsible in developing and implementing fiscal and regulatory policies related to the production sector, utilization of natural resources, energy and infrastructure, habitat and essential services.
**World Energy Outlook, 2013.

Devoirs et responsabilités

A Compendium/Manual for officers working in the Energy sector:

  • A brief on existing programmes and policies on energy sector focusing on promoting energy access, renewable energy and energy efficiency;
  • A brief on achieving energy security and mitigating GHG emissions through such policies and programmes;
  • Good practices and case studies on projects relevant to energy security – may pertain to renewable energy and energy efficient projects or energy access in India – that are relevant from climate change perspective.

A Policy Brief for Senior Officers to include:

  • Key issues impacting India’s energy security vis-à-vis economic growth;
  • Existing policy environment and regulatory regime for renewable energy as a critical element of India’s energy mix and energy efficiency across all aspects related to energy security;
  • Analysis of existing GoI schemes/programmes mainstreaming renewable energy and incentivizing energy efficiency for example Generation Based Incentive (GBI) in wind and biomass power and Perform Achieve and Trade (PAT) for industrial energy efficiency;
  • An overview of the Institutional and Financial systems/mechanisms for the implementation of the policies and programmes on building energy security through adoption of renewable energy alternatives and energy efficiency measures. This should include case studies on how some states have moved ahead in this arena while others are lagging behind;
  • Provide a brief on good policies adopted globally to build energy security through renewable energy and energy efficiency and recommend measures that may be taken up at policy level to encourage renewable energy generation and energy efficiency.

Data/information collection:

  • The required data and research materials required to carry out the above tasks will be collected by the consultant

Post submission support:

  • The materials are likely to go through peer review and will be used for training purposes at LBSNAA. The consultant must be willing to support in clarification of queries that may arise at any part of peer review or the training programme for atleast eight months. Also the consultant should be willing to support in Workshops/ ToTs, for which separate financial agreement may be arranged in future 

Key deliverables and time frame:

  • Submission of the work plan for this assignment – within 5 working days from the date of award of work;
    Finalize the work plan after incorporating inputs from UNDP and NIAR – 3 working days;
  • Submission of draft key deliverables as mentioned above – within 50 days after the contract is awarded;
  • Submission of final key deliverables as mentioned above  after incorporating comments from UNDP and NIAR – within 60 days after the contract is awarded;
  • Assist UNDP and NIAR to prepare answers to subsequent queries/ clarifications, if any subsequently for a period of at least 8 months after the submission of the publication.


Functional Competencies:

  • In-depth knowledge in the field of Climate Change;
  • Outstanding communication  skills.

 Core Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity and ethical standards;
  • Positive, constructive attitude to work; 
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.

Qualifications et expériences requises

Academic Qualification:

  • Master’s in the field of Energy Studies/ Development Studies OR Engineering Degree in the related field with excellent academic record;
  • PhD in related field will be desirable

Experience Required

  • The consultant must have a proven track record of a minimum 10 years of national/ international level experience and expertise on issues related to climate change, energy efficiency and renewable energy development;
  • Ability to understand client requirements including the Indian political economy, public administration and the developmental context;
  •  Proven record on similar documentation work at the national level.

Language Requirement:

  • Excellent drafting and communication skills in English.

Financial Proposal:

  • Consultancy shall specify his/her per day consultancy rate;
  • Any travel with prior UNDP approval will be handled separately as per rules.

Work Methodology

  • Consulant is expected to submit proposed methodology for the assignment.


  • Consultant should submit his/her updated CV with three references.


  • Any kind of miscellaneous charges i.e. internet, phone etc. would not be reimbursed;
  • Individuals working with institutions may also apply, contract would be issued in the name of institution for the specific services of individual;
  • Please note proposals without financial proposal will not be considered;
  • CV, Methodlodgy and Financial proposal can be clubbed in one file for uploading.

Payment Schedule:

  • Upto 10% at submission of final work plan;
  • Upto 40% at submission of first draft of the deliverables;
  • Upto 20% on stakeholder consultation;
  • Upto 20% at finalization of the deliverables after incorporating stakeholder comments;
  • Upto 10% upon satisfactory acknowledgement of the deliverables by NIAR and UNDP.

Evaluation Method and Criteria:

Cumulative analysis:

The award of the contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

  • Responsive;
  • Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

Technical Criteria weight - 70%.
Financial Criteria weight - 30%.

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points (70% of the total technical points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

Criteria for Technical Evaluation would be as under: 

  • Qualification - 10%;
  • Relevant Work Experience - 35%
  • Proposed methodology for undertaking the task-25%

For any clarification please write to sandeep.sharma@undp.org.