
The National Area Based Development Programme (NABDP) is a joint intervention supported by UNDP and implemented by the Ministry of Rehabilitation and Rural Development (MRRD).The project covers the entire territory of Afghanistan and is now in its third phase (June 2009 – June 2015) of implementation. NABDP commenced as a joint initiative of MRRD and UNDP in 2002, with the goal of contributing to a sustainable reduction of poverty and an improvement of livelihoods in rural Afghanistan through a comprehensive area development approach.

The current NABDP Phase-III (2009 – 2015) has a total planned budget of 294 million the majority of which has been mobilized and despite being in the fourth year of implementation there has still not been a programmatic evaluation although there was an Independent Management Review (IMR) in 2010. During this time the project has evolved from a largely international run intervention focusing on specific geographical areas to a nationally led country wide intervention. In addition to the above the context in Afghanistan has also evolved and the current “development” agenda is very much focused upon transition, 2014 and the subsequent transformation process that is envisaged. Given the evolving environment both internally and externally plus that fact NABDP III is nearing its end date of June 2015 the leadership of the project have decided to implement a programmatic evaluation that will inform the planning and design of follow on interventions to NABDP.

Deberes y responsabilidades


The specific purpose of this assignment is two fold

To evaluate the existing programme employing the standard UNDP evaluation criteria of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability (given that this is a midterm evaluation for sustainability and impact there will have to be an estimation). Special emphasis will be placed on Gender within each evaluation criteria.

In addition the evaluation team will be asked to provide recommendations/comments with regards to the design of a future follow on intervention once NABDP comes to an end in mid 2015. In this regard the important reference documents will be the UNDP Sub National Governance & Development (SNGD) strategy, Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS) and National Priority Programs (NPPs); (specifically corresponds to the following NPP’s Agriculture and Rural Development Cluster components: NPP1. National Water and Natural Resource Development Program and NPP4. Strengthening Local Institutions). Furthermore other cluster strategies that have been developed by the UNDP CO will be important reference documents in particular those related to Gender and Capacity Development.

Scope of Works

The consultants will be responsible for completing the following tasks:

  • Evaluate the relevance of the project in the context of UNDP’s role as a development actor, the function and mandate of MRRD and the situation in Afghanistan. The latter should take into account the time at which the original design took place as well as the current context. This task will be performed based on the original results framework and project documentas well as subsequent amendments that were made to these documents;
  • To assess the effectiveness of the project in achieving its goals and objectives. This section should examine, but not be limited to, the following: The project management; The implementation methodology;
  • To assess the efficiency of the implementation of the project. This aspect should examine the cost effectiveness of the implementation methodology and make a judgement on this issue as well as assessing whether other methodologies could have provided better value for money;
  • Make a judgment on the long term sustainability of the different programme activities;
  • Make a judgment on the potential long term impact of the different programme activities;
  • To review the oversight role provided by the UNDP Country Office. This aspect of the evaluation should focus upon examining the oversight and control mechanisms that are in place and whether they been successful in fulfilling this function;
  • To highlight the key lessons learned coming out of the programme and highlight both the positive ones as well as areas where design, implementation and oversight could have been better;
  • To write up the results of the final evaluation. The format will be agreed upon between the consultant and the UNDP CO during the first week of the mission. The final product will be a detailed report that is submitted to the UNDP Country Office;
  • To before the end of the mission present the main findings in regards the evaluation and the design of a future follow on project to a group of the programme stakeholders and respond to initial questions and queries.

In addition to the above based on the findings of the evaluation the consultants will be expected to develop key recommendations in regards the future of NABDP beyond the existing phase. This is a specific task within itself and the exact amount of time given over to it will be clarified in the inception report. However, when performing this task the consultants will be expected to take into account that certain decisions have already been made regarding any future follow on project to NABDP. These are as follows:

  • The Energy for the Rural Development of Afghanistan (ERDA) part of NABDP will in future be a separate stand alone project working with the relevant unit within MRRD;
  • A new policy on District Coordination Councils (DCCs) as well as the UNDP strategy clearly spells out that DCCs will be part of the local governance structures of AFG and therefore fall under the Independent Directorate of Local Government(IDLG). For UNDP, this means will fall outside of the future UNDP-MRRD project. This has particular relevance to the work that NABDP currently does under output One “Institutions strengthened at the district level to independently address priority local needs”.


During the first week of the mission there will be further discussion on this point.

The consultants will be expected to make recommendations on the following issues:

  • A recommendation as to what should be the focus/core business of a follow on project to NABDP taking into account the following factors; UNDP’s role and the comparative advantage that it offers; the mandate of MRRD; the transition that is currently underway and the transformation decade that it is anticipated will precede it; and the likelihood of an environment of decreasing donor funding with increased accountability requirements attached to the funds that are disbursed;
  • A recommendation on the implementation methodology for a new phase in particular this should look at how the project can strike a balance between delivering results and capacity development of existing MRRD structures at central and more importantly provincial level;
  • A recommendation on how any future intervention would address the issue of targeting rural women and developing their capacity to sustain a livelihood given the lessons learned from the current phase;
  • Recommendations on the future design coming out of the lessons learned from NABDP.

The deliverables of the mission are comprised of:

  • An inception report no later than seven days after the commencement of the mission. The inception report should outline the evaluation team’s understanding of what is being evaluated and why, an evaluation matrix outlining which data collection methodologies will be used to address each of the evaluation questions, a proposed schedule of tasks. This inception report will also provide the evaluation team with an opportunity to comment upon the ToR should it be deemed necessary.
  • Presentation of preliminary findings including recommendations on the design of any future interventions;
  • A draft report for review of all stakeholders;
  • A final report approved by the UNDP Country Office.

Although much of the data will be provided the mission will be able to make trips to the provinces to verify that data is correct and accurate and visit a sample of the projects. The exact number and location of provinces to be visited will be decided upon during the inception period and will be reflected in the inception report.


Given the time constraints and large amount of work as well as geographical area that need to be covered the evaluation will be based upon review of documentation and discussion with key stakeholders and staff. This will be complemented with field visits to a selected number of projects sites. It is proposed that the following should make up a basis for the activities of the evaluation team however the final work plan will be developed by the consultants themselves in the course of the first week:

  • Review of project documentation and monitoring records as well as the inception and quarterly reports. All programme documentation will be made available including project documentation associated with the previous two phases of NABDP;
  • Interviews with the key interlocutors in MRRD including the National Project Director (Deputy Minister Programmes) and the Minister as well as other advisors and key individuals who have been involved with NABDP;
  • Interviews with key individuals at the UNDP Country Office including the Senior Deputy Country Director Programmes, the head of the Sub National Governance Unit, the Programme Officer, representatives from the Strategic Management Support Unit, representatives from the Compliance and Oversight Unit and representatives from the Cross Practice Unit;
  • Interviews with all the project donors;
  • Interviews with key staff in the Programme Management including the Project Manager, CTA,Unit Heads, Regional and Provincial Managers;
  • Meetings and interviews with direct beneficiaries of the NABDP intervention. In addition documented feedback from the direct beneficiaries will be provided where it exists.

For each output a review of the results achieved against the targets set as reflected in the Results Framework. (This specific tasks will require further explanation in the work plan and will be based on review of the documents and evidence available, interviews with staff and stakeholders and some specific site visits).

Based on the findings of the evaluation to develop key recommendations in regards the future of NABDP beyond the existing phase.

  • Presentation of draft report and findings with key stakeholders;
  • Preparation of the final report.


Corporate Competencies:
  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism.
Functional Competencies:

Knowledge Management and Learning
  • Promotes knowledge management in UNDP and a learning environment in the office through leadership and personal example;
  • In-depth practical knowledge of inter-disciplinary development issues;
  • Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development in one or more Practice Areas, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills;
  • Seeks and applies knowledge, information, and best practices from within and outside of UNDP.
Development and Operational Effectiveness
  • Ability to lead strategic planning, change processes, results-based management and reporting;
  • Ability to lead formulation, oversight of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of development projects;
  • Ability to apply development theory to the specific country context to identify creative, practical approaches to overcome challenging situations.
Management and Leadership
  • Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
  • Ability to lead effectively, mentoring as well as conflict resolution skills;
  • Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills;
  • Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure;
  • Good analytical and strategic thinking skills;
  • Excellent inter-personal, communication, and teamwork skills;
  • Excellent written and spoken English and presentational capacities;
  • Extensive knowledge of qualitative and quantitative evaluation methods;
  • Ability to meet tight deadlines.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

It is envisaged there will be three members in the evaluation team that will be as follow a team leader with a strong background in managing evaluations, a local development/governance specialist and a livelihoods/productive rural infrastructure specialist. In addition staff from the project will assist the team in all issues such as arranging logistics and translation where necessary.

Position requirements
Team Leader (50 days)

  • Advanced university degree in relevant disciplines (e.g., economics, development planning, governance, poverty reduction).
  • At least 15 years of international working experience in the field of economic development and/or poverty reduction, preferably in conflict or post-conflict settings;
  • At least seven years of experience in programme evaluation and proven accomplishments in undertaking evaluation for international organizations, preferably including UNDP;
  • Experience in conducting at least four evaluations in related fields and with international organizations, at least two of which were as the team leader;
  • Deep knowledge of the political, cultural, and economic contexts of Afghanistan including prior working experience in the country.
  • Fluency in English language is required. Knowledge of local language i.e. Pashto and Dari is preferable but not required.

Individuals are encouraged to apply for one of the posts and should include the following information as part of their application

  • Clearly identify which of the posts they are applying for;
  • An updated copy of their CV including references;
  • A lump sum fee for the piece of work this should include: the daily fee, travel costs to and from Afghanistan.

Note :

While in Afghanistan DSA will be paid at standard UNDP rates and this will be more than enough to cover the cost of accommodation. In addition UNDP will take responsibility for the organization and cost of all travel within Afghanistan associated with the mission.

Companies who wish to apply with a team of individuals for the three posts are more than welcome however they should note than UNDP will retain the right to select the most competitive team. Thus they should structure their bid in such a manner as to ready that just two or even one of the consultants are selected. In short the financial offer should be broken down per consultant.

Evaluation Criteria

Team Leader

The offer will be evaluated by using the Best Value for money approach (combined scoring method).  The Technical Proposal will be evaluated on 70%.  Whereas the Financial Proposal will be evaluated on 30%.

Below is the breakdown of technical proposal on 100% which will be brought to 70%


Technical: Advanced university degree in relevant disciplines (e.g., economics, development planning, governance, poverty reduction)

Weight: 10%
Maximum obtainable Points: 10

Technical: At least 15 years of international working experience in the field of economic development and/or poverty reduction, preferably in conflict or post-conflict settings

Weight: 30%
Maximum obtainable Points: 30

Technical: At least seven years of experience in programme evaluation and proven accomplishments in undertaking evaluation for international organizations, preferably including UNDP.

Weight: 30%
Maximum obtainable Points: 30

Technical: Deep knowledge of the political, cultural, and economic contexts of Afghanistan including prior working experience in the country.

Weight: 10%
Maximum obtainable Points: 10

Technical: Excellent written and spoken English and presentational capacities. Knowledge of local language i.e. Pashto and Dari is preferable but not required.

Weight: 20%
Maximum obtainable Points: 20