
Project Summary
The “Mainstreaming the Concept on Migration and Development (M&D) into relevant Policies, Plans and Actions in BiH” Project seeks to systematically mobilize and build up potentials of migrants from Bosnia and Herzegovina in relevant domains of transition and socio-economic development, providing for visible effects of their contributions to the country’s progress at all institutional and societal levels. Specifically, the project will pilot mainstreaming of migration for development within the integrated local development strategies of selected local governments in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Planned activities are designed around three interconnected project components, as follows:

  1. Policies for effective integration of migrants’ contributions to the country’s development are outlined and mainstreamed into local development strategies of at least 10 local governments;
  2. Capacities of key actors at relevant governmental levels (mainly partner local governments, BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees and members of the inter-ministerial working group) on effective mainstreaming of migration into development are strengthened; cooperation with migrants and their organisations is being structured in municipal planning schemes;
  3. Key elements for the definition of a valuable mainstreaming of migration into development concept are identified, validated and integrated into complementary action plans of different key actors in BiH (governmental institutions, civil society organisations, Associations of Municipalities and Cities, private sector, migrants’ organisations).
    The project incorporates both vertical and horizontal lines of action that are mutually dependent and complementary. It provides for vertical interaction and support to the BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees in the process of developing of a joint policy road map as well as steering top-down process that would result in anchoring migration for development policies into the integrated local development strategies of partner local governments. At the same time, the project offers bottom-up support to partner local governments to effectively mainstream migration policies into their local development strategies and successfully implement, manage and monitor migration policy delivery, in line with the country priorities.
    The project aims to assist vertical alignment of the BiH policy framework related to migration with local development strategies within 10 pilot localities, thus enabling policy linkages across government levels and their effective follow-up realization. Moreover, the project is designed as a replicable approach with potentials for country-wide application, with intensive capacity development of relevant local stakeholders to better plan, manage and implement migration policies, embedded into their broader integrated local development agendas.
    The project is funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and implemented by UNDP BiH, while the responsible national partner is the BiH Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees (MHRR).

Deberes y responsabilidades

The UNDP in Bosnia and Herzegovina seeks expressions of interest from dedicated and experienced partners, individuals, non-governmental organizations, public and academic institutions, and agencies to be considered for the creation of a consultancy roster in the domain of migration, to provide on demand expert, analytical and technical consultancy services in the process of project implementation.
In order to be considered for the thematic roster, applicants should hold expertise in at least one of the below-listed areas:
  • Migration policies, practices and instruments;
  • Policy approaches related to mainstreaming of migration into relevant development policies at central, as well as local levels of government;
  • Migration for development;
  • Migration and development at the local level: practices, approaches and tools;
  • Furthermore, in order to be considered for the expert roster, applicants should have experience in at least one of the specific aspects below:
  • Experience with and knowledge of migration-related initiatives from European Union countries/Western Balkan countries with applicable and transferrable practices;
  • Experience in drafting policy papers and strategic recommendations for consideration by policy-makers in the area of migration for development;
  • Practical experience in tackling migration-related matters at the local level;
  • Previous experience in analytical work in the area of migration.

The aim of this Expression of Interest is to identify and pre-qualify a “pool” of consultants to carry out the envisaged technical assistance support to the M&D project team and partner municipalities. At the end of current EOI exercise, the UNDP would compile a pre-qualified shortlist of candidates with proven capabilities who might be invited to apply for a competitive recruitment process.
It should be noted that the UNDP is not obliged to invite any particular potential applicant that has expressed interest in this project to participate in any subsequent recruitment process. Recruitment and any subsequent engagement under the M&D will be carried out in accordance with the procedures of UNDP.


  • Demonstrates integrity and fairness by modelling UN values and ethical standards;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Demonstrates professional competence to meet responsibilities and post requirements and is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results;
  • Results-Orientation: Plans and produces quality results to meet established goals, generates innovative, practical solutions to challenging situations;
  • Communication: Excellent communication skills, including the ability to convey complex concepts and recommendations, both orally and in writing, in a clear and persuasive style tailored to match different audiences;
  • Team work: Ability to interact, establish and maintain effective working relations with a culturally diverse team;
  • Client orientation: Ability to establish and maintain productive partnerships with national partners and stakeholders and pro-activeness in identifying of beneficiaries and partners’ needs, and matching them to appropriate solutions.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

In order to be considered for the thematic roster, applicants should hold expertise in at least one of the below-listed areas:
  • Migration policies, practices and instruments;
  • Policy approaches related to mainstreaming of migration into relevant development policies at central, as well as local levels of government;
  • Migration for development;
  • Migration and development at the local level: practices, approaches and tools;
  • Furthermore, in order to be considered for the expert roster, applicants should have experience in at least one of the specific aspects below:
  • Experience with and knowledge of migration-related initiatives from European Union countries/Western Balkan countries with applicable and transferrable practices;
  • Experience in drafting policy papers and strategic recommendations for consideration by policy-makers in the area of migration for development;
  • Practical experience in tackling migration-related matters at the local level;
  • Previous experience in analytical work in the area of migration.
Applicants who meet the above-listed criteria will be added to the UNDP BiH M&D consultancy roster and informed individually by the end of November 2013.
External expertise will be needed periodically throughout the two-year project implementation, starting as of October 2013.  
We kindly invite interested applicants to submit:
i) letter of interest, indicating main areas of expertise and relevant professional experience, as well as daily expert fee (USD) and ii) most updated CV where relevant experience is visible.
For agencies, institutions, non-governmental organizations, etc., the letter of interest should include areas of expertise, names of key experts and their daily fee (USD), while all CVs need to be also enclosed.

Submission of EOIs
The Expression of Interest must be received by UNDP BiH no later than October, 31st 2013.
All documents should be presented in the English language and presented in an orderly manner as per the guidelines above.
Interested potential national candidates should submit their expressions of interest with the above stated documents only on line.