
United Nations Security Council resolution 2102 (2013) of 2 May established the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM) effective on 3 June 2013. The new mission will have a Rule of Law and Security Institutions (ROLSI) Group to support stabilization and extension of the Federal Government of Somalia’s (FGS) authority throughout the national territory, with the specific aim of supporting the assumption of the full range of security and rule of law responsibilities by professional and capable Somali national institutions. In order to deliver on peacebuilding and statebuilding needs in Somalia the mission will seek specialized expertise from the United Nations Country Team (UNCT) and work together as “One UN” to provide multi-disciplinary responses to the priorities of the FGS. Activities of the UNCT, where required, will be fully coordinated with UNSOM, whilst ensuring the humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence of humanitarian assistance. The Mission and UNCT will work to identify complementary programmes, and address strategic gaps where they exist. Joint programmes will be developed on peacebuilding and statebuilding challenges that require the expertise of multiple parts of the UN system, including the Global Focal Point on Police, Justice and Corrections.
In 2011, UNDP Somalia started a new five-year programme that aims to deliver recovery and development assistance to Somalia.   The programme is based on priorities identified by the Somali authorities. The strategy focuses on making progress towards peace and meeting people’s humanitarian and recovery needs by addressing gender issues, boosting social services, improving livelihoods, reducing poverty, promoting good governance and improving human security.   To implement the UNDP Somalia Country Programme 2011 – 2015 UNDP Somalia comprises two main programme clusters: (a) Governance and Rule of Law Programme (GROL); and (b) Poverty Reduction and Environment Protection Programme (PREP). The GROL Programme is based on the Strengthening Governance and Rule of Law in Somalia 2012-215 programme document and responds to the priorities identified by the Somali authorities.
Objectives of the Joint ROLSI /UNDP Justice and Corrections Programme
In August 2012, Somalia’s eight-year political transition ended with the selection of a new, more-representative Federal Parliament and leadership. The interim period (2012-2016), during which the new federal institutions are expected to finalize the Constitution and prepare for national elections, is widely seen as the best chance in a generation for sustainable peace and development in Somalia. However, this period will also see great uncertainty. The new FGS lacks institutional capacity and the country’s justice sector capacity remains extremely weak and seriously overrun by 20 years of civil war, that virtually destroyed the country’s justice system. Trust in the justice system and improving stability and reconciliation is a key national priority stated in the Presidents’ Six Pillar Policy Plan and in the recently approved National Justice Sector Strategy 2013-2015 for Somalia.
UNDP’s Governance and Rule of Law Programme aims to enhance the quality and impact of UNDP’s work in Somalia. The focus areas under the programme portfolio are thematically interlinked and will be developed in an interdependent manner so as to assure systematic rollouts and presence across Somalia, thereby contributing to sustainable development through peace consolidation and good governance. The programme focuses on six inter-related and mutually thematic areas which are all essential to the strengthening of governance and the rule of law in Somalia at national, regional and local levels. These are: fostering inclusive political processes, strengthening core institutional functions and systems, improving access to justice and the judicial system, strengthening police and security sector governance, enabling resilient local governance and service delivery, and enhancing community security and resilience. The overall objective is that Somali women and men benefit from more inclusive, responsive governance that enables improved service delivery and enhances peace.
The overall strategic objective for the ROLSI Group in UNSOM is to support the stabilization and extension of the FGS’s authority throughout the national territory, with the specific aim of supporting the assumption of the full range of security and rule of law responsibilities to professional and capable Somali national institutions. The ROLSI Group will partner with UNDP and other actors in UNCT working in the rule of law area (in particular UNODC, UNICEF, UNHCR,) in order to integrate the UN’s programmatic activities in the work of the Mission that were identified as relevant, consistent with the Global Focal Point approach. In addition to a policy and technical advice role, for the benefit of key identified Somali Federal institutions, the ROLSI Group will provide limited and targeted strategic support through the co-location of expertise aimed at building national capacities. The group will also provide advice and support to the SRSG and other senior UN leadership in their political engagement on security and rule of law issues.
The ROLSI Group is headed by the Director and comprised of the Security Section Reform Policy, Advisory and Support Section; Police Section; Joint Justice and Corrections Section; DDR Section and Maritime Security Section. The advertised post is within the UNSOM Joint Justice and Corrections Section, headed by a Section Chief. The UNDP Senior Rule of Law Advisor will serve as deputy to the Chief of the Joint Justice and Corrections Section, and report to both the Chief of the Joint Justice and Corrections Section and the UNDP Programme Manager, Governance and Rule of Law
S/he will support the integrated strategic development of the mission and the UNCT in engagement on justice and corrections, support overall joint planning in the rule of law area with the UNCT; substantially support the implementation of the One UN Rule of Law Strategy and Joint Programme under the Global Focal Point arrangement; form the link to the UNDP Governance and Rule of Law Programme and ensure coordinated work-plan development and delivery.
Under the dual reporting line between the UNDP Governance and Rule of Law Programme Manager and the UNSOM Chief of the Joint Justice and Corrections Section, s/he will assume responsibilities for the day to day management of the Justice and Corrections team and portfolio,provide strategic planning and technical oversight to the joint programme and ensure coherence and coordination with other ROLSI/UNDPs portfolio. S/he will create and maintain strategic partnerships with the Government, judiciary, civil society organizations, and key bilateral and multilateral actors. S/he will provide in-depth analysis of the legal and judicial systems and advise on strategies to enhance access to justice, in particular for vulnerable groups, including women and children.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Summary of Key Functions:
  • Along with the Chief of the Joint Justice and Corrections Section, strategic guidance and advice for the implementation of the GFP Joint Programme for Justice and Correctionsfocusing on a better coordinated approach to access to justice, justice and corrections reform, including judicial independence and institutional capacity development of justice sector institutions and actors;
  • Strategic Planning and Joint Programme Management;
  • Along with the Chief of the Joint Justice and Corrections Section and UNDP, resource mobilization and partnerships across the justice sector.
Strategic guidance and advice for the implementation of the GFP Joint Programme for Justice and Corrections focusing on a better coordinated approach to access to justice, justice and corrections reform, including judicial independence and institutional capacity development of justice sector institutions and actorsfocusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Provide strategic guidance and advice to national justice sector agencies and organisations on a range of policy issues related to justice sector reform;
  • Provide strategic guidance and advice to national justice sector agencies and organisations on strategic planning, research and monitoring and evaluation, including key performance indicators, strategic plans for various organizations and research into various issues which impact on institutional performance and access to justice;
  • Advice on identifying entry points to achieve a mixture of short-term and medium term results which produce tangible improvements to access to justice;
  • Ensure the technical work undertaken across the joint programme is in line with international good practice and adapted to the local context;
  • Contributeto building a strong understanding of the political economy of the justice sector to identify the drivers and blockers of change and then develop strategies to ensure that project implementation is achieving impact ;
  • Ensure technical soundness of project activities and achievement of project outputs and outcomes.
Strategic Planning and Joint Programme Management focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Provide advice and guidance for the strategic planning and the implementation of the joint justice and corrections work plans and joint programmes of the mission on justice and corrections, ensuring appropriate coordination and integration with the mission’s general mandate and its components (in particular the human rights and protection, political affairs and mediation, and other ROLSI group sections) and in particular with the justice programme of UNDP;
  • Ensure the results specified in the annual work-plan of the JP meetthe required standard of quality, in a coordinated way and within the specified constraints of time and cost;
  • Liaison between UNSOM and UNDP on issues pertaining to Justice Support;
  • Coordinate day to day managementand guidance of the joint programme team work;
  • Supervise and support the work of the co-located UNDP Justice Project Manager and his/her team;
  • Advise theChief of the Justice and Corrections Section and UNDP Country Office on the overall implementation of the GFP Joint Programme;
  • Formulate an effective monitoring and evaluation system of the GFP joint programme and report on progress, including reporting to UNDP andChief of the Justice and Corrections Section, development partners and national stakeholders on progress;
  • Facilitate and preparereports including Progress Reports, Financial Reports, Annual Progress Reports, etc. and organize timely completion of technical reports for the Joint Programme;
  • Co-lead with the Chief of the Joint Justice and Corrections section annual work planning processes sin his/her liaison role between UNDP and UNSOM in a consultative manner.
Resource mobilization and partnershipsacross the justice sector focusing on achievement of the following results:
  • Support UNDP/ROLSI efforts for resource mobilisation for the joint programme;
  • Coordinate programme activities with other UNDP initiatives as well as other United Nations agencies and donors, to develop inter-agency synergies;
  • Raise visibility of the Joint Justice and Correctionsprogramme through knowledge sharing and well developed communication materials;
  • Develop pilot initiatives for functional partnerships between justice sector stakeholders and non-governmental organisations, local media and the public;
  • Support joint communication efforts.
Impact of results
The results of work will have an increased impact in the implementation of the Somalia Justice National Action Plan 2013-2015 through a well-coordinated One UN Rule of Law Strategy and Programmes for Justice and Corrections. Senior Rule of Law Advisor will also identify capacity gaps in terms of people, skills, knowledge, policy and funding for a sector wide programme in the area of justice and corrections though the implementation of the Global Focal Point joint programme.


Advocacy/Advancing A Policy-Oriented Agenda
  • Builds consensus concerning UNDP’s strategic agenda with partners on joint initiatives;
  • Dialogues with national counterparts and other stakeholders to strengthen advocacy efforts, incorporating country, regional and global perspectives.
Results-Based Programme Development and Management
  • Identifies country needs and strategies using a fact-based approach;
  • Makes use of a variety of resources within UNDP to achieve results, such as cross-functional teams, secondments and developmental assignments, and collaborative funding approaches;
  • Ensures the full implementation of country programme and Financial Resources to obtain results;
  • Demonstrated programme management skills including: results-based orientation, preparation of work plans, monitoring and evaluation, and leading cross-cultural teams.
Building Strategic Partnerships
  • Makes effective use of UNDP’s and UNSOM’s resources and comparative advantage to strengthen partnerships;
  • Creates networks and promotes initiatives with partner organizations.
Innovation and Marketing New Approaches
  • Creates an environment that fosters innovation and innovative thinking;
  • Conceptualizes more effective approaches to programme development and implementation and to mobilizing and using resources.
Resource Mobilization (Field Duty Stations)
  • Contributes to the development of resource mobilization strategies at CO level;
  • Actively develops partnerships with potential donors and government counterparts in all sectors at country level;
  • Strengthens the capacity of the country office to mobilize resources.
Promoting Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing
  • Promotes UNDP and UNSOM as learning/knowledge sharing organizations.
Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise
  • Possesses expert knowledge of advanced concepts in primary discipline, a broad knowledge of related disciplines, as well as an in-depth knowledge of relevant organizational policies and procedures;
  • For managers: applies a broad knowledge of best management practices; defines objectives and work flows, positions reporting relationships in such a way as to obtain optimum effectiveness for the unit/branch;
  • Keeps abreast of new developments in area of professional discipline and job knowledge and seeks to develop him/herself personally;
  • Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments;
  • Demonstrates expert knowledge of the current programme guidelines and project management tools and manages the use of these regularly in work assignments.
 Global Leadership and Advocacy for UNDP’s Goals
  • Advocates for increased priority given to human development issues internationally and in national planning frameworks;
  • Advocates for increased resources at international and national level.
Client Orientation
  • Anticipates constraints in the delivery of services and identifies solutions or alternatives;
  • Proactively identifies, develops and discusses solutions for internal and external clients, and persuades management to undertake new projects or services;
  • Advises and develops strategic and operational solutions with clients that add value to UNDP and UNSOM programmes and operations.
Core Competencies:
  • Promoting ethics and integrity, creating organizational precedents;
  • Building support and political acumen;
  • Building staff competence, creating an environment of creativity and innovation;
  • Building and promoting effective teams;
  • Creating and promoting enabling environment for open communication;
  • Creating an emotionally intelligent organization;
  • Leveraging conflict in the interests of the UN& setting standards;
  • Sharing knowledge across the organization and building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning;
  • Fair and transparent decision making; calculated risk-taking.

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Advanced university degree (Masters Degree or equivalent) in law, criminology or other related field.
  • At   least 10   years of relevant   professional   experience,   including at least five years in a senior position in an international development role in judicial or law reform;
  • Experience of sector wide approaches to justice reform, including experience working with all of the major actors is required;
  • Experience on access to justice practices and policy making would be desirable;
  • Experience in sharia law is highly desirable;
  • Understanding of protocol and processes related to cultural norms of driving change processes with judges, lawyers, police and prison officials;
  • Experience with Joint Programmes desirable;
  • Previous experience in Arab States and/or Africa and in conflict/post conflict contexts preferably with the UN / UNDP would be an advantage
Language Requirements:            
  • Excellent command in written and spoken English.