
This project is part of the second generation of Biodiversity Enabling Activities (BD EA) under the GEF. Yemen has been Party to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) since 1996. The project addresses the country’s need to continue to fulfill its obligations under the CBD, with particular focus on the Convention’s Article 6 and the CBD COP Decision X/2. Above all, the project is a significant contribution to Yemen’s efforts towards implementing the CBD Strategic Plan 2011-2020 at the national level. The project builds on the current status and achievements of Yemen with respect to biodiversity planning and reporting. It aims to integrate Yemen’s obligations under the CBD into its national development and sectoral planning frameworks through a renewed and participative ‘biodiversity planning’ and strategizing process. This process is expected to produce measurable targets for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. It will equally ensure that the value of ecosystems’ goods and services, as well as the challenges and opportunities for ecosystem-based adaptation and resilience are taken into consideration in the process.

The project will achieve its objective through the implementation of three components, whose activities are thoroughly described in the GEF approved proposal for BD EA. They are:       

  • A participative stocktaking exercise on biodiversity planning takes place and national biodiversity targets are developed in response to the global Aichi Targets;
  • The NBSAP is revised/updated and it fully integrates new aspects of the CBD strategic plan, such as mainstreaming and anchoring the implementation of the plan into national development frameworks, valuing ecosystem services and promoting ecosystem-based adaptation and resilience; and
  • National frameworks for resource mobilization, Convention reporting and exchange mechanisms are strengthened.

Deberes y responsabilidades

UNDP is seeking an International NBSAP Consultant  to take stock of the success of the existing NBSAP and prepare national report on mainstreaming national biodiversity considerations into development and sectoral policies and plans.  The consultant will be responsible for carrying out his tasks as a part of updating Yemen’s National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP), focusing on main development sectors like Agriculture; Forestry; Livestock; Fishery; Water; Tourism, Trade, and Transport; and Oil and Gas. The study will also further focus on the major development areas such as: Land-use management, including spatial and infrastructural development planning; poverty alleviation; rural development and livelihoods, food security, gender and climate change mainstreaming.

The report will be developed based on review of national policies, studies and sectoral assessment reports, together with review of the institutional set ups and legislations governing environmental and biodiversity issues which will collectively provide background information which in turn will form the basis for outlining potential measures and series of programmes, projects and activities for mainstreaming biodiversity into national and sectoral policies and strategies. The tasks foreseen will be carried in close collaboration with 2 national counter parts. Specific responsibilities of the consultant are to:

  • Review issue goals, targets, and strategies in order to assess adequacy and relevancy of policy committed;
  • Review the institutional setup and describe the potential for institutional linkages in order to accomplish mutual goals.;
  • Review national biodiversity strategy and action Plan and other sectoral and development policies to outline area of synergies with other national policies, plans and mechanisms relevant to biodiversity conservation and protection;
  • Identify potential areas and programs for sectoral integration including mainstreaming into development, poverty reduction and climate change plans . Special emphasis will be placed on mainstreaming biodiversity into development plans, incorporating protected area networks and sustainable production systems into ecosystem-based climate adaptation and resilience plans;
  • Review and assessment of policies to identify relevancy of existing policies and policy instruments contributing biodiversity conservation; or
  • Review and assess Policy instrument to ensure that policy types cover whole policy types where necessary (e.g. economic, financial, regulatory and institutional[1]);
  •  Identify and list national environmental policies and legislation[2];
  • Identify key beneficiaries stakeholders’ interests, and desired outcomes and hence identify potential conflicts and trade-offs, and work towards mutually acceptable solutions, including strategies that serve mutually beneficial interests and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes;
  • Meet stakeholder to solicit their knowledge experience regarding their current levels of implementation of pervious biodiversity policies, legislation and Programs of actions;
  • Propose measure for embedding and institutionalizing these strategies in the institutions, policies, agreements, programs and mechanisms of each sector;
  • Assess synergies between biodiversity policy/Programme initiatives to outline initiatives with synergies between those instruments and the NBSAP;
  • Identify policies which provides incentives and contributes to biodiversity loss, unsustainable production and consumption of natural resources;
  • Identify potential measures and policies for mainstreaming biodiversity into national and sectoral planning frameworks, focusing on marine biodiversity, agro-biodiversity, water conservation, fish stock, food security, infrastructural development planning, road planning, rural development, health and livelihoods;
  • Identify potential measures and policies for integrating women and youth issues into NBSAP II
  •   Identify potential measures and policies for integrating Climate change into NBSAP II., focusing on measures on adaptation, resilience and mitigations ;
  • Based on existing studies and analyses, identify key national gaps in the existing NBSAP and related policies
  • Assess synergies (and potential barriers) between Biodiversity measures and those measures already undertaken in response to other international conventions, particularly the climate convention and other related biodiversity conventions;
  •  Identify the means to overcome existing barriers and challenges;
  • Review the stakeholder consultation and participation process report to cross-check that the NBSAP development process is participatory, increasing the likelihood of successful implementation of the NBSAP;
  • Identify policy options and priority areas for restoring and safeguarding ecosystems that provide essential services, particularly the services contribute to health, livelihoods and well-being;
  • Prepare a draft report on mainstreaming biodiversity into development policies and into sectoral plans and strategies and present the report to stakeholders’ consultation workshop to be held under the project for their feedback and endorsement;
  • Prepare final report based on the stakeholders’ views raised during the workshop;
  • Ensure that all lessons learnt in the mainstreaming of biodiversity into the production sectors (this includes measures against Invasive Alien Species) are incorporated into the NBSAP.
Specific deliverable:

A comprehensive report on Sectoral Mainstreaming of Biodiversity in Yemen. The report should minimally cover the following topics:

  •  Elaboration of Potential measures and policies for mainstreaming biodiversity into national and sectoral planning frameworks, focusing on major sectors such as agriculture; Forestry; Livestock; Fishery; Water; Tourism, Trade, and Transport; and Oil and Gas;
  • Elaboration of potential options for integrating biodiversity issues into major development areas such as : land-use management, including spatial and infrastructural development planning; Poverty alleviation; Rural development and livelihoods; Food security; Gender; and Climate change mainstreaming;
  • Identifications of areas of synergies with international conventions, particularly the climate convention and other related biodiversity conventions like Basel Convention, CITES, convention on the conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), Ozone Convention; and Protocols such as FCCC, CCD, and Ramsar, Natural Heritage and Law of the Sea;
  • Review of Current Macroeconomic and sectoral policies and their overall goals;
  • Policy options and measures for incorporating incentives and removing harmful subsidies;
  • Measures for developing landscapes that have sustainable production and consumption and ensure the use of natural resources falls well within safe ecological limits;
  • Measures for fully implementing the Programme of Work on Protected Areas, including increased protection and landscape/seascape connectivity ;
  • Proposed policy measures for restoring and safeguarding Yemen ecosystems that provide essential services, including services related to water, and contribute to health, livelihoods and well-being;
  • Measures for the mobilization of financial resources for effectively implementing the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 from all sources ;
  • Lessons learned from the previous NBSAP.
Contribution to the following deliverables:
  • Brief Review of the Biodiversity Planning Process in Yemen;
  • Second National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Yemen;
  • Sub-product 1: Study on Ecosystem Services Valuation in Yemen;
  • Sub-product 3: Study on the Incorporation of Challenges and Opportunities linked to Ecosystem-Based Adaptation and Resilience in Yemen;
  • Data collections and meeting with stakeholders;
  • A comprehensive report on Sectoral Mainstreaming of Biodiversity.

[1] Types of economic instruments include: tradable permits, deposit refund, Performance bonds, Taxes, Earmark taxes and funds, User fees, Subsidies and administered prices.

Types of financial expenditures are: Programs and projects, green procurement, research and development and moral suasion.

Types of regulatory instruments include: Legislative instruments, enforcement activities, liability and competition and deregulation policy.

Types of Institutional instruments include: Internal education and Internal policies and procedures:

  • [2] Specific policies include: International mechanisms (conventions, treaties and other protocols);
  • National and Sectoral  policies promoting sustainable development;
  • National legal instruments (laws);
  • Economic instruments;
  •   Awareness raising and education policies;
  • National financial and fiscal policies;
  • Voluntary standards and instruments;
  • Social policies among others.


Functional Competencies:

  • Adequate knowledge in international conventions;
  • Adequate knowledge in of the relevant UN Convention, the existing NBSAP and environmental issues in Yemen are essential;
  • Be a strong team player, able to work independently and possessing excellent interpersonal skills;
  • Demonstrate strong oral and written communication skills.

Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism;
  • Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • MSc. degree or higher in  social sciences, natural science, or related field.
  • Demonstrated experience in capacity building initiatives, notably at the systemic and institutional levels;
  • Minimum 5 years experience in environmental management at a senior level;
  • Demonstrated experience working in international projects.

Language Requirements:

  • Fluent in spoken and written English
Evaluation Criteria:
  • The award will be based on the Combined Scoring method (highest ranked candidate);
  • Ranking will be based on the combined results of the conducted desk review on requested qualifications, interview and financial offer. Only financial offers of candidates who are invited on an interview will be taken into consideration for evaluation. The technical proposal will account for the 70% of the final score, while financial offer will account for 30% of the final score.