Uganda is a signatory to many international and regional human rights protocols including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the Protocol to the African Charter on the Rights of Women, Convention of the Elimination of Violence Against Women (CEDAW); Dakar Platform for Action; Beijing Platform for Action; African Plan of Action to Accelerate the Implementation of the Dakar and Beijing Platforms for Action for the Advancement of Women; UN Resolution 1325 on Women, and Peace and Security, and UN Resolution 1820. These instruments call on member states to among other things improve the legal environment and put in place laws and policies that will protect citizens from all forms of violence, discriminative practices and address any gender imbalances that promote inequalities between men and women.
The Government of the Republic of Uganda has taken important steps to strengthen the protection, promotion and fulfillment of women’s rights as enshrined in international law as well as national legislations. Uganda has got a National Gender Policy (2007) and Action Plan in place and addition the Government has finalized a GBV Action Plan. The following relevant laws have also been enacted to deal with the problem of VAWG and GBV: Domestic Violence Act (2010), the Prohibition of the Female Genital Mutilation of Act (2010) and the Anti-Human Trafficking Act (2010).
Notwithstanding these efforts to establish a conducive legal framework, polices and relevant programme, Violence against Women and Girls remain a serious problem in Uganda. The Uganda Demographic and Health Survey (UDHS) 2011 shows that 56% of women aged 15-49 have experienced physical violence at least once since age 15. The 2012 DHS noted that 58% of women agreed that it is justified for a man to beat his wife under certain circumstances. The implementation of the existing legal frameworks (such as the Domestic Violence Act 2010, The Prohibition of Female Genital Mutilation Act 2010 and the Anti-Trafficking in Human Persons Act 2010) and polices have been very slow. There are number of challenges: including the lack of sustained efforts by both police and courts to enforce the laws, lack of training for lawyers, judges and police in the application of the law, high attrition in the justice delivery chain, and lack of information for women, especially in rural areas, about their rights and on how to interact with the justice system. Furthermore, there is a weak referral system between police, legal aid providers and justice delivery structures in handling EVAW cases.
Since 2000, UNIFEM/UN Women has been contributing towards various initiatives to combat violence against women and girls in Uganda. Work on this area has mainly focused on strengthening legal and justice delivery structures both in the formal and informal systems, as well as advocating for progressive legislations and policies that protect the human rights of women. UN Women is currently implementing and coordinating several large Joint Programs, among them the UN Joint Programme on Gender-Based Violence; UN Joint Programme on Gender Equality; two peace building projects (From Communities to Global Security Institutions: Engaging Women in Building Peace and Security, and Peace building and Enhancing protection systems - Gender Promotion Initiative). All these interventions provide the opportunity for UN Women to develop a comprehensive and strategic framework to better guide its work in this critical area.
UN Women is hiring an international expert consultant to develop an EVAW/G Strategic Framework Document and a Funding Proposal that builds on its past and current interventions and addresses UN Women’s comparative work in this area.
Deberes y responsabilidades
The overall objectives of the consultancy are:
- To develop a strategic framework to guide the work of the UN Women Uganda Country Office on the EVAW/G for the period 2014 – 2017 and;
- To develop a programme document which is aligned to UN Women Global Corporate Strategy 2014-2017;
- The program document should have a long-term vision to take into account the new UNDAF (2016-2020) and national planning cycles.
- In the process of developing the two documents, the consultant will hold 2 stakeholder consultations with key national partners and donors to solicit partnership on EVAW/G;
- Inputs from key UN Women Staff both in Uganda, Regional Office in Nairobi and EVAW/G Policy Division in HQ will be sought to ensure that UN Women core mandate and comparative advantage are incorporated into both documents;
- The consultant will assist the Country Office to present the Funding Proposal to UN Women Project Appraisal Committee. The consultant will revise the Proposal based on the recommendations of UN Women Project Appraisal Committee and submit final version to the Country Office.
- Development of UN Women Uganda EVAW/G Country Strategy;
- Conduct desk review of key UN Women program documents such as the relevant documents of the JP-GBV, JP-GEWE, Program on Access to Justice, Joint Program on Communities to Global Securities, UN Women Country strategy & Annual Work plan 2012- 2013, UN Women Global Strategy 2012-2013, the UNDAF 2013-2016, Government of Uganda draft Policy and Action Plan on GBV(2007), etc.;
- Provide a summary on situation /context of violence against women and girls in Uganda, types, data in terms of the magnitude of the problem;
- Conduct thorough analysis which indicate UN Women comparative advantage /value addition in VAW/G/GBV programming in Uganda, including technical and human resources required to deliver on the strategy;
- Undertake a quick mapping of the actors/interventions supporting response and prevention, highlighting existing gaps in VAW/G/GBV programming;
- Propose geographical areas where UN Women’s EVAW should be carried out, based on the findings of the field missions to Gulu, Moroto and Western Uganda;
- Include lessons and best practices from the region and elsewhere that have had successful impact. In the strategy explain the effective tools and strategies to respond and prevent Violence against Women and Girls;
- Identify strategic partnerships for UN Women to deliver on the strategy;
- The integrated strategy should be based on the foundations of gender equality and human rights, within a vision of ending violence against women and within the UN principle of delivering as one.
- The product document should contain the key elements of UN Women Program Document format, highlighting the following;
- UN Women’s role and comparative advantage;
- Contextual analysis;
- Guided by the UN Women annual work plan for 2014/2015 include the priority areas that UN Women should focus on, highlight different approaches, effective strategies, good practices along with challenges and gaps in relation to EVAW/G;
- Build synergies between EVAW/G important national processes such as the new National Gender Policy; the 2016 elections;
- Identify direct and indirect beneficiarie;
- Specific strategies and activities;
- A clear description of the programme management and implementing modalities. A log frame, budget framework with annual work plan for the various proposed activities, with outcomes, outputs, indicators, activities;
- Identify potential donor(s) to fund the program.
- Methodology and Work plan;
- Strategic framework Document on VAW/G in Uganda 2014-2018;
- Program Document for Funding, in the UN Women Program Document Format, including: Theory of Change, M&E Framework, Contextual Analysis and Justification, Results Based Framework, Budget, including TOR for staffing of the Program, etc.
- Mature judgment and initiative;
- Ability to think out-of-the-box;
- Ability to present complex issues in simple and clear manner;
- Cultural, gender, religion and age sensitivity and adaptability;
- Ability to work under pressure and deliver high quality results on time;
- Initiative and independence.
Habilidades y experiencia requeridas
- Advanced university degree, such as a MA degree in social sciences, gender studies or related discipline.
- At least 6 years of demonstrated knowledge and experience in program development management and, technical assistance in EVAW/GBV related issues;
- Successful experience in UN proposal writing to donors on EVAW/GBV programming;
- Strong experience with UN, donors, and INGOs in strategic planning for policy and programme interventions on EVAW/GBV and gender justice;
- Extensive knowledge and experience in effective EVAW/GBV interventions using a multi-sectoral approach;
- Knowledge and previous professional exposure to UN agencies and donor requirements and resource mobilization on EVAW/GBV;
- Excellent writing and presentation skills.
- Fluency in English is required;
- Working knowledge of another UN official language is an asset.