
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), under the support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), is implementing the Programme “Initial Implementation of Accelerated HCFC Phase Out in the CEIT Region”.

A principal component of the project is the investment programme that aims at a rapid HCFC phase-out in the manufacturing sector. The programme should support technological conversions and technology information exchange of eligible Ukrainian manufacturing companies in solvent and foam sectors (PU and XPS) by co-financing of the four investment sub-projects in Ukrainian manufacturing companies. The private companies-HCFC users that were selected during the project development according to the eligibility rules of the funding donor (GEF and its corresponding global fund – MLF – that sets such requirements) and will use the provided funds to off-set the incremental costs they will incur when investing in technologies reducing HCFC use in their product manufacturing processes.

The overall scope of this assignment is to formulate the technical specifications for the equipment required to implement the investment technology conversion projects in one (1) Ukrainian manufacturing company in the solvent sector, as well as to provide required technical guidance and consultation on local civil engineering works.

Project Description

The project is consistent with Ukraine's commitments on global environment management and plans on responding to multilateral agreements, in particular the requirements of Montreal protocol and the Vienna Convention on protection of ozone layer to which Ukraine is a party. While Ukraine has made substantial progress in implementing the Montreal Protocol on ozone-depleting substances and addressing the first group of CFC substances, there is additional work expected on compliance with HCFC phase-out targets as approved by the Meeting of Parties for the country.

The current full-size GEF project document is an initial response to the obligations incurred by Ukraine under the present phase out schedule for HCFCs of the Montreal Protocol, as amended by the Copenhagen amendment, subsequent adjustment adopted by the Parties to the Montreal Protocol at MOP 19 in September 2007, and the revised HCFC phase-out schedule as approved for Ukraine by the MOP in 2012. It provides a follow up to the previous GEF medium-sized (MSP) regional HCFC data collection project, whose main objective was the collection of HCFC consumption data in CEITs countries and outlines of the phase-out strategies.

In order to respond to the country’s needs and initiate the return to compliance, the current project (Stage I) targets as a priority the completion of the HCFC phase-out strategy formulation in its full format as well as rapid eligible consumption phase-out activities in the refrigeration manufacturing, solvent and XPS sectors, through HCFC-based industry (manufacturing sector) conversions to non-HCFC technologies (zero ODP and low GWP), as well as technical assistance and support (capacity building, awareness raising, etc) to non-eligible enterprises in support of their self conversion. It further plans for enhanced capacity building of re-structured Government authorities (Environmental Inspectorate and Customs) to exercise more effective HCFC related regulatory measures with technical support and supply of modern portable analytical instruments to properly detect and identify HCFCs at entry points and enforce HCFC quota legislation to facilitate the return of the country into compliance with the Montreal Protocol obligations.

The investment program in the solvent sector will cover technological conversions and technology information exchange.

Deberes y responsabilidades

The principal responsibility of the international Consultant is to formulate technical specifications for the equipment to be procured for one (1) Ukrainian manufacturing company in the solvent sector, and oversee its technological conversion in consultations with a selected supplier and participating company as required by the current project document. The company that was identified in the project document is Nord Holding Group and the title of the programme is “Implementation of solvent phase-out to trans-blends at Nord”.

The Consultant will closely collaborate with the representatives of the company to meet their demand in the equipment, UNDP/MPU-Chemicals Unit (MPU-Chemicals), the project team and UNDP in Ukraine to follow UNDP procurement rules and procedures.

Within the framework of this ToR, the international consultant is expected to perform the following tasks and duties:
  • Verify current baseline information and manufacturing equipment of the participating company through initial field visit and prepare a mission report with the implementation plan for the enterprise that will include requirements for local civil works in advance of the technology supply. The initial visit will require such discussions with the company on their acceptance of the technology for their production process (inclusive of their experience with a range of chemicals and their effectiveness in cleaning sensitive spare parts for the household refrigerator manufacturing), local preparedness and infrastructural investments such as facility improvements, ventilation works etc;
  • In consultations with the enterprise, formulate technical specifications for the technological equipment to be procured and their chemical cleaning solutions, and assist the project team with development of required bidding documentation. A list of potential suppliers should be prepared and attached to this documentation to facilitate the bidding process;
  • Assist in the technical review of the received bids, and generally advise on the quality of applications and their responsiveness to the bid requirements, specifically in terms of equipment capacity and overall suitability to companies’ needs. Help coordinate and liaise with the recipient companies on the compliance of the design works and proposed technological solutions provided by selected bidders. The consultant will be required to prepare technical responses to UNDP procurement panels, when requested so. For this purpose, the consultant will act to ensure the highest standarts of confidence, transparency, impartiality and non-disclosure of procurement related information;
  • Participate in the project implementation and contribute with specific technical expertise when requested so. Coordinate all work with national experts recruited in assistance to carry out project implementation works for each individual company;
  • Make sure that there is an appropriate level of coordination between selected supplier and recipient company on the equipment supply and installation, including local works;
  • Perform one more round of oversight missions to each company once equipment is supplied and installation works begin and ensure appropriate technology trials to select suitable chemicals solutions for the company;
  • Upon technology optimization works have been completed by the company, perform one last round of visits and carry out safety audits with preparation of required reporting, inclusive of project completion reports with documentation supporting facts on unusability of the replaced equipment.
In addition, the incumbent will:
  • Oversee the completion of background studies if any, ensuring they are appropriate in scope and overall quality;
  • Provide required technical guidance and consultations both for project beneficiaries and project team;
  • Facilitate and guide consultations and meetings with the project stakeholders to determine strategy, priorities, key partners, and key barriers to success;
  • Coordinate work with other international experts recruited under this programme such as a for elaboration of formal country HCFC phase out strategy, for PU/system house and solvents programmes, legislation/Customs and refrigeration servicing advisory support from a regionally controlled project component.
Besides a desk review of the relevant documents the consultant will undertake three (3) missions to the country, in full collaboration with the UNDP Country Office and project team. The missions, apart from technical meetings, will include:
  • Initial and bid related site visits and meetings with the identified manufacturing company, verification of the current baseline situation and equipment use, preparation of the local implementation plans and cross-check on the preparedness of the enterprise in terms of local civil works.
  • Equipment supply and safety audit site visits to the company to oversee equipment installation, testing, trials and commissioning at the stage when the equipment is supplied and installed by the vendor.
Expected Deliverables:

The key products to be delivered are as follows:
  • Detailed Assignment Workplan (within 1 week of start of the assignment) and tentative schedule of technical visits to the country. Each visit is to be supported by a mission report and other required documentation such as safety audit reports and project completion reports;
  • Individual implementation plan for the participating company and one (1) set of detailed technical specifications (inclusive of the cleaning agent or a range of options) for technological conversion in line with the approved project documentation. A list of potential equipment suppliers;
  • Bids review documentation and technical comparison. Written conclusion/recommendation of the consultant for the bids prepared and received as per the tender procedure announced and conducted by UNDP. Confirmative documentation on the design of local works by the company;
  • Individual report on the supplied and installed equipment, its testing, trial and commissioning.
Payment for Services

The international consultant shall receive payment in four installments from UNDP as follows:
  • 10% upon preparation and acceptance of the detailed assignment work plan and a schedule of technical visits to the country;
  • 40% upon submission and acceptance of the detailed technical specifications for the company and its individual implementation plan;
  • 40% upon submission and acceptance of written conclusion/recommendation on the received bids and final selection of the company-tender winner;
  • 10% upon successful testing, trial and commissioning of the procured equipment and safety audit.
Responsibility for Expenses and their Reimbursement

This is a lump sum assignment. The Consultant will be responsible for all personal administrative and international travel expenses associated with undertaking this assignment including office accommodation, printing, stationary, telephone and electronic communications, and report copies incurred in this assignment.

Local travel support will be provided and covered by the project.

Responsibility for Managing the People and the Work Plan

The principal responsibility for managing the consultant will lie with the Project manager and the Head of Environment Section of UNDP Ukraine. The timeframe and duration of activities are estimated to be broken down as follows:
  • Activity - Duration (estimated) / days - Estimated Timing and deadline;
  • Study of relevant project document and other project related documentation and preparation of the Assignment Workplan - 2days- 1st week of assignment;
  • Mission 1st –1 project site, mission report and individual implementation plan- 4days - 5th December;
  • Preparation of the draft technical specification and inputs in the tender documentation - 1day - 10th December;
  • Verification of the prepared specification with a company-project beneficiary - 1day- 15th December;
  • Revision and finalization of the equipment specification - 1day- 6th December;
  • Review of received bids and other tender documentation - 2days- Upon completion of procurement announcement, tentatively by the end of February;
  • Preparation of the written conclusion/recommendation on the bids received, negotiations with a company to agree upon the proposed designs from selected vendors - 3days- Upon completion of the bids opening, tentatively by the middle April;
  • Mission 2nd – 1 project site. Oversight on the installation and local works - 4days - Upon equipment delivery, tentatively by the end of September;
  • Mission 3rd – to conduct equipment trials and safety audit;
  • Preparation of the written conclusion/recommendation on the equipment acceptance, its testing, trials and commissioning - 4days- 1st week upon return from the mission.
Total working days:
  • Approximately  22.
The duration of missions might vary and will depend upon the consultant’s judgment, but in total will not exceed 20 working days. The same apply to the duration of each milestone, preserving the deadlines are followed as they are identified by this TOR.

The documents shall be provided both in written (if required) and electronic formats in English. UNDP will be responsible for their proper translation into Ukrainian and/or Russian (if needed).

Prior to approval of the project stakeholders (i.g. private companies), draft versions of documents shall be submitted for comments if any, acceptance and translation into Ukrainian/English to UNDP. If any discrepancies have emerged between impressions and findings of the consultant and the aforementioned parties, these should be explained in an annex attached to the final report.


Home based (10 days), Ukraine based (up to 12 days total – 3 missions – to be planned by a Consultant).


Technical work
  • Strong expertise in Environmental Management with strong focus on ozone protection and management, ODS production and consumption , trade, imports/exports;
  • Expertise in developing/implementation of investment programmes aimed to eliminate ODS consumption either in public and/or private sectors;
  • Familiarity with the International Conventions, in particular requirements of the Montreal Protocol and the Vienna Convention on protection of Ozone Layer;
  • Ability to pick up new terminology and concepts easily;
  • Familiarity with HCFC use and management in the CEIT Region;
  • Proficiency in the English language, knowledge in the use of email, internet, the MS office suite.
  • Maturity and confidence in dealing with senior members of national institutions;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Excellent written communication skills, with analytic capacity and ability to synthesize relevant collected data and findings for the preparation of quality analysis for the strategic documents, action plans, etc.;
  • Excellent coordination skills and result oriented collaboration with colleagues – especially for this case with the national level consultants.
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
  • Good team player who has ability to maintain good relationships.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Graduate degree in chemistry, chemical engineering, process engineering, physics, mechanics or equivalent.
  • At least 10 years experience related to the formulation and implementation of CFC and specifically HCFC phase-out strategies, programs and projects, with specialization in solvents conversion projects;
  • Experience in elaboration/implementation of investment sub-projects in solvents sector aimed to convert the current technologies into non-ODS technologies;
  • Significant experience related to the application of HCFC replacement technologies in the solvents sector;
  • Experience in purchasing and/or installation of specialized non-ODS equipment or equivalent;
  • Experience with GEF and MLF policies and procedures;
  • Excellent English writing skills are essential;
  • Knowledge of Russian/Ukrainian would be an asset.

Application procedure:

Qualified candidates are requested to apply online via

The application should contain:

Technical proposal

  • Cover letter explaining why you are the most suitable candidate for the advertised position and a brief methodology on how you will approach and conduct the work (if applicable). Please paste the letter into the "Resume and Motivation" section of the electronic application;
  • Filled P11/CV including past experience in similar projects and contact details of referees, please upload the P11 instead of your CV. (a template can be downloaded from

 Financial Proposal specifying

  • A total lump sum amount for the tasks specified in this announcement. The financial proposal shall include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (number of anticipated working days – in home office and on mission, travel – international (if any), per diems and any other possible costs), preferably according to the following template:
  • Work in home: Assignment workplan; Development of technical specifications; Next milestone; Nest milestone;
  • Work on mission: Mission 1; Mission 2; Mission 3;
  • Sub-total Fee;
  • Travel costs: International travel to and from country/ies; Sub-total travel costs; Miscellaneous (communication, printing, visa);
  • Total.

Evaluation of applicants

Selection method: Desk review followed by a validation interview.

The cumulative analysis will be applied for the evaluation of proposals. Under the cumulative analysis scheme, a total score is obtained upon the combination of weighted technical (70) and financial attributes (30).

When using this weighted scoring method, the award of the contract should be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

  • Responsive/compliant/acceptable; and
  • Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.

Technical Criteria weight: 70.
Financial Criteria weight: 30.

Evaluation Criteria:


  • At least 10 years of relevant professional experience, out of which 10 years in the area of ozone layer protection - 10 max. points (10 pts – PhD degree; 5 pts – Specialist/Master’s degree; 3 pts – Bachelor degree);
  • Significant experience related to the application of ODS substances, their phase out and related global environmental issues including climate change, POPs and chemicals management - 20 max. points (20 pts – 10 and more years of practical experience; 15 pts – 5 and more years of practical experience; 10 pts – less than 5 years, 5 pts – less than 5 years in the relevant field);
  • Extensive expert knowledge in the ozone layer protection and development of HCFC phase out strategies - 15 max. points (15 pts – 10 years of experience and proven record of elaboration of similar strategies; 10 pts – 5 and more years of experience and proven record of elaboration of similar strategies; 5 pts – less than 5 years of experience; no record of elaboration of similar strategies – is not under consideration);
  • Experience in elaboration/implementation of investment sub-projects in solvent sectors aimed to convert the current technologies into non-ODS (15 pts – at least 10 and more years of experience; 10 pts – 5-10 years of experience; 5 pts – less than 5 years of experience; o pts – no previous experience)
  • Experience with GEF policies, procedures and projects, particularly in the Europe and Central Asia region- 5 max. points (5 pts – there is previous experience, 0 pts – no experience);
  • Knowledge in English, Russian and/or Ukrainian - 5 max. points (5 pts – there is knowledge; 0 pts – no knowledge).

Total score obtainable for Technical evaluation - 70 max. points

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points under Technical evaluation would be considered for the Financial Evaluation.


The maximum number of points assigned to the financial proposal is allocated to the lowest price proposal and will equal to 30. All other price proposals will be evaluated and assigned points, as per below formula:

  • 30 points [max points available for financial part] x [lowest of all evaluated offered prices among responsive offers] / [evaluated price].

The proposal obtaining the overall cumulatively highest score after adding the score of the technical proposal and the financial proposal (A+B) will be considered as the most compliant offer and will be awarded a contract.

Please note that the financial proposal is all-inclusive and shall take into account various expenses incurred by the consultant/contractor during the contract period (e.g. fee, health insurance, vaccination, office costs and any other relevant expenses related to the performance of services...). All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. This includes all travel to join duty station/repatriation travel.

Payments will be made only upon confirmation of UNDP on delivering on the contract obligations in a satisfactory manner.
Individual Consultants are responsible for ensuring they have vaccinations/inoculations when travelling to certain countries, as designated by the UN Medical Director. Consultants are also required to comply with the UN security directives set forth under

General Terms and conditions as well as other related documents can be found under:
Qualified women and members of minorities are encouraged to apply.

Due to a large number of applications we receive, we are able to inform only the successful candidates about the outcome or status of the selection process.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested materials.

Applications should be filled in only in English.