
Country: UNDP Country Offices in any region/all UNDP Regional Centres
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is an Implementing Agency of the Global Environment Facility (GEF). As such, UNDP-GEF supports developing countries in accessing funds from the GEF to finance agreed incremental activities that enhance their efforts to address climate change issues. In doing this, it provides countries highly specialized technical services for GEF eligibility assessment, formulation, design and development of GEF projects in the climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation focal areas, identification and mobilization of required project co-financing, project implementation management, project results management and evaluation, and knowledge management. UNDP-GEF’s Climate Change Mitigation (CCM) and UNDP-GEF’s Green, Low-emission, Climate-resilient Development Strategies (GLECRDS) Team support countries in identifying, designing and implementing financing mechanisms that can support and catalyze investments for climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation projects.
To facilitate the identification, allocation and designation of the appropriate expertise for the technical, management, and monitoring & evaluation (M&E) requirements of the client developing and least developed countries in their efforts on climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation, UNDP-GEF’s CCM and GLERCDS Team are developing a roster of experts that would comprise of vetted capable and qualified individuals who can be called upon and, subject to availability, be deployed to provide specific technical (project design, development and implementation), management or M&E support to client countries. In this regard, UNDP-GEF is inviting interested individuals to submit an expression of interest (including an up-to-date curriculum vitae, and a 500 word blurb about a successfully implemented project by the applicant that reflect his/her core qualifications, skills and expertise of relevance to any, or a combination, of the required services. A screening procedure will be applied to select the prospective applicants that will be registered in a CCM and GLECRDS Experts Roster. This roster will be maintained for a period of 3 years. Towards the end of the third year another round of screening and selection will be carried out to update the roster.

Deberes y responsabilidades

GEF Climate Change Mitigation Projects

Technical/ Policy Support:
  • Data gathering to verify and confirm barriers to energy efficiency, renewable energy, sustainable transport and urban systems; gaps and needs of key stakeholders, as well as technical and functional capacities/responsibilities to integrate climate change mitigation principles into key national, sub-national and sector-based development policies, strategies and plans;
  • Serve as resource person in assisting in the design and conduct of capacity development activities planned for technical personnel of project partners and stakeholders (both in the government and private sector) in client developing countries focusing on the integration of climate change concerns into national planning and budgeting processes, and the application of various climate change mitigation measures, as well as available tools and methods for supporting analytical exercises relevant energy planning and energy-integrated development planning;
  • Support in the discussions and negotiation with potential project partners and project co-financers;
Project design, management, and oversight:
  • Conduct logical framework analysis (LFA) exercises for project framework formulation, which will be the basis of the initial project design (i.e., preparation of the project information form or PIF);
  • Identification, assessment, and basic design of demonstrations (where required) that will be included as part of the interventions in climate change mitigation (CCM) projects.
Monitoring and Evaluation/ Knowledge Management:
  • Conduct of detailed design of CCM project components and activities, based on the comprehensive project log frame, estimation of potential energy savings and CO2 emission reductions from the interventions that will be carried out, project including project activities budgeting, scheduling, and delineation of responsibilities for activities implementation, as well as monitoring and evaluation;
  • Carry out required independent monitoring and evaluation of UNDP-GEF CCM projects;
  • Preparation of knowledge and communications products, such as featured articles and case studies in publications of the UNDP and other pertinent organizations, video productions, press-releases, etc.;
  • Support the development of literature on good practices and case studies for dissemination to exchange knowledge through South-South and North-South cooperation on climate change mitigation (energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable transport and urban system applications).
GEF Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) Projects

Technical/ Policy Support:
  • Capacity Assessments of public institutions and government ministries/ institutions;
  • Design and delivery of training at the sectoral, national and sub-national levels to build long-term technical and functional capacities;
  • Analysis of climate risks and hazards, climate scenarios, trends and vulnerabilities, to support planning and decision-making;
  • Economics and cost-benefit analysis (including ecosystem and social costs and benefits) of adaptation interventions;
  • Identification of barriers and solutions in the public sector to effectively plan, design, and implement medium and long-term climate change risk management measures.
Project design, management, and oversight/ Monitoring and Evaluation/ Knowledge Management:
  • Formulation and implementation of bankable development projects including: logframe development; identification of target areas/beneficiaries and partners; timing, sequencing of activities; mobilization of climate finance;
  • Knowledge management and monitoring and evaluation of effectiveness of national and sub-national policies and strategies;
  • Identification, formulation and implementation of interventions that focus on gender, gender and social equality, and strengthening of vulnerable population groups (including indigenous people) in the context of climate change projects and programs;
  • Preparation and dissemination of knowledge and communications products.
The prospective experts that will apply for enlisting in the CCM & CCA experts Roster should be able to fulfill all or the combination of  any of the above activities, as related to one or more of the following areas of expertise:
  • Climate Change Mitigation measures (EET, RET, and SUT);
  • Climate change adaptation;
  • DDR/DRM, Early warning systems, and linkage of these to adaptation;
  • Community and livelihoods development; and
  • Gender mainstreaming.
Specific expertise must be demonstrated in one or more of the concepts below:
  • Conduct capacity Assessments of intuitions;
  • Design and conduct of capacity-development programs at the sectoral, national and sub-national levels for long-term technical and functional capacities in one or more of the areas of expertise denoted above;
  • Integration of climate change in national/regional/local development planning;
  • Identification of barriers and solutions for proposed interventions;
  • Development of project log frame (including the indicators, baseline and target values, means of verification and critical assumption for the project goal, objective/purpose, each outcome, and each output);
  • Analysis of relevant recommendations to existing national and sub-national climate change policies, strategies, and sector plans;
  • Formulation and implementation of institutional and regulatory frameworks to facilitate climate change mitigation and adaptation actions;
  • Formulation and implementation of strategic national and sub-national development policy interventions or medium- to long-term CCM & CCA plans;
  • Facilitation of institutional coordination, dialogue, and synergies;
  • Proposal formulation and implementation of feasible demonstration projects,· 
  • Formulation and implementation of interventions that focus on gender empowerment, gender and social equality, and strengthening of vulnerable population groups (including indigenous people) in the context of climate change projects and programs.


Functional Competencies:
  • Proven expertise in the fields of RE, EET, and SUT technologies application, as well as technologies in the areas of adaptation, DDR/DRM, Early warning systems, development and gender mainstreaming;
  • Good track record in project management, with UNDP experience being an asset;
  • Updated familiarity on, various international projects on RE, EE, SUT technology applications, climate change adaptation, DDR/DRM, Early warning systems, development and gender mainstreaming;
  • Updated familiarity on, various international projects on RE, EE, SUT technology applications, climate change adaptation, DDR/DRM, Early warning systems, development and gender mainstreaming;
  • Strategic planning skills; working knowledge of objectives-oriented project planning, or results-based management;
  • Service minded;
  • Leadership skills.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Master’s Degree in a development related field such as development economics, environmental economics, public administration, public finance, or environmental studies (post-graduate degree would be advantageous).


  • Minimum 2 years of experience with demonstrated solid knowledge of the subject of climate change, climate change mitigation, resilience of infrastructure to climate change, climate change adaptation, EE, RE and SUT technologies and their application, techno-economic feasibility analysis, energy analysis, DRR/DRM, early warning systems, development, and gender mainstreaming;
  • Experience in working with governments of developing countries is an asset, particularly ministries of planning.

Language Requirements:

  • Excellent oral and written English;
  • Working knowledge and fluency of other UN languages(French and Portugese) would be an advantage.

Documents to be included when Submitting the Proposals:
Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
Technical Profile:
  • One page essay explaining why the applicant is interested in being included in the CCM & CCA Expert Roster (stating personal benefits); and, what added value can he/she provide to UNDP-GEF;
  •  A 500 word description about a successfully implemented project by the applicant that reflects his/her core qualifications, skills and expertise of relevance to any, or combination, of the three (3) general categories of required services provided by UNDP-GEF (Technical/Policy Support, Project design, management, and oversight, and M&E).
Financial Proposal:
  • Personal CV including academic background, relevant work experience and 3 references.
Financial Proposal:
Contracts based on daily fee
The financial proposal will specify only the daily fee in US Dollars and payments are made to the Individual Consultant based on the number of days worked payable against assigned deliverables. Such fee would be ceiling amount (for the first 12 months from the date of notification of the Roster).

Duration of Assignment:

5- 150 days per one assignment

In the case of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including economy tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed.


Evaluation Selection Criteria and Process:
The evaluation of each applicant will be based on a set of selection criteria. Using the information provided in their respective submitted documents, the applicants will each be evaluated for each criterion and scored. The total scores will be used in ranking the applicants. Those who pass minimum passing scores at 70% will be considered technically qualified and included in the roster.
Academic qualifications, demonstrated specialised knowledge in one or more of the requested areas             30 points 
Experience in sharing knowledge of expertise area, including making presentations , proving text                    10 points
for technical reports, publications, articles and communication/advocacy materials ≥ 10 in the last
5 years
Experience in international cooperation, particularly in the design and implementation of RET, EET,                30 points
SUT system, climate change adaptation, DRR/DRM, EWS, development and/or gender
mainstreaming projects, ≥ 10 years
Number of trainings conducted and/or training tools developed over the last 5 years, ≥10 workshops              10 points
over last 10 years
Language requirement is English, 5 points for each additional language relevant/useful to the country             10 points
and up to 10 points max (French and Portuguese)
Strong, positive references indicating healthy working relationships, professionalism, integrity, and                  10 points
other UN values
Short-listed applicants would be required to complete and submit a UNDP P.11 Form (template to be provided by UNDP at a later date).
Consultants selected for the roster will be working with the Country Offices and with the UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Centre, Bangkok and reporting technically to the relevant Regional Technical Advisor (RTA) of UNDP-GEF in UNDP Asia-Pacific Regional Centre, Bangkok
The final nature and scope of each assignment may vary slightly from this ToRs and such details should be included in a separate ToR for each specific assignment.
APRC - Asia-Pacific Regional Centre
CCA - Climate Change Adaptation
CCM - Climate Change Mitigation
GEF -  Global Environment Facility
GLECRDS - Green, Low-emission, Climate-resilient Development Strategies
LFA - Logical Framework Analysis
M&E - Monitoring & Evaluation
PIF - Project Identification Form
RTA - Regional Technical Advisor
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme