
The National Human Rights Commission of Nigeria (NHRC) was established by the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) Act (1995), as amended by the NHRC Act (2010). The Commission serves as an extra-judicial mechanism for the protection, promotion and Enforcement of human rights in Nigeria.
The Commission has a Governing Council responsible for the discharge of its functions and an Executive Secretary who is the Chief Executive Officer responsible for the day to day administration of the Commission and implementation of the decisions of the Governing Council.

Under Part II Section 5 of the National Human Rights Commission (Amendment) Act 2010, the Commission, among others, is mandated to deal with all matters relating to the promotion and protection of human rights guaranteed under the Constitution of Nigeria and other international and regional human rights treaties to which Nigeria is a party; monitor and investigate human rights violations and make recommendations as appropriate; assist victims of human rights violations and seek redress and remedies on their behalf; examine legislation and administrative provisions for compliance with human rights norms; undertake public enlightenment and report on actions that should be taken by the authorities to comply with the provisions of applicable international human rights treaties.

To facilitate the implementation of its mandate, the Commission has established six zonal offices representing the six geo-political zones of the country, namely; North West Zone (Kano), North East Zone (Maiduguri), North Central (Jos), South West (Lagos), South East (Enugu) and South-South (Port Harcourt). It also has offices in 21 states of the Federation and in Abuja metropolis.
Although the Commission has adequate personnel in all the six geo-political zones and 21 states, some of the senior officers at headquarters admit that most of the personnel requires further capacity for effective human rights work particularly human rights monitoring, investigations and reporting. The last formal general training for the staff on human rights monitoring, investigations and reporting was conducted in 2003 and since then over 300 new personnel have been recruited and deployed nationwide with no training in this particular area. The need for this training, equally, becomes critical due to series of reported human rights violations and abuses across the country especially in the 3 states (Adamawa, Borno and Yobe) under the state of emergency where unconfirmed gross violations and abuses of human rights were reported in the media. The consultant will, therefore, assist the NHRC to train its staff in 4 of the 6 zonal offices (Maiduguri, Jos, Abuja, and Lagos) on human rights monitoring, investigations and reporting.

*The first set of offices was established in the following states, Enugu, Rivers, Plateau, Kano, Borno and Lagos. Subsequent offices were established in Imo, Benue, Anambra, Adamawa, Akwa Ibom, Sokoto, Niger, Cross River, Katsina, Gombe, Nasarawa, Edo, Kwara, Kaduna, Ekiti and Abuja metropolis.

Deberes y responsabilidades

Specific Tasks
The consultant, working under the guidance of the UNDP Team Leader for Governance and Peace Building and the technical supervision of the Human Rights Advisor to the RC/UNCT in close collaboration with the Executive Secretary, will perform the following tasks:
  • Develop training curriculum on human rights monitoring, investigations and reporting;
  • Develop tools for human rights monitoring, investigations and reporting;
  • Conduct a 3-day training of trainers (TOT) on human rights monitoring, investigations and reporting for 10 core officers of the Commission;
  • Organise a 3-day training for about 150 officers of NHRC drawn from Enugu, Abuja, Jos, Lagos zones offices in 3 batches within a period 2 weeks;
  •  Prepare the report of the training.
  • Training curriculum;
  • Tools for human rights monitoring, investigations and reporting;
  • Training report;
  •  Trained 10 Core Officers of the Commission capable of training 30 monitors to be deployed to the 3 states under the emergency rule;
  • At least 150 NHRC officers from 4 zones offices trained on human rights monitoring, investigations and reporting.


Functional Competencies:
  • Excellent communication, facilitation and presentation skills in English;
  • Strong organizational awareness, client orientation and government advisory skills;
  • Excellent experience in issues affecting human rights especially in developing nations;
  • Strong awareness of the latest development on latest methodoligies and capacity develipment methods on human rights;
  • Strong drafting and reporting skills in English.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Minimum second degree in Law, humanity, Social Science, Human rights or similar qualifications – 10 points
  • At least 15 years cognate working experience in human rights monitoring, investigations and reporting five of which must be in conflict/violence related environment – 25 points; 
  • Experience in developing tools for human rights monitoring, investigations and reporting, facilitating training on human rights, in-house country human rights review and assessment or similar experience – 30 points;
  • Similar working experience in developing countries particularly Africa and working experience in working with UN or similar organizations – 5.
Language Requirements:
  • Strong skills in written communications in English particularly in preparing issue-based papers or reports.
Qualifications and Experience
The preferred candidate for this assignment must possess a second degree in Law, humanity, social science, human rights and/or any other relevant fields. He/she must possess, at least, 15 years cognate working experience in human rights monitoring, investigations and reporting five of which must be in conflict/violence related environment. The candidate should possess an international experience of either working for UN or similar international organisations. A similar working experience in developing countries particularly in Africa will be a great asset.
Evaluation Criteria:
Documents to be included when submitting proposal (All documents for submission including the financial proposal should be saved as a single file for upload
Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
  • Proposal;
  • Explaining why you are the most suitable for the work;
  • Provide a brief methodology on how you will approach and conduct the work (if applicable);
  • Evidence of similar assignment implemented in the last 3 years;
  • Personal CV including past experience in similar projects with detailed contacts relating to the project and at least 3 references;
  • Financial Proposal detailing your lump sum fee for the entire assignment All consultant must indicate the currency of their financial proposal.
The financial proposal shall specify a total lump sum amount, and payment terms around specific and measurable (qualitative and quantitative) deliverables (i.e. whether payments fall in instalments or upon completion of the entire contract). Payments are based upon output, i.e. upon delivery of the services specified in the TOR. Your financial proposal shall include a breakdown of the lump sum
All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. This includes all travel to join duty station/repatriation travel. All travels shall be refunded by UNDP at economy class ticket. Should the IC wish to travel on a higher class he/she shall do so using their own resources.
In the case of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets (economy class), lodging and terminal expenses shall be paid at UNDP rate.
Individual Consultants responding to this request for Individual Consultant should use the Price Schedule table below in their submission:
The following  evaluation criteria will be used to evaluate the individual consultants’ proposals.


There will be a two stage evaluation as follows:
  • Technical Criteria weight; [70];
  • Financial Criteria weight; [30];
  • Stage One (Technical Evaluation of Proposals) - All Individual Consultants proposals comprising the information/documentation provided will be evaluated to ascertain the suitability of the individual consultants to carry out the assignment. Candidates who obtain the minimum pass score of 70% (49 points) of the full mark (70) will be considered technically compliant and their financial evaluations will be evaluated thereafter;
  • Stage Two (Financial Evaluation) – The financial proposals of all the individual consultants who obtain 70% at stage one of the evaluation will be evaluated.
Only candidates that obtain a minimum of 49 points in the technical evaluation would be considered for the Financial Evaluation. The maximum 30 points all be allotted to the lowest financial bid, all other bids shall receive points in inverse proportion to the lowest fee e.g. [30 Points] x [lowest financial proposal] / [Financial proposal being considered] = points for other proposer’s fees.
The award of contract shall be based on the individual consultant who receives the highest cumulative scores.