
While the number of People Living with HIV makes the HIV epidemic in the country one of the largest in the region, Uzbekistan has remained by all means a low HIV prevalence country with a concentrated epidemic. The surveillance data indicate that over the past few years, the epidemic in Uzbekistan developed a complex profile. Injecting Drug Users, Sex Workers and Men who have sex with Men have remained the most affected populations. At the same time, sexual transmission has been on the rise, and nosocomial transmission of HIV has been constantly registered, resulting probably from unsafe medical manipulations in hospitals.

The Russian Federation government and UNAIDS has signed memorandum of understanding regarding contribution and support to regional cooperation project for countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia in prevention and control of HIV/AIDS, STI and hepatitis.

The Overall Goal of the project is support to the system of public health services in Uzbekistan in order to establish and maintain effective control of the HIV/AIDS, STI and other blood-borne infections.

The project is aimed at improvement of epidemiological surveillance of HIV/AIDS, STDs and viral hepatitis especially among hard-to-reach population for public health systems in Uzbekistan. In particular, specific sub-objectives of the project are:
  • Improvement of HIV second generation surveillance among the most at risk populations
  • Improvement of diagnostics and testing for HIV/STI and Hepatitis in line with WHO and UNAIDS guidelines(with focus on introduction of double rapid test for HIV/TB, HIV/STI(variations) and HIV/Hepatitis);
  • Monitoring of recent HIV infections;
  • Development of ARV Drug Resistance Surveillance System.
Targeted groups and beneficiaries:  the direct beneficiaries of the programme are the medical professionals and experts, managers of HIV programmes, epidemiologists, health workers in public health system, HIV centers, reproductive health structures, paediatric care, STI services, etc. The second beneficiaries will be representatives from hard-to reach populations for traditional public health services, women and children.
The main direct aid under the project will be provided in the form of organizational, technical and financial support of epidemiological surveillance, and specialized medical facilities and AIDS service organizations to organize and conduct activities on HIV/AIDS, STD and viral hepatitis

Devoirs et responsabilités

The consultant under the general supervision of the RST Director and UCC Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, will ensure timely and effective programming and implementation of activities under the Regional Cooperation Programme (RCP) funded from the contribution under the MOU between UNAIDS and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. In close collaboration with national partners and stakeholders, e.g. the Republican AIDS Centre, Institute of Virology and Dermatology Institute, the incumbent will facilitate the work of the National WGs established to a) update a national HIV/STI and Hepatitis Surveillance system; b) enhance capacity of the staff of AIDS services, Sanitary and Epidemiological Department (SES) and venereology services on HIV/STI and Hepatitis surveillance; c) improve HIV/STI & Hepatitis testing; d) develop national protocols on recent HIV infections; e) develop ARV Drug resistance surveillance system.

In particular, the incumbent is assigned the following responsibilities:

  1.  Facilitate the work of WGs established to implement activities under Regional Cooperation Project in Uzbekistan: organise separate and joined meetings of WGs on regular bases to a) review process; b) identify issues; c) develop solutions to be discussed with management;
  2. Identify needs of WGs on information (guidelines, literature etc.) and actively search for them
  3. Review findings of WGs jointly with UCO and WGs for proof reading and make necessary recommendations to enrich them;
  4. Develop recommendations on rapid test systems to be procured;
  5. Facilitate and provide input in development of national protocols on monitoring of recent HIV-infections;
  6. Participate in the piloting on determination of HIV drug resistance on small sample of patients and documenting the results of the piloting;
  7. Document the results of the piloting;
  8. Provide necessary liaison between the programme implementing organizations, national authorities and UNAIDS CO;
  9. Support in resource mobilization and drafting of concept papers and project proposals;
  10. Prepare comprehensive mid-term and final reports as required.  

Action plans of WGs developed and monitoring instruments established. Eexisting WHO and UNAIDS guidelines relevant to the tasks of WGs studied and their use is planned

31 December 2013

Reviews of national normative guidelines and legal provisions finalized

31 January 2014

Training modules on HIV/STI and Hepatitis surveillance developed.

National protocols on monitoring of Recent HIV-infections developed

WHO guidelines on ARV Drug Resistance Surveillance is drafted.

List of required test systems for piloting of ARV Drug Resistance surveillance and rapid tests system for screening co-infections developed and approval received to start procurement.

28 February 2014

Piloting of study on ARV Drug Resistance(ADR) is initiated

Training materials for the specialists on HIV/STI and Hepatitis surveillance approved

31 March 2014

Monitoring of piloting ADR is conducted and necessary reports provided

Training of specialists on HIV/STI and Hepatitis surveillance initiated

30 April 2014

Monitoring of piloting ADR is conducted and necessary reports provided

Training of specialists on HIV/STI and Hepatitis surveillance continued

31 May 2014

Regular monitoring of project and necessary facilitation provided

30 June 2014

Regular monitoring of project and necessary facilitation provided

31 July 2014

Regular monitoring of project and necessary facilitation provided

31 August 2014

Regular monitoring of project and necessary facilitation provided

30 September 2014

Regular monitoring of project and necessary facilitation provided

31 October 2014

Final report with clear follow up recommendations submitted to UNAIDS

30 November 2014
Reporting requirements:

The consultant is required to submit a statement of performance and a status of delivery of services on monthly bases for approval by UCC.

Schedule of payments

Payments (US$1,300 on monthly bases) shall be made upon satisfactory completion of the assigned work and deliverables as described above.


The Consultant may be expected to undertake missions to places as needed during the course of the assignment.   All travel required to perform tasks identified in these TOR, will be arranged and paid for by UNAIDS, based on the current UNAIDS travel policy and rates


  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills;
  • Demonstrated ability to work in teams and in harmony with persons of different national background and cultures; 
  • Good computer skills

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Advanced degree in public health (Lab, ARV monitoring)
  • Minimum 5- year experience of working in the area of HIV/STI and/or Hepatitis, in particular in ARVT;
  • Familiarity with WHO recommendations related to ARVT, surveillance technologies, drug resistance surveillance system, genotyping etc;
  • Ability to work closely with government officials, as well as with national and international counterparts;
  • Familiarity with project design, implementation and evaluation
Language requirements:
  • Good oral and written skill in English, Uzbek and Russian languages;