
The Local Governance and Community Development Programme (LGCDP) is a national programme which is being implemented by the Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development (MoFALD) and supported by a range of development partners.  LGCDP’s Programme Document (PD) comprehensively describes LGCDP’s rationale and approach along with its vision, goals and purpose.  The individual programme components and management arrangements are also fully described in the PD as is the Programme log frame and the results and reporting framework.

Duties and Responsibilities

Within the framework of LGCDP II, an Urban Governance Expert (UGE, NPPP- III) will be posted in Kathmandu Metropolitan City.
Scope of work
The Urban Governance Expert (UGE), who will be accountable to the Executive Officer (EO), has ultimate operational responsibility for reporting and facilitation of the LGCDP II activities in the Kathmandu Metropolitan City and to support improving their    Minimum Conditions and Performance Measures (MCPM) assessment score. The UGE will provide technical support to the  municipality for planning, programming, reporting and monitoring. S/he will work in close coordination with the Regional Coordination Unit (RCU).
The UGE will be responsible for carrying out following tasks:
Assist the Kathmandu Metropolitan City  to formulate legislation, strategic plans and guidelines  
  • Assist the Kathmandu Metropolitan City in designing and drafting city metropolitan  legislation ; 
  • Assist the Kathmandu Metropolitan City  to formulate and implement periodic plan, capacity development plan, transport master plan and procurement plan;
  • Assist the Kathmandu Metropolitan City  to prepare guidelines, manuals and   monitoring & evaluation framework;
  • Assist the Kathmandu Metropolitan City   to develop and implement Management Information System;
  • Support the Kathmandu Metropolitan City to formulate district information, education and communication strategy.

Kathmandu Metropolitan City to be compliant with LB Resource Mobilization guidelines 

  • Assist the Kathmandu Metropolitan City to formulate annual plan through participatory planning process;
  • Assist the Integrated Plan Formulation Committee and sector committees to prioritize the projects demanded by communities;
  • Assist Kathmandu Metropolitan City in coordination and linkage with line agencies and other stakeholders;
  • Assist the Kathmandu Metropolitan City to prepare  Annual Work plans and  Project Funding Matrix;
  • Assist the Kathmandu Metropolitan City to prepare monitoring and evaluation plans and to timely inform concerned authorities to correct any misappropriations, mistakes and weaknesses;
  • Assist the Kathmandu Metropolitan City to conduct periodic reviews, public hearings and public/social auditing,
  • Provide support to implement National Building Code in the Kathmandu Metropolitan City;
  • Assist the Kathmandu Metropolitan City in preparing statuary reports and to publish these as required;
  • Assist the Kathmandu Metropolitan City in improving compliance to vital registration and social security guidelines,
  • Report any observation of financial irregularities to the EO;
  • Assist the Kathmandu Metropolitan City to carry out studies to increase the internal revenue as well as to identify the potential sources of revenue. 
Assist in effective LGCDP II implementation 
  • Provide support to compile the data and prepare trimester and annual progress reports and submit to the Programme Coordination Unit regularly through the Regional  Coordination Unit;
  • Assist the Kathmandu Metropolitan City to institutionalize cross-cutting issues such as  Gender Equality and Social Inclusion ( GESI),   Child Friendly Local Governance (CFLG) and  Environment Friendly Local Governance (EFLG);
  • Support the Kathmandu Metropolitan City to conduct  Initial Environmental Examination (IEE),  Environment  Impact Assessment (EIA) and other environmental safeguards;
  • Assist the Kathmandu Metropolitan City in facilitating civil society compliance monitoring activities such as public audit, public hearing, and social audit;
  • Assist the Kathmandu Metropolitan City to implement Fiduciary Risk Reduction Action Plan;
  • Assist the Kathmandu Metropolitan City to introduce and implement web-based reporting and results based monitoring system;
  • Backstop and supervise the work of the ICT volunteer deployed to the Municipality;
  • Support the Kathmandu Metropolitan City to introduce accrual accounting software;
  • Assist Kathmandu Metropolitan City to strengthen GIS system as well as Management Information System.
Kathmandu Metropolitan City  capacity development
  • Assist the Kathmandu Metropolitan City in identifying municipal capacity gaps on the basis of MCPM assessment results;
  • Assist the RCU in drawing up regional capacity development plans for local bodies;
  • Facilitate improvement in Kathmandu Metropolitan City service delivery as assessed in the annual  independent citizens’ perception survey (if applicable);
  • Facilitate and coordinate capacity development activities at the local level;
  • Participate in capacity development activities.


Corporate competencies:
  • Demonstrates integrity;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism.
Functional competencies:
  • Excellent interpersonal skills;
  • Focuses on impact and results and responds positively to feedback;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Builds strong relationships with clients and external actors, at the senior levels;
  • Remains calm, in control and good humored even under pressure;
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities.
Knowledge Management and Learning:
  • Promotes a knowledge sharing and learning culture in the office;
  • In-depth knowledge on development and gender and social inclusion issues;
  • Oral and written communication skills.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Master's degree in social science, rural development  and other related field.
  • Should have 7 years of work experience in relevant field preferably in governance;
  • Demonstrated track record of delivering high quality reports on time;
  • Experience of having worked on a national, government-managed programme would be an advantage.
  • Fluency in Nepali and English language both in spoken and written.