
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office (MPTF Office) provides dedicated fund administration services when UNDP is appointed by the UN System and national partners to serve as the Administrative Agent (AA) for Multi-Donor Trust Funds (MDTFs) and Joint Programmes (JPs) using the pass-through fund administration modality. The MPTF Office is the AA for 95 % of all UN MDTFs thereby functioning as the de facto central service center in the UN for the provision of transparent and accountable fund administration services. The Office provides a one-stop shop with focused support and service to UN Country Teams (UNCTs), national governments and donors. It enhances the UN’s accountability for its growing role in MPTFs established in the context of humanitarian, transition, development and climate change programmes.

MDTFs preferably operate utilizing existing management structures in order to avoid duplication and reduce costs. Where these structures do not exist, they may need to be established. The standard governance structure of an MDTF normally includes the following entities: Steering Committee, supported by a Technical Secretariat, Administrative Agent / Fund Administrator, Participating Organizations and Implementing Partners (Government counterparts, NGOs). Further details can be found in the UNDG Guidance Note on establishing, managing and closing MDTFs, and in the  MPTF Office brochure ‘financing development together’.  (Note: The brochure will shortly be available on the MPTF Office GATEWAY.)

The fund operation function is directed by a steering committee with the support of a secretariat. As the governance body, the fund steering committee sets overall direction, makes resource allocation decisions and carries out independent reviews. The committee is usually comprised of representatives of the recipient government, the UN system and financial contributors. Steering committee responsibilities include establishing social and environmental safeguards, and fiduciary and operational standards. The committee also reviews and approves the operating budget for the fund secretariat; project proposals prepared by UN agencies, national governments and other implementing entities; and progress and financial reports. 

In addition to providing administrative support to the steering committee for fund operations, the secretariat can fulfill a technical function and provide some programmatic support. The main secretariat functions include preparing operational manuals with rules of procedures, facilitating steering committee meetings, managing project proposal submission, evaluations, and overseeing and managing public communications. The secretariat also coordinates with the  fund’s administrative agent to produce and distribute narrative and financial reports, and can directly appraise projects with the assistance of a technical working group. 

Increasingly, partners turn to the MPTF Office requesting assistance in establishing the Fund Technical Secretariats, including the development of work plans and budgets, operational manuals and procedures, and resource mobilization strategies. Therefore, the MPTF Office seeks the services of highly qualified consultants to support with the establishment and start-up of Technical Secretariats for MDTFs established in the context of transition, development and climate change programmes.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the overall guidance of the Steering Committee, the Consultant will act as the interim Head of the Secretariat and will be responsible for the establishment, management and functioning of the Secretariat during the Fund’s inception period, or possibly during periods when the Head of Secretariat function is vacant. The final scope and duration of the assignment will be determined by the Steering Committee of the specific Fund. 

As the interim Head of the Secretariat, the Consultant will lead and supervise de Secretariat team and work in close collaboration with the Participating Organizations, national partners and other stakeholders to successfully operationalize the Fund and start-up the Fund Secretariat functions. The Consultant is expected to ensure all preparations are made so that the Secretariat can be fully operational at the end of the inception period. In this context, the tasks of the consultant may include:

Advisory and Capacity Building:
  • Provide/facilitate technical advice to the Steering Committee and national counterparts on Fund/Programme related matters; 
  • Guide the Participating Organizations on the processes and requirements as laid out in the TOR; 
  • Support national counterparts to develop policy, strategy and planning documents within the framework of the Fund;  
  • Support national counterparts in the design, identification and implementation of capacity assessment and capacity development plans.

Advocacy and Building Strategic Partnerships:

  • Liaise and coordinate with Donors and other Fund stakeholders; 
  • Establish and maintain strategic partnerships, and identify key business opportunities;  
  • Ensure linkages and consistency between the Fund and other national related initiatives; 
  • Analyze and research information on donors, prepare substantive briefs on possible areas of cooperation, and support resource mobilization efforts.
Management and Oversight of Secretariat:
  • Prepare Annual Work Plan(s) and budget for the Secretariat including for the inception phase and operational tasks; 
  • Prepare job descriptions and vacancy announcements, and identify and hire staff and consultants; 
  • Mobilize goods and services to initiate activities; 
  • Provide administrative support to the Steering Committee; 
  • Manage public communications. 

Management of Key Fund Operations Tasks:

  • Schedule and facilitate inception workshops with relevant partners to agree on the implementation strategy and work plan; 
  • Design appraisal process for project proposals and make recommendations to the Steering Committee;  
  • Provide strategic oversight on planning, fund allocations and monitoring of the Programmatic activities funded by the Fund and advice the Steering Committee on these issues as required; 
  • Ensure preparation of operational manual and procedures; 
  • Establish an Information Management/Monitoring & Evaluation system;
  • Collect and consolidate annual narrative reports and other updates, if applicable; 
  • Ensure preparation of resource mobilization strategy; 
  • Design/select accreditation process for implementing entities, if applicable.


  • Annual Work Plan and Budget; 
  • Operational Manual (including Project Appraisal process and accreditation process for implementing entities, if applicable);  
  • Resource Mobilization Strategy; 
  • Information Management/M&E System; 
  • Progress and Final report.


Functional Competencies:
  • Capacity to analyze complex (political) situations and scenarios, and contribute to the formulation of appropriate  responses;
  • In-depth understanding  of Trust Fund Operations, and their link to Trust Fund Administration and Trust Fund implementation; 
  • Ability to lead strategic planning, results based management and reporting interventions for large scale programmes; 
  • In-depth knowledge of the thematic subject covered by the specific Fund in question (transition, development and/or climate change);  
  • Good facilitation skills and ability to build consensus among a wide variety of stakeholders; 
  • Client oriented;  
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills;  
  • Strong organizational skills and ability to work under pressure and to manage multiple tasks simultaneously.

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Advance university degree in social sciences, economics, business administration, public administration, finance or other related field. 


  • Minimum 7 to 10 years of relevant experience at the international level in managing and/or providing management advisory services for the design, monitoring and evaluation of Trust Funds  or large scale Programmes including results based management; 
  • Experience working with multilateral agencies and bi-lateral aid organizations; 
  • Relevant thematic and geographic experience; 
  • Familiarity with the UN system, requirements, procedures and rules and regulations is an asset.


  • Fluency in either English and/or French or Spanish is required;
  • Working knowledge of the other languages is desirable.
Application Process: 

Candidates should indicate in which of the following thematic areas they are interested as well as provide a description of the work approach or work methodology they would take.

Candidates may choose 1 or more thematic areas of interest: 
  • Transition;  
  • Development;  
  • Climate Change. 

Interested candidates should follow UNDP standard online application procedure, mindful of the following instructions: 

After submitting the online form, please upload a document containing a cover letter specifying the Task(s) you would like to do, the Financial Proposal in USD and Description of Approach per Task along with your CV.

The consultants will work for the full period or part of the period of their contract in a designated country to be determined at a later date and will be requested to travel.  The consultants must demonstrate a willingness to work in a collaborative manner while taking responsibility for individual deadlines and deliverables as outlined in the individual contract(s).

For the Financial Proposal, the daily rate consultancy fee shall be based on a 7.5-hour working day (lunch time is not included).  Please specify the item(s) included in the daily rate.  The cost for air travel and living cost should NOT be included in the daily rate.  Travel cost will be borne by UNDP and UNDP normally uses economy class. 

The successful Individual Contractor is eligible for reimbursement of cost of living based on the UN DSA rate for the specific country/location where the work assignment will be performed as per contract terms, provided that:

  • a) the he/she is commuting a minimum of 3 hours to work (one way); and that
  • b) he/she presents all supporting documents in the form of receipts, vouchers, etc. as a proof.

If the applicant is employed by an organization/company/institution, and he/she expects his/her employer to charge a management fee in the process of releasing him/her to UNDP under a Reimbursable Loan Agreement (RLA), the applicant must indicate at this point, and ensure that all such costs are duly incorporated in the Financial Proposal submitted to UNDP.


Selection Process:

  • The selection process will be led by the UNDP MPTF Office;
  • Short-listed candidates will be requested to provide the Personal History Form (P11);
  • Submit sample options and work plans in English or French; and Participate in an interview with the selection panel.
The technical selection will be based on a balanced assessment of the candidate(s)':
  • (i) knowledge and analysis of the subject matter;
  • (ii) relevance of previous experience and technical expertise;
  • (iii) educational background; and
  • (iv) language skills.
The selection of the Consultant will be made in accordance with the quality and cost based selection method (70% technical component and 30% price/cost component).

Contracting Arrangements:
The successful candidates will be requested to enter into a Long Term Agreement (LTA) and will be included in the MPTF Office’s list of LTAs for a period of 3 years.
The LTA does not necessarily mean that a contract with the MPTF Office is guaranteed.  This will depend on forthcoming needs. Where a request for services arises, the MPTF Office shall directly contract the consultant without the need for further selection process. A specific Terms of Reference (ToR) outlining the outputs for each assignment shall be provided and an Individual Contract (IC) or a Reimbursable Loan Agreement (RLA), whichever is applicable, will be issued to the consultant, detailing the time frame. Conditions of a particular assignment may be negotiable.

Estimated Timeframes:

It is expected that the consultant(s) will sign a LTA for a period of 3 years, and an Individual Consultant (IC) contract or Reimbursable Loan Agreement (RLA) contract, whichever is applicable.  The length and timeline of the IC consultancy will be based on the specific assignment to be completed, with the estimated total number of days and the time period for the work assignment.