
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), under the support of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), is implementing the Project “Initial Implementation of Accelerated Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) Phase Out in the Countries with Economies in Transition (CEIT) Region”.

The current full-size project is a response to the obligations incurred by Belarus as CEITs (non-Article 5) under the phase out schedule for HCFCs of the Montreal Protocol, as amended by the Copenhagen amendment and Decision XIX/6.

The Project aims to facilitate and to speed-up phasing out ozone depleting substances (ODS), particularly HCFCs and substituting them with modern alternative substances in accordance with the respective Belarus’ obligations under the Montreal Protocol, along with strengthening the system of import control and management of HCFCs in Belarus.          

One of the main project outputs is implementation of technology conversion sub-project in solvent sector. Such is aimed at eliminating the use of HCFC-141b in assembling/manufacturing processes at the David-Gorodok Electromechanical Plant (hereinafter referred to as the “Enterprise”) which produce protection relay parts for the household fridge manufacturing plant Atlant (Minsk, Belarus). Replacement of ODS cleaning positions in the production processes will be accomplished by replacing the current cleaning methods with vapor degreasing units and using an alternative solvent.

For more details on solvent technology conversion sub-project please refer to Project Document (Annex 4, pp. 97 -108) at the following link:

Deberes y responsabilidades

The main objective of this assignment is to act as the technical support for the UNDP Project Manager in implementing solvent technology conversion component of HCFC Phase-Out Project in Belarus. The overall scope of this assignment is to formulate the technical specifications for the equipment required to implement the technology conversion project at the abovementioned enterprise, as well as to provide required technical guidance and consultation on local civil engineering works.

Under the guidance and direct supervision of the Project Manager and in close cooperation with the Project Scientific Coordinator and counterparts, the International Consultant on Formulation of Solvent Sector Equipment Specifications for the implementation of HCFC Phase Out Investment Project in Belarus will play the main role in developing technical specifications and providing technical expertise on installation, commissioning and operation of non-ODS equipment which is to be purchased in accordance with UNDP procedures and put into operation at David-Gorodok (Brest region, Belarus). The new equipment will be used in assembling/manufacturing processes based on HCFC free technology. In addition, the consultant will be responsible for ensuring the compliance of the supplied equipment with the efficiency and safety requirements.

For detailed information, please refer to Annex 1 - Terms of Reference.


  • Strong technical expertise in non-ODS production technologies;
  • Knowledge of the contents of International Conventions, in particular requirements of the Montreal Protocol and the Vienna Convention on protection of Ozone Layer;
  • Familiarity with HCFC use and management in the CEIT Region will be an asset;
  • Excellent written communication skills, with analytic capacity and ability to synthesize relevant collected data and findings for the preparation of action plans, designing technical projects, etc;
  • Excellent coordination skills and result oriented collaboration with colleagues – especially for this case with the national design engineers;
  • Advanced computer user skills, knowledge of MS office suite.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

Academic Qualifications:
  • University degree in Chemistry, Mechanics, Physics, Engineering, Environmental Sciences or a related discipline.
Years of experience:
  • Minimum 7 years of progressive work experience post University Degree;
  • Experience related to the formulation and implementation of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) and specifically HCFC phase-out strategies, programs and projects is required;
  • Experience in introducing HCFC free technologies in the solvent sector will be a strong asset;
  • Experience in working with international organizations, including UNDP and GEF, is preferred but not required.
Language Requirements:
  • Excellent English writing skills are essential;
  • Knowledge of Russian would be an asset but not obligatory.

Documents to be included when submitting the Proposals

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  • Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability;
  • Proposed Assignment Workplan and Missions Schedule in the evidence of perfect understanding of the targets of this assignment and scope of work, as well as required qualifications and competences.

Financial proposal – please fill in Annex II (Finance Proposal).

Personal CV - including past experience in similar projects and at least 2 references (or contact information of at least 2 people who could provide a reference upon request).

All documents required (Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability, CV or P11 and Financial Proposal) shall be presented altogether in just one (1) envelope, if submitted by courier, or in one email transmission, or as an attachment to an on-line application, without password encryption. 

Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested materials.

Assessment of applications will be conducted in line with the Procurement Notice guidance.
For detailed information please refer to the Procurement Notice.

Annex I:  Terms of Reference - .
Annex II:  Financial Proposal - .
Annex III: IC contract form.
Annex IV: General Terms for IC contracts.
Annex V: Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability.
Annex VI: Procurement Notice- .