
Myanmar is in transition, with numerous reforms underway to strengthen the democratization process. The 2008 Constitution provides basic principles of democracy, rule of law and human rights, and the separation of powers. There is a strong commitment of the Government of Myanmar to further roll out and implement a complex reform agenda at multiple levels including and with a specific emphasis at the local and sub national level. In such a set-up, the roles of the Townships, as the lowest level of where the formal government is present providing services, will become increasingly important, also as the link between the state/regional government and the population.

UNDP Myanmar has received the Executive Board’s approval for the Country Program (2013-2015) in January 2013, bringing the country back to a normal country program after twenty years of operating under a restricted mandate. The Country Program Action Plan is structured along three pillars - with local governance support being Pillar 01 - was signed with the government counterpart in April 2013, and the program/projects have started their implementation since then.
Under the overall program of the pillar 1 the UNDP & UNCDF joint Supporting Local Governance program four specific outputs are being pursued:
  • Output 1 - Strengthened institutional capacity for local governments and township administrations for area-related development planning, responsive and effective public service delivery, organizational management and conflict prevention;
  • Output 2 – Citizens and communities engaged in local development and monitoring of service delivery (civil society, media support);
  • Output 4 - Strengthened capacity of institutions required to support livelihoods at the local level (microfinance, vocational training, technical extension centers);
  • Output 5 – Livelihood support for social cohesion.
Output 1 is designed to assist the government in strengthening institutional capacity of sub national governments (being State/Region, District and Township level Administrations) in several thematic area such as participatory planning and budgeting; responsive and effective people-centred service delivery; local government financial management and conflict mitigation and conflict prevention; as well as the introduction of a township development fund (TDF) jointly with UNCDF.
An essential governance area within the reforms is the development of a people centred approach to service delivery, and an inclusive and participatory planning process, responsive to the needs of the people. Several steps to increase the participation of citizens in planning processes have recently been taken by forming a number of supporting committees at the Township level. This means in terms of planning of activities and implementation, the consultant will also need to collaborate closely with activities planned under output 2 of the pillar 01 programme.

A main challenge in the context of local planning is the lack of experience and limited capacity in facilitating broader participation in development planning at the township level. Procedures and systems have not yet been developed sufficiently for establishing a comprehensive and integrated development planning process. Overall, the current framework of township planning, coordination of the planning and participatory committees, cross-sectoral coordination and management, needs to be further strengthened and integrated.

Duties and Responsibilities

Purpose of the Assignment

The purpose of the assignment is to ensure coordinated implementation of key deliverables under Pillar 01, output 01 (and output 02) during the period of January-April 2014, under direct supervision of the UNDP Pillar 1 team leader in Yangon.

Scope of Work

The scope of work includes effective support to the relevant programmatic components as per the annual work plan for 2014 and the outlined deliverables. It involves providing timely advice to the Team Leader Pillar 1 on the relevant components of the joint program and ensuring effective coordination on relevant components of the joint program with other outputs of Pillar 1 and other Pillars.

Outputs/Deliverables and Timelines

Specifically the consultant shall support the roll out of several program elements through the preparations and execution of the a next round of capacity building, training and exposure visits as follows:
  • Design and deliver a one (1) week of training for Mon State, focusing on introducing and discussing an initial framework for integrated township development planning and related capacity development (by end January);
  • Draft operational guidelines for the supporting committees in Mon and Chin state, consult and discuss the drafts with the respectively state government and finalize the guidelines (by mid-February). Prepare a concept note how the approved operational guidelines could be shared/scaled up with respect to other states and/or the Union level partners (by end February);
  • Prepare a report that analytically summarize the outcomes of the training events that have been hold in Mon and Chin state, provide lessons learnt and recommendations (by mid-February);
  • Support the organization of a coordination meeting with other relevant development partners and stakeholders involved in supporting sub-national planning processes (by mid-February) and present UNDPs present and planned engagement.;
  • Organize a one day workshop with Action Aid and government partners for exchanging of experiences in and emerging practices on capacity development for subnational/ local planning activities (by end of February)
  • Coordinate and engage as a resource person in a management training program for senior government staff with the with the GAD of the Ministry of Home Affairs, co-organized by UNDPs Pillar 3 team (cross pillar work/ by Mid-February);
  • Prepare a detailed (quarterly) implementation plan for roll out of planned activities of the Annual Work plan for output 01 for 2014 (by mid-February);
  • Take the lead role and provide technical inputs and assistance to UNDP Myanmar and the national counterparts for the preparatory activities and analytical work for UNDPs support to township level planning processes in 12 townships in Mon and Chin State (during January – March);
  • Coordinate closely and support joint activities with UNCDF related to the Township development fund (TDF); (as applicable /during January – March);
  • Design and take a lead in the organization of a one (1) week joint study tour of UNCDF and UNDP to Lao PDR (or any other country in the region with relevance for the TDF as agreed with the government) for key stakeholders in the implementation of the TDF; (as applicable and subject to funding availability) / during January – March);
  • Assist in the preliminary identification, analysis and prioritization of TDF projects for FY 2014/15 and preparation of investment plans in the target townships (as agreed with UNCDF and subject to the availability of TDF funding/ during January – March).
The consultant will take the lead role for the above outlined activities. This will entail the responsibility for the design of the trainings, preparation of contents, facilitation and engagement as a resource person for the technical training of the implementing team, and provision of overall technical backstopping and quality assurance for the pilot rollout of the trainings in Mon and Chin state including final revision and fine-tuning. For these deliverables he/ she will work closely with the local governance team and, as applicable, other experts provided by UNDP.

The consultant will throughout the implementation of those introductory trainings ensure that they are well imbedded in the objectives of the overall program and related to the local governance assessment, and other activities related to the implementation of the local governance program.

The consultant shall also provide technical expertise to the strategic capacity development plan under output 1; Pillar 1 ensuring that the above described activities are well integrated in the overall strategic framework.

An important part of the assignment is to coordinate - in particular regarding training/workshops that includes State level participants and are directed towards supporting planning frameworks - with activities ongoing under pillar 3 (democratic governance) to ensure respective linkages.


The assignment is for a total 65 working days of work between January 2014 and April 2014.


Core Competencies:
  • Demonstrates Integrity by modeling the UN's values and ethical standards;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP.
Functional Competencies:
  • Ability to consolidate information from multiple sources;
  • Able to prepare strategic information for decision makers;
  • Ability to advance and provide timely advise;
  • Ability to identify issues and to use sound judgment in applying technical expertise to resolve a wide range of problems; and
  • Ability to work under extreme pressure in a highly stressful environment;
  • Developing People/Coaching and Mentoring & Fostering Innovation and Empowerment;
  • Self-Management/Emotional Intelligence;
  • Excellent communication skill, including the ability to write in a clear and concise manner;
  • Appropriate and transparent decision making;
  • Analytical and strategic thinking and results orientation/commitment to excellence; and
  • Knowledge sharing/continuous learning.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Advanced university degree (minimum Master’s level, PhD preferred) in relevant subject development economics, local development, public administration, or equivalent qualifications.
  • Minimum 10 years’ experience in the field of democratic governance and development.
  • Proven track record of working on design of capacity development programs in local governance;
  • Proven experience of working with local planning and budgeting in developing countries;
  • Proven experience of working in post conflict/ countries in transition;
  • Proven track record contribution to knowledge management and policy development;
  • Knowledge and proven experience of working with UNCDF local development practice area, in particular the LDF/ TDF modality;
  • Proven experience of working with and knowledge of UNDP’s capacity development approach;
  • Strong understanding of democratic governance, as well as social and democratic accountability;
  • Excellent track record as a local government trainer;
  • Previous experience of working in Myanmar, preferably at sub national level.
Language Requirements: 
  • Fluency in English, oral and written.