
Under the direct supervision of the UNDP Deputy Country Programme Director-Programme with day to day facilitation and coordination of Assistant Country Director/Governance Team Leader, the International Governance Advisor will work closely with the management and staff of the National League of Communes/Sangkats (NLC/S), Local Council Association in Cambodia on the strategic directions and coordination of the Association of Councils Enhanced Services (ACES) projectto ensure that it achieves its outputs and contributes to the emerging Royal Government of Cambodia’s Democratic Development reform programme and the National Programme for Sub-National Democratic Development 2010-2019. The International Governance Advisor will provide technical support to National League of Local Councils and UNDP:
  • To develop the capacity of the National League of Local Councils, its members and Secretariat to effectively perform their functions as autonomous local government associations;
  • To develop mechanisms and indicators for implementing and measuring advocacy work and accountability in the project;
  • To ensure smooth and efficient implementation of the project in close co-operation with all relevant stakeholders towards achieving project outcomes and impact.
The International Governance Advisor will work under the overall guidance and direct supervision of UNDP DCD-P with day to day facilitation and coordination of Assistant Country Director/Governance Team Leader in close cooperation with management and staff of the National League of Local Councils and its members. S/he will maintain a close relationship with UNDP Country Office, Task Manager at European Union (EU) Delegation in Cambodia, National Committee for Sub-national Democratic Development (NCDD), local authorities, line ministries, multi-lateral and bi-lateral development partners and civil society organizations working on decentralization to synergize relevant initiatives in accordance with government-donor alignment and harmonization efforts.

Duties and Responsibilities

Summary of Key Functions:
  • Plan, initiate, facilitate and manage project activities and measure performance and report on project results and outcomes to the Project Board;
  • Provide strategic policy and technical advice to identify, establish and maintain clear mechanisms for creating, strengthening and measuring voice and accountability in the project with the view to future replication;
  • Develop the capacity of the National League of Local Councils, its members and Secretariat to enable them to effectively perform their functions as an autonomous Local Government Associations;
  • Support other related activities on the establishment of functioning advocacy and accountability of Local Government Associations to ensure complementarily and maximum impact of project activities;
  • Provide support to UNDP Country Office regarding strategic policy and programming on the progress of the establishment of functioning advocacy and accountability of Local Government Associations and resource mobilization.
Plan, initiate, facilitate and manage project activities and measure performance and report on project results and outcomes to the Project Board:
  • Provide guidance and advice to project manager in terms of strategic oversight of planning, budgeting, implementing and monitoring of the project, tracking use of financial resources in accordance with UNDP and EU rules and regulations;
  • Ensure effective monitoring, measuring the impact of the project and evaluation. Constant monitoring and analysis of the project environment, timely readjustment of project, finalization of contribution agreement, determination of required revisions, coordination of the mandatory and budget re-phasing exercises, closure of projects’ activities through review;
  • Coordinate and supervise the activities of the project staff, experts and consultants working as part of the technical assistance team;
  • Prepare progress reports for Project Board and donors;
  • Minimize risk and provide solutions to the issues during the project implementation;
  • Co-ordinate preparation for project board meeting and implement/monitor the board decision and guidance.
Provide strategic policy and technical advice to identify, establish and maintain clear mechanisms for creating, strengthening and measuring voice and accountability in the project with the view to future replication:
In close consultation with counterparts to carry out the following:
  • Briefly map out current initiatives including implementation mechanisms for growing voice and accountability in Cambodia;
  • Identify the appropriate mechanism (provide options) through which Voice and Accountability and other good governance characteristics can be grown;
  • Prepare a strategy of how Voice and Accountability can be enhanced at all levels;
  • Identify and define an appropriate capacity building actions to enhance voice and accountability within the overall capacity building framework for democratic and decentralized local governance;
  • Identify, define and establish a simple project monitoring system to measure good governance characteristics including voice and accountability;
  • Provide quality inputs in the development of annual work plan budget and progress reports;
  • Provide alternative solutions to substantive and strategic management issues;
  • Continuously provide the counterparts with relevant global examples of similar good governance initiatives;
  • Encourage knowledge sharing on this topic;
  • Identify research and innovative opportunities that could be consider within the project;
  • Identify and discuss aspects that could be piloted in this area;
  • Provide Risk Analysis of the follow-up stage of the project focusing on institutional environment and National League of Local Council capacities.
Develop the capacity of the National League of Local Councils, its members and Secretariat to enable them to effectively perform their functions as an autonomous Local Government Associations:
  • In close consultation with counterparts (UNDP and Local Government Associations) to carry out the following:
  • Briefly map out current progress in establishing and strengthening Local Associations of all elected sub-national councils in Cambodia;
  • Provide inputs regarding the statutes and structure of two separate Local Government Associations or joint secretariat.
  • Provide inputs and advice for Review/Revision 2011-2015 Strategic Plan of National League of Local Councils and its member Associations of Local Councils (Districts/Municipalities/Khans & Communes/Sangkats) and preparation of new Strategic plan;
  • Provide advice for the development of advocacy strategy and implementation plan for the Local Government Associations;
  • Facilitate the preparation of capacity development plan for the Local Government Associations and their secretariats;
  • Follow-up such capacity development plan providing Organisational Support/Institutional Development support to the National League of Local Councils focusing on a) internal operations and management systems and procedures, b) Starter’s Package of Communes/Sangkats Functions, c) Provincial Impact stimulus strategy;
  • Develop the relevant training materials, and assist in the implementation of trainings;
  • Develop a chart that lists the current main service delivery and infrastructure activities currently undertaken under the Democratic Development framework. Define the corresponding implementation structures. List the Capacity Building activities currently undertaken at all levels under Democratic Development framework for this service. Use this knowledge, as a basis for determining any additional activities that the Associations could become engaged in;
  • Contribute to Democratic Development policy development through the documentation of project experience, drawing from lessons learned, and undertaking specific policy analysis and review in the fields of local governance and decentralization in Cambodia;
  • Coordinate and collaborate closely with the Secretariat of National Committee for Management of Sub-National Democratic Development to design a comprehensive future capacity approach for local councilors to be implemented by Local Government Associations.
Support other related activities on the establishment of functioning advocacy and accountability of Local Government Associations to ensure complementarily and maximum impact of project activities:
  • Advise and develop networks with other local government associations in Asia and other regions, particularly through south-south cooperation modality/approach;
  • Develop networks with Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and mobilize their support in enabling the National League of Local Councils and its members’ functions;
  • Establish, organize and facilitate the implementation of a local-to-local exchange programme for local councils, local authorities, CSOs, and local citizens;
  • Serve as resource person in capacity development activities for effective participation in and improved management and implementation of local governance activities.
Provide support to UNDP Country Office regarding strategic policy and programming on the progress of the establishment of functioning advocacy and accountability of Local Government Associations and resource mobilization:
  • Advise UNDP on strategic inputs in developing the Local Government Associations long-term resource mobilization plans and strategies;
  • Advise UNDP on progress of “Advocacy and Accountability, and Local Government Associations” component relevant programming through policy notes assessing and identifying emerging needs/issues, and advising appropriate interventions;
  • Actively support UNDP Country Office in UNDP Corporate knowledge networks and local advisors network to share knowledge and information; contribute to UNDP's knowledge management by producing occasional notes and reports codifying/documenting UNDP's experiences in project/programme implementation (best practices, lessons learned and follow-up action);
  • Provide three monthly progress advisory reports;
  • Support the development and consolidate periodic reports required by UNDP;
  • Support programme unit to mobilize resources for project covering the next stage of support to the National League of Local Government Associations including a) design of new supporting project after the project and its Initiation Plan where necessary.
Impact of Results:
The key results have an impact on the overall success of the EU-UNDP supported the Ministry of Interior project and reaching United Nations Development Asssitance Framework/Country Program Document objectives and the Royal Government of Cambodia’s Democratic Development reform goals. The overall impact of the results of the International Governance Advisor will be a well-functioned National League of Local Councils with well-perceived policies, regulations, transparent and reliable systems, procedures and guidelines as well as supporting networks from both, Cambodia and overseas established and good governance enhanced measurable.


Core Competencies:
  • Promoting Ethics and Integrity/Creating Organizational Precedents;
  • Building support and political acumen;
  • Building staff competence, Creating an environment of creativity and innovation;
  • Building and promoting effective teams;
  • Creating and promoting enabling environment for open communication;
  • Creating an emotionally intelligent organization;
  • Leveraging conflict in the interests of UNDP & setting standards;
  • Sharing knowledge across the organization and building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning;
  • Fair and transparent decision making; calculated risk-taking.
Functional Competencies:
Advocacy / Advancing Policy Oriented Agenda: analysis and creation of messages and strategies:
  • Creates effective advocacy strategies;
  • Contributes to the elaboration of advocacy strategies by identifying and prioritizing audiences and communication means;
  • Performs analysis of political situations and scenarios, and contributes to the formulation of institutional responses;
  • Uses the opportunity to bring forward and disseminate materials for advocacy work.
Building Strategic Partnerships: Identifying and building partnerships:
  • Effectively networks with partners seizing opportunities to build strategic alliances relevant to UNDP’s mandate and strategic agenda;
  • Sensitizes UN Partners, donors and other international organizations to the UNDP’s strategic agenda, identifying areas for joint efforts;
  • Develops positive ties with civil society to build/strengthen UNDP’s mandate;
  • Identifies needs and interventions for capacity building of counterparts, clients and potential partners;
  • Displays initiative, sets challenging outputs for him/herself and willingly accepts new work assignments;
  • Takes responsibility for achieving agreed outputs within set deadlines and strives until successful outputs are achieved;
  • Promotes UNDP’s agenda in inter-agency meetings.
Promoting Organizational learning and Knowledge Sharing: Developing tools and mechanisms:
  • Makes the case for innovative ideas documenting successes and building them into the design of new approaches;
  • Identifies new approaches and strategies that promote the use of tools and mechanisms;
  • Develops and/or participates in the development of tools and mechanisms, including identifying new approaches to promote individual and organizational learning and knowledge sharing using formal and informal methodologies.
Job Knowledge and Technical Expertise: In-depth knowledge of the Subject-matter:
  • Understands more advanced aspects of primary area of specialization as well as the fundamental concepts of related disciplines;
  • Serves as internal consultant in the area of expertise and shares knowledge with staff;
  • Continues to seeks new and improved methods and systems for accomplishing the work of the unit;
  • Keeps abreast of new developments in area of professional discipline and job knowledge and seeks to develop him/herself professionally;
  • Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments;
  • Demonstrates comprehensive understanding and knowledge of the current guidelines and project management tools and utilizes these regularly in work assignments.
Creating Visibility for UNDP/ Supporting UNDP’s Capacity to Advocate: Developing innovative and creative approaches:
  • Leverages different experiences and expertise of team members to achieve better and more innovative outcomes;
  • Leverages multi disciplinary, institutional knowledge and experience of other countries and regions to promote UNDP’s development agenda;
  • Develops innovative and creative approaches to meet programme and capacity development objectives;
  • Participates in dialogue about conceptual innovation at the country and regional levels.
Global Leadership and Advocacy for UNDP’s Goals: Analysis and creation of messages and strategies
  • Creates effective global advocacy messages/strategies;
  • Contributes to the elaboration of a global advocacy strategy by identifying and prioritizing audiences and messages;
  • Performed analysis of political situations and scenarios, and contributes to the formulation of institutional responses;
  • Uses the opportunity to bring forward and disseminate materials for global advocacy work and adapts it for use at country level.
Conceptual innovation in the Provision of Technical Expertise: Developing innovative and creative approaches
  • Leverages different experiences and expertise of team members to achieve better and more innovative outcomes;
  • Leverages multi disciplinary, institutional knowledge and experience of other countries and regions to promote UNDP’s development agenda;
  • Develops innovative and creative approaches to meet programme and capacity development objectives;
  • Participates in dialogue about conceptual innovation at the country and regional levels.
Client Orientation: Contributing to positive outcomes for the client:
  • Anticipates client needs;
  • Works towards creating an enabling environment for a smooth relationship between the clients and service provider;
  • Demonstrates understanding of client’s perspective;
  • Keeps the client informed of problems or delays in the provision of services;
  • Uses discretion and flexibility in interpreting rules in order to meet client needs and achieve organizational goals more effectively;
  • Solicits feedback on service provision and quality.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Master’s Degree in Governance, Social Sciences, Public Policy and Administration or other related fields.
  • At least seven years of professional experience at the managerial and/or advisory level in the area of governance administration, of which at least three years are at an international level;
  • Exeperience in the management of UNDP National Implementation Modality project would be an asset;
  • Prior experience with capacity development projects in Cambodia or South East Asia is highly desirable;
  • Strong skills in project management and previous experience of managing large scale projects;
  • Strong facilitation, advocacy and coordination skills;
  • Experience of implementing projects across UN agencies and across Government are definite advantages;
  • Ability to effectively coordinate a large multi-disciplinary team of experts and consultants;
  • Knowledge of UN/UNDP rules and regulations, in particular Results-Based Management would be an asset.
Language Requirements:
  • Excellent command of written and spoken English.