
UNDP supports stabilization, state-building, and governance and development priorities in Afghanistan. UNDP support, in partnership with the Government, the United Nations system, the donor community and other development stakeholders, has contributed to institutional development efforts leading to positive impact on the lives of Afghan citizens. Over the years UNDP support has spanned such milestone efforts as the adoption of the Constitution; Presidential, Parliamentary and Provincial Council elections; institutional development through capacity-building to the legislative, the judicial and executive arms of the state, and key ministries, Government agencies and commissions at the national and subnational levels. UNDP Programmes in Afghanistan have benefited from the very active support of donors. UNDP Afghanistan is committed to the highest standards of transparency and accountability and works in close coordination with the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan and the UN system as a whole to maximize the impact of its development efforts on the ground.

Years of conflict have damaged Afghanistan’s economic, political, physical, social and institutional structures. Reconstruction demands a secure environment in which there is credible leadership and enforced rule of law.  Strong, legitimate and effective public administration structures, responsive to the needs of ordinary citizens - including the poor – are a precursor to any sustainable development.  To this end, UNDP supports Afghan electoral institutions so that they can become more effective vehicles for development.

The Cross Practice Unit Strategic Plan sets out coherent, holistic, orderly, well-grounded interventions to assist the Government of Afghanistan in achieving the following two National Priority Programmes formulated based on ANDS Prioritization and Implementation Plan: 

  • NPP 3 Efficient Government (Governance Cluster);
  • NPP 4 Implementation of NAPWA (Human Resource Cluster) .

Following from the Kabul Conference Communiqué in 2010, the Bonn conference in December 2011 marked the 10th anniversary of the 2001 Bonn Conference and recognized the progress made for the past decade. It acknowledged, in particular, the improved access for Afghan women to services such as education and health as well as the establishment of national democratic institutions.

As the Bonn Declaration stated to strengthen state institutions and improve governance further, and to increase responsiveness to the civil and economic needs of the Afghan people and deliver key services to them, the CPU continue linking to two major outcomes identified in the Afghanistan Country Programme Action Plan 2010-2013 (CPAP);

Outcome 4

The state and non-state institution is better able to promote democratic participation and be accountable to the public.

Outcome 6

Increased opportunities for income generation through the promotion of diversified livelihoods, private sector development and public-private partnerships.

All interventions to achieve these outcomes under the CPU are supporting the current transition period of Afghanistan toward 2014 to open the new era of Transformation Decade of 2015-2024 as the Bonn Declaration affirms.   

Consistent with this direction of transition, the strategy of CPU focus on evolution further from direct service delivery to support and capacity development for Afghan institutions. Therefore, strengthening the independence and sustainability of key independent state institutions such as the Independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission (IARCSC) is one of the most important programmes of the CPU. The CPU supports the GoA in developing and implementing national and local capacities for human development and achievement of by effective aid management and South-South solutions to ensure effectiveness, efficiency, sustainability and impact of capacity development efforts in Afghanistan, and above all to promote the national ownership and leadership.

To ensure effectiveness of robust development interventions and achievement of tangible impacts on two outcomes of CPAP, the CPU keep establishing and strengthening the internal and external strategic partnerships with key government and international institutions for the coordination, obtaining of technical and advisory supports and sharing comparative country examples and experiences on best practices and lessons learnt through internal/external Knowledge Network and UNDP’s regional/global Communities of Practice.

The government of Afghanistan has requested UNDP to develop a new project, following the NIBP project closure that can assist the GoA to achieve the goals set out in NPP3 – efficient and effective government. Based on this request and UNDP in-house consultation and observations, it is recommended that the new project to be formulated based on the following overarching areas and objectives. This initiative should be further underpinned by the four interdependent principles:planning, budget execution, accountability and civil service reform to ensure a better service delivery, and enhance revenue generation for a self-reliant Afghanistan.     

  • Public Administration Reforms;
  • Further strengthening and simplifying the policy, legal and regulatory frameworks to ensure transparency, efficiency and effectiveness in the public sector;
  • Assist the Afghanistan Civil Service Institute (ACSI) in designing and developing trainings for civil servants.


The purposed overarching objectives of this formulation may change/amend based on the findings of the final evaluation of the NIBP project. 

Formulation purpose

The current NIBP phase will conclude on 31 December 2013. UNDP Afghanistan and the GIRA (IARCSC) agreed on way forward to develop the next phase of the NIBP project which can directly contribute to and assist the government of Afghanistan in achieving the goals set out in ANDS (Capacity Development and Efficient and Effective Government), NPP3 – Efficient and Effective Government, New Deal, UNDAF and CPD, and commitment made in Kabul and Tokyo conferences.

Furthermore, this ProDoc shall be developed in light of theory of change, UNDP Afghanistan cluster strategies (CD, gender, legitimate and inclusive government, rule of law, sub-national governance and development, and poverty and environment), sustainability, national ownership, transition, and transformation decade 2015-2024 challenges and opportunities.

The next phase of this project should also focus on further strengthening the current South-South cooperation arrangements and expand the South-South cooperation network with other countries based on the expertise and comparative advantage of a country. This project should also foster a more robust and balanced approach to capacity development at all three levels – environmental context, institutional and individual and this balanced approached should be underpinned and guided by four interdependent guiding principles: planning, budget execution, accountability and civil service reform.    

Furthermore, the project document should be formulated in light of the NIBP project final evaluation findings and UNDP Afghanistan CD strategy. And importantly and above all, this document should be formulated on the basis of the following four principles which guide all UNDP Afghanistan intervention:

  • Focus: Improved effectiveness by focusing on UNDP’s comparative advantage;
  • Strategy: Operationalization of the vision through programmatic strategies in five key areas (Legitimate and Inclusive Governance, Sub-National Governance, Rule of Law, Gender and Development, and the Poverty-Environment Nexus);
  • Results: Emphasis on outcomes to be achieved by projects grouped coherently within the strategies;
  • Accountability: Timely monitoring and reporting of progress, learning and adapting, and responsiveness to input from development partners;
  • Transition: Close attention to the strategic and programmatic implications of the ongoing transitions, while helping to position Afghanistan for sustained progress in the Transformation Decade and beyond.

Additionally, this project should take into account a strong focus on sub-national level to ensure a robust, holistic, and impact oriented capacity development approach in the areas of planning, budget execution, accountability and civil service reform in line with the needs assessment and priority of selected ministries.

Finally, the overall objective/output/outcome of this new project should be formulated and designed with objective to improve service delivery of the Government of Afghanistan both at the national and subnational, and improve revenue generation management mechanisms for sustainability and self-reliance.  

Note: UNDP Afghanistan and IARCSC in a joint and participatory effort developed a document on the NIBP project way forward. This document can be used as one of the sources to guide this formulation.

Formuation scope and objectives

The mission will specifically focus on and will be accountable to achieve the following in close consultation with the senior Management, Cross Practice Unit (CPU), NIBP Team and IARCSC:

  • Holistic background review of strategies, policies, frameworks and relevant planned, ongoing and completed programmes in the area of public administration reform, training design and development, and simplification and improvement of public sector regulatory frameworks to ensure transparency and effectiveness;
  • Make a comprehensive assessment of IARCSC and other recommend partners by the final evaluation findings capacity in terms of planning, execution, transparency and civil service reform;
  • Make an assessment of the UNDP programmes/projects to identify key partners in delivering the overall overarching objectives of this project as stated above to the GoIRA both at the national and sub-national to ensure synergies among UND projects;
  • Analysis of the current policies and programmatic interventions of IARCSC and other key partners (e.g. World Bank, CBR, USAID, etc) in the sector of public administration, training design and development, and simplification and improvement of public sector regulatory frameworks to ensure transparency and effectiveness;
  • Make an assessment of civil society organizations (CSOs) which are active in this sector and develop specific recommendations for establishing partnership among IARCSC, UNDP and CSOs;
  • Make a comprehensive assessment of the current policies and programmatic interventions, and identify the key challenges and opportunities in the area of public administration reform, training design and development, and simplification and improvement of public sector regulatory frameworks to ensure transparency and effectiveness in public sector and improved service delivery and good governance;
  • Make a comprehensive assessment of the current policies and programmatic interventions, and identify the key challenges and opportunities in the area of planning, budget execution, transparency and civil service reform to ensure transparency, effectiveness and efficiency in the public sector;
  • Make a comprehensive analysis of capacity level across IARCSC, and identify the key challenges and opportunities to ensure the development of a robust and holistic CD initiative for planning, budget execution, transparency and civil service reform;
  • Make a comprehensive analysis and assessment of IARCSC, and develop key programmatic intervention to support the IARCSC in achieving NPP3 and its strategic plan during transition and transformation decade, particularly focusing on public administration reform, training design and development, and simplification and improvement of public sector regulatory frameworks;
  • Conduct field level assessment of IARCSC capacity level on planning, budget execution, and transparency and civil service reform initiatives in at least four provinces (Mazar-e-Sharif, Jalalabad, Herat and Bamyan) and develop specific recommendations;
  • Make a comprehensive assessment to expand, upscale and replicate the best practices (south-south cooperation, best CD approaches - environmental context, institutional and individual, training design and implementation that can be used to improve planning, budget execution and transparency;
  • Make a comprehensive assessment of the capacity level of Afghanistan Civil Service Institute (ACSI) on training design and development for public sector, and identify the key challenges and opportunities to ensure the development effective, contextualized and impact oriented trainings;
  • Explore and review the current array of resources available to UNDP through existing and prospective sources and develop a resource mobilization strategy in consultation with the government;
  • With a view to formulating a comprehensive multi-year public administration reform, regulatory frameworks of public sector review, and training design and development programme of support to the Government of Afghanistan, scope out the current range of initiatives in the sector by various development partners and aid agencies;
  • Facilitate a broad range of consultations in this respect with the IARCSC, selected key lines ministries as per the final evaluation findings, and institution at the national and sub-national level, UNCT, CSOs and key donors and NGOs;
  • Conducts a comprehensive assessment of the current letter of agreement (LoA) concluded between UNDP and IARCSC, and develop an LoA which should be grounded on the best practices of NIBP, and propose new areas to be included in this document based on the findings of final evaluation to ensure effectiveness, efficiency, and transparency and accountability;
  • Based on all of the above, formulate a new project, by up scaling the best practices of NIBP phase I and propose new programmatic intervention to support IARCSC during transition and transformation decade, and in particularly, focusing on public administration reform, training development and design, regulatory frameworks review, establishment of transparent recruitment mechanism and processes that could ultimately contribute to the improvement of service delivery, and revenue generation and management both at the national and sub-national;
  • Present the draft of Project Document to UNDP Sr. Management, IARCSC and heads of relevant line ministries/departments and key donors, and collect comments to further improve the project document;
  • With a support from the Cross Practice Unit and NIBP team, convene a Pre-PAC meeting to present the finalized Project Document for endorsement by UNDP Sr. Management and units heads;
  • Based on the results of the Pre-PAC, convene LPAC to present the Project Document and obtain final approval/commitment from key government counterparts, in particular IARCSC, donors, and UNDP country director
Implementation arrangements
The mission is expected to take a total of three months.

Time-frame for the evaluation process

The mission will take place on 1 of January to 31 March 2013.


Consultants are requested to submit a proposal to conduct the Evaluation of NIBP. In-country flights will be covered by the project.

Deberes y responsabilidades

The formulation consultant should have a broad and extensive knowledge of public administration reform, capacity development, training design and development, revenue generation and generation and service delivery;
In addition, the formulation consultant should possess a broad knowledge and understanding of the  Afghanistan independent Administrative Reform and Civil Service Commission, social context, major challenges and obstacles of the transition and transformation decade, in-depth understanding about Kabul and Tokyo processes, and in-depth knowledge about the government cluster, and in particular NPP3. Background or familiarity with conflict and post conflict is also desirable.

The mission shall produce the following documents:
  • Formulation of a multi-year project document in line with the purpose of the formulation scope and objective,  stated above;
  • Incorporation of the NIBP final evaluation findings into the project document;
  • Development of a resource mobilization strategic framework in collaboration with UNDP and IARCSC;
  • Development of an effective and efficient project organizational and staffing structure, and Terms of References (ToRs);
  • Organize and conduct Pre-PAC and L-PAC and finalize the project document based on observations and inputs of these two meetings.


Corporate Competencies:
  • Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Project implementation experience with the UN system a strong asset;
  • Strong organizational and reporting skills;
  • Results oriented, strong team player with outstanding interpersonal and coordination skills;
  • Ability to work independently;
  • Strong managerial competency with experience in results based management and results oriented approach to project implementation;
  • Ability to establish substantive professional relationships with all stakeholders;
  • Familiarity with post-conflict environments is an asset.
Functional Competencies:
  • Ability to provide top quality policy advice;
  • In-depth practical knowledge of inter-disciplinary development issues;
  • Good interpersonal and diplomacy skills that allow for working productively as part of a larger team;
  • Ability to use critical thinking, conceptualize ideas, and articulate relevant subject matter in a clear and concise way.
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills in English;
  • Ability to communicate effectively with and relate to people of different cultures, demonstrating an ability to see issues from other perspectives.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Minimum Masters’ level education or P.HD is desirable from an accredited and recognized university in the field of international development, political science, public administration, public policy or governance.
  • Experience in public sector, particularly public administration and good governance with at least 10 years of experience in project formulation.
Language Requirements:
  •  English with excellent written and analytical skills.
Evaluation Criteria

The offer will be evaluated by using the Best Value for money approach (combined scoring method).  The Technical Proposal will be evaluated on 80%.  Whereas the Financial Proposal will be evaluated on 20%.

Finally, the consultant should possess an extensive knowledge in the area of project formulation.

Documents to be included in the application (only 1 file can be uploaded): 

All interested applicants should submit the following requirements. The following 4 documents should be merged in a standalone file including all them, since the online application submission does only permit to upload one file per application. Incomplete submission can be a ground for disqualification.

  • Brief expression of interest: a brief narrative on why you think you are qualified to undertake the consultancy;
  • A current and complete C.V. in English with indication of 3 references as well as the permanent email and phone contact;
  • Duly completed UNDP Personal History Form (P11) that can be downloaded from
  • Financial proposal: Daily rate / Lump sum.

Incomplete applications or applications received after the closing date will not be given consideration. Please note that only applicants who are shorted-listed will be contacted.

For more detailed information about UNDP Afghanistan please visit our website at

Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply.