
The current United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Country Programme in Kazakhstan has been implemented since 2010 within the mutually agreed and signed the Country Programme Action Plan for 2010 – 2015.  The programme has three outcomes dedicated to improvements of maternal health, access to family planning and access to information and services on sexual and reproductive health for young people.   The new UNFPA Strategic Plan for 2014-2017 adopted by Executive Board of the UNDP, the UNFPA and the UN Office for Project Services reaffirms the strategic direction set out in the midterm review of the 2008-2013 strategic plan, as represented by the “bull’s eye”, and presents a set of organizational changes that support its attainment.  These reforms include a strengthened results framework, a new business model, and improvements to the funding arrangements.
The bull’s eye is the goal of UNFPA: the achievement of universal access to sexual and reproductive health, the realization of reproductive rights, and the reduction in maternal mortality.
To accelerate the progress of the UNFPA Kazakhstan Country Programme and to strengthen the CO’s focus on fulfillment of the UNFPA Strategic Plan for 2014-2017 the UNFPA, Kazakhstan is seeking for a National Reproductive Health Project Officer.   The Officer will ensure smooth implementation and effective coordination of the RH projects, make sure UNFPA is seen as an effective partner in the area of reproductive and sexual health in the country and will work with relevant government counterparts and civil society partners and in close collaboration with UN partners, particularly WHO, UNICEF as well as other international organizations.
The National Reproductive Health Project Officer will work under direct supervision of UNFPA Assistant Representative and in close collaboration with Government Officials, such as the Ministry of Health, the National Commission on Women and Demographic Policy under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Local Health Authorities, Heads of Clinics, professionals, Medical Universities and mass media.

Devoirs et responsabilités

A. Provide quality advice to Government and NGOs from programme and technical perspective, including:

•Support to development of policies that address safe motherhood, effective perinatal technologies, family planning;
•Advice the Ministry of Health on priority directions;
•Assist in promoting dialogue and good practices among different stakeholders;
•Draft requested reports, briefing and analytical notes on the issues of maternal health, sexual and reproductive health, family planning;
•Conduct resource mobilization for the programme;
•Provide advice to the Ministry of Health on optimization of data collection and analysis on Mother and Child Health, as well as on Reproductive Health and Family Planning.
B. Ensure the quality of implementation of annual work plans, including:

•Provide technical guidance and oversee the implementation of respective UNFPA supported projects;
•Provide direct training services for the workshops on confidential audit of maternal mortality;
•Initiate, discuss and agree on recruitment of international and national consultants to provide expert advice, develop Terms of References, help with identification of relevant strong candidates, ensure all necessary logistical support and arrangements for missions of international and national consultants;
•Provide substantive support to projects implementation activities, such as workshops, seminars and training sessions, draft concept papers, agendas, list of participants, draft recommendations for advocacy and capacity building events;
•Provide necessary support to national partners in development of narrative reports as follow up to implemented events;
•Undertake regular field trips to regions to help partners to ensure implementation and proper follow up.
C. Ensure managerial support:

•Build and share knowledge with regards to management and operations of the projects;
•Track progress toward achievement of respective outcomes and outputs of the Country Programme, develop and achieve agreements with counterparts on annual workplans and budgets;
•Ensure accountability of the use of all project funds.
D. Perform any other relevant assignments that may arise in respect to fulfillment of the above responsibilities.


Functional Competencies:
• Adaptation / Application of knowledge  in different contexts:
Collaborates with partners to create and apply knowledge and concepts that will help partners achieve their RH, population, gender and development objectives within the country context;
Focus on tasks and activities which have a strategic impact on programme;
Promote supportive environment to enhance partnership, leverage resources and build support for RH programmes;
Provide evidence based guidance to policy dialogue.
Advocacy / Advancing a policy-oriented agenda:
Prepare the basic information required for advocacy for the inclusion of Population and Development, Reproductive Health and gender concerns.
Create messages and strategies.
Influence the public policy agenda.
Conceptual innovation in the provision of technical expertise:
Support UNFPA’s advocacy by developing innovative and creative approaches to the provision of technical expertise.
Move from research and analysis to developing innovative and creative approach to conceptual leadership and championing conceptual innovation.
• Innovation and marketing of new approaches:
Enhance existing processes and products.
Develop original and imaginative ideas and approaches.
Influence others to adopt new approaches.
• Results based programme development and management:
Effectively manage internal and external resources to achieve organizational results.
Move from basic research to programme and project management, to programme design and conceptual leadership.
• Job knowledge / Technical expertise:
Demonstrate and apply professional and/or technical expertise/knowledge of the post or discipline.
Focus on the knowledge and skill areas necessary to effectively perform the post.
Identify and seek to expand knowledge and improve work processes.
Core Competencies:
• Performance management:

Accepting responsibility for personal performance and performance of staff. 
Managing own career development to enhance value to UNFPA and its staff. 
Managing the performance of staff, including fair evaluation of performance. 
Creating the conditions for outstanding performance.
• Working in Teams:

Working effectively with colleagues in ways that allow the achievement of shared objectives.
Building teams both within existing organizational structures and outside of them. 
Creating team spirit and unity of purpose across UNFPA.
• Communicating information and ideas:
Communicating clearly and effectively. 
Seeking to understand the ideas of others. 
Facilitating and encouraging open communication. 
Creating an environment for open communication.
Inspiring and persuading others.
• Appropriate and transparent decision making:
Making appropriate and transparent decisions by analyzing complex information, taking into consideration different points of view. 
Demonstrating the ability to make tough and/or sensitive decisions. 
Having flexibility to both adopt a course of action and change it when required by the situation.
• Analytical and strategic thinking and Results orientation:
Identifying, defining and analyzing information, situations and problems. 
Demonstrating a capacity to think and act in order to achieve long-term benefits and objectives for UNFPA by breaking situations into smaller parts or tracing step-by-step the implications of the situation.
Using rational and intuitive processes that result in drawing accurate conclusions, generating viable solutions and visualizing new potentials. 
Demonstrating the ability to step above immediate concerns and to see the ‘big picture’.
• Knowledge sharing / Continuous learning:

Taking responsibility for one’s own learning and development. 
Actively seeking learning and career development opportunities. 
Promoting organizational learning and knowledge management. 
Building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning.

Qualifications et expériences requises


Advanced University Degree (equivalent of Master Degree or Higher) in Public Health, Public Health Management or Medicine.  Good and proven knowledge of UNFPA/WHO/UNICEF policy on Safe Motherhood, Effective Perinatal Technology, Confidential Audit of Maternal Mortality.

At least five years of progressive professional working experience  in the area of mother and child health, sexual and reproductive health with ability to apply evidence-based medicine approaches.
Knowledge of concepts of programming, data collection, analysis, processing, monitoring and evaluation.
Good knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, Power Point, use of email and internet. 
Language Requirement:
Written and spoken English and Russian, knowledge of Kazakh is a strong asset.