
The Project Identification Form (PIF) and Project Preparation Grant (PPG) Document of the project “Increasing resilience of ecosystems and vulnerable communities to CC and anthropic threats through a ridge to reef approach to BD conservation and watershed management” were approved by the GEF on 20th June 2013, on the understanding that the Project Document and other supporting documentation will be presented to GEF within 18 months, i.e. by 20th December 2013. The objective of the project is that watersheds and coastal areas in Haiti are spatially configured and managed to increase the resilience of ecosystems and vulnerable communities to climate change and anthropic threats.

As explained in the PIF, the project will deliver help to reduce the vulnerability of poor people in Haiti to the effects of climate change, while at the same time conserving threatened coastal and marine biodiversity. These benefits are highly interdependent: investments in climate-proofed BD conservation strategies will enable coastal and marine ecosystems to continue to generate Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EBA) services; while additional investment of adaptation funds in the watersheds which drain into these ecosystems will serve to maximize BD benefits and ecosystem functions, as well as generating EBA benefits for the populations living in the watersheds themselves.

The project will be structured around two complementary and interrelated components:

  •  Increased resilience to climate threats in key watersheds and coastal ecosystems, with support from the Least Developed Countries Fund (LDCF);
  • Establishment and management of PAs in the marine and coastal zones of target watersheds, with support from the GEF Trust Fund.
The PPG funds approved by GEF are destined for the following activities:
  •  Recommendation of strategies for EBA and NRM;
  • Policy, planning and institutional analysis;
  • Proposal of stakeholder participation and social mitigation strategies;
  • Proposals for PA management;
  • Proposals for biodiversity conservation in coastal/marine zone;
  • Development of key project design elements.

The PPG Document proposes the formation of a multidisciplinary team of national and international consultants, to conduct analyses and generate recommendations on the complex cross-sector issues covered by the project. This consultancy will be of crucial importance for the formulation of project component 1, and will correspond to PPG activity 1, and will complement and by closely coordinated with an international consultancy on EBA and natural resource management.

Objectives of the consultancy

To generate recommendations of NRM strategies to be promoted by the project to generate EBA and livelihood benefits.


The consultant will be hired by UNDP Haiti and will report to the International EBA and NRM specialist, under the overall oversight and guidance of the International PPG Coordinator. He/she will coordinate closely with all other members of the PPG team.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Under the overall guidance of the International PPG Coordinator, the consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:

  • Characterization of existing NRM systems in the target areas in terms of their positive or negative implications for EBA and the livelihoods of local people, including;
  • Productive and agronomic aspects, such as the crops and practices involved, their productivity and input requirements, and the key factors determining the success and sustainability of the practices;
  • The relations between the NRM systems and farm families’ overall livelihood strategies and financial/labour budgets;
  • Biophysical aspects, in terms of their environmental impacts, their resilience to climate change and their potential to contribute to EBA;
  • Other social aspects, including their traditional/cultural importance and the respective roles of different members of farm families and communities in their implementation, which may have to be taken into account in any proposals for modification of the systems;
  • On the basis of the above characterization, and in discussion with the international specialist in EBA and NRM, the generation of indicative recommendations (to be confirmed during the implementation phase, through further studies and participatory processes) of NRM strategies to be promoted by the project in the target sites with potential for contributing to EBA and sustainable livelihoods. These strategies may include, for example, the following;
  • Reforestation and restoration of vegetation in watersheds and mangroves to promote water infiltration, regulate stream flows, protect against mass movement and buffer against sea level rise and wave impact;
  • Soil- and water-conservation practices in agriculture, including the construction, maintenance and/or restoration of terraces and structures for capturing run-off and promoting infiltration, mulch-based production systems, and agroforestry systems;
  • The characterization of current strategies, systems and institutional responsibilities at local level for the development, transfer and support of productive practices/technologies;
  • The recommendation of strategies, systems and institutional responsibilities at local level for the development, transfer and support of EBA- and livelihood-friendly NRM practices, with an emphasis on social and institutional sustainability;
  • The generation of quantitative data required for the definition of baseline values of project indicators and for the characterization of the “baseline/without project” scenario according to LDCF logic;
  • Support to the international consultant in the estimation of the human, logistical and resource requirements for the promotion and implementation of the recommended NRM/EBA strategies.

Participation in the initial PPG start-up workshop and the validation workshop towards the end of the PPG phase, as well as any other meetings with other members of the consultancy team and external actors that may be required throughout the duration of the consultancy, to discuss and negotiate methodologies, advances and proposals.


Methodological proposal and work plan, based on the results of the PPG start-up workshop (coordinated with that of the international EBA/NRM specialist but focusing more specifically on fieldwork aspects and interactions with national and local actors).

Report on NRM practices, including:

The characterization of existing systems, such as the relations between the NRM systems and farm families’ overall livelihood strategies and financial/labour budgets, biophysical aspects and other social and cultural aspects.

Quantitative data on the existing systems, including (but not limited to) the numbers of farmers applying them, the area covered and the levels of agricultural production, required to define the baseline values of indicators in the project’s results framework.

The recommendation of systems to be promoted through the project, with potential to contribute to EBA and local livelihoods in the project areas.

Report on strategies, systems and institutional responsibilities at local level for the development, transfer and support of NRM practices with potential to deliver EBA and livelihood benefits, with an emphasis on social and institutional sustainability, including:

Results of the characterization of current strategies, systems and institutional responsibilities at local level for the development, transfer and support of productive practices/technologies.

Recommendations of strategies, systems and institutional responsibilities at local level for the development, transfer and support of EBA- and livelihood-friendly NRM practices, with an emphasis on social and institutional sustainability.

Report on consultations carried out during the PPG phase, for inclusion as part of an annex to the Project Document.


  • Demonstrate ability to assess complex socio-economic dynamics, gender variability, succinctly distills critical issues, and draw forward-looking technical conclusions and recommendations;
  • Highly knowledgeable of gender characteristics in society;
  • Ability to deliver quality technical reports within the given time;
  • Familiarity with the challenges developing countries face in adapting to climate change; and
  • Excellent in coordination, planning and team work.

Qualifications et expériences requises

The selection of the consultant will be on its knowledge and experience in developing report focuses on thematic areas such as: Integrated planning and management of watersheds, economics of natural resources and the environment, environmental law, agricultural sciences. Also, understanding the consultant with respect to matters relating to the management and evaluation of development projects and those links to issues of natural resource management and biodiversity will have a decisive weight. The service provider must have a good knowledge of the legal, institutional, organizational and socio-cultural, economic realities and environmental Haiti. To be more specific and accurate:

  • The consultant should have at least a Master's degree in one of the following links to key areas: sustainable management of the environment, natural resources and biodiversity, planning, development and integrated management of watersheds, the planning and regional Development, saving natural resources and the sustainable development or other related topics.
  • Good experience in project formulation linking gender issues and major concerns (issues and challenges) environmental, socio-economic, cultural, organizational;
  • Minimum 5 years experience in the design, development and evaluation of initiatives (projects / programs) for sustainable and participatory environmental management (Experience with design and/or management of GEF projects is an desirable asset);
  • Relevant in the preparation of arguments supporting advocacy with a view to mobilizing resources for organizational capacity and / or institutional experience;
  • Strong experience in technical assistance for development projects with major donor agencies;
  • Solid experience of working in a multidisciplinary team (multicultural space);
  • Practice knowledge of the legal and institutional framework of Haiti in relation to the theme' Natural Resource Management '

Language Requirements:

  • Fluent English;
  • Spoken French.
Documents to be included when submitting the proposals:

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  • Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work
  • Provide a brief methodology on how they will approach and conduct the work
  • Financial proposal
  • Personal CV at least 3 references
Financial proposal should specify a total lump sum amount.
All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. This includes all travel to join duty station/repatriation travel. In general, UNDP should not accept travel costs exceeding those of an economy class ticket. Should the IC wish to travel on a higher class he/she should do so using their own resources.
In the case of unforeseeable travel, payment of travel costs including tickets, lodging and terminal expenses should be agreed upon, between the respective business unit and Individual Consultant, prior to travel and will be reimbursed.
Two stage evaluation procedures will be applied:
  • Technical evaluation – 70/100;
  • Financial evaluation – 30/100.
Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 70 points would be considered for the Financial.

The position is open to candidates of both sexes and of Haitian nationality.