
The consultancy is planned within the 2nd phase of the Municipal Training System (MTS II) Project, which is aimed at contributing to professional and competent BiH local governments, able to effectively manage development processes and deliver quality services to their citizens. The MTS II focuses on further strengthening of the policy and functional capacity of the Training System for Local Self-Government Employees in BiH and supports its affirmation as an effective public mechanism for carrying out the local governments` capacity development agenda country-wide, as defined within the entity training strategies 2011 - 2015. The project also supports the design and delivery of priority and demand-driven training programmes for both local government elected officials and employees. The MTS project is an integral pillar of the UNDP Local Governance Programme, which aims to contribute to improvement of governance, focusing on advancing local government know-how so as to better position local authorities to tackle and overcome development challenges, whilst improving citizens services.

The MTS II is a UNDP-managed project, funded primarily by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and implemented in partnership with the BiH Ministry of Justice, the FBiH Ministry of Justice, the RS Ministry of Administration and Local Self-Government, the entity Civil Service Agencies and entity Associations of Municipalities and Cities.

The overall purpose of the consultancy is to support the institutionalisation of financial sustainability models for local government training systems in BiH (one for Federation of BiH and one for Republika Srpska) through the provision of technical advice on the optimal promotion methods, development of a promotion and advocacy plan and supporting documents, and delivery of presentations to mayors of municipalities and cities in BiH as well as and other stakeholders. The assignment is a part of the Local Government Training System in Bosnia and Herzegovina and aims at ensuring the mid to long-term sustainability of training systems, independent of external funds.

The primary focus of the consultancy is to facilitate an informed interaction with local government leaders and engage them in a discussion on the current models for co-financing of training systems in BiH. Prior to the roll out of the “road-show”, the Consultant shall, in close cooperation with the UNDP MTS II project team, prepare a promotion and advocacy plan, to include defining the agenda and developing the materials to be presented. Models for financial sustainability of Training Systems were developed in 2013, in line with the entity Training Strategies for Local Government Employees. (The Training Strategy for Local Government Employees for the RS is available at:; The Training Strategy for Local Government Employees for the FBiH is available at: Working groups were established in both entities, with the task to define a model which would secure continuous financing of the design and delivery of training programmes for local-self governments. Both entity models foresee contributions from local governments towards the financing of training programmes on an annual basis. As the models impose a financial obligation on local governments it is necessary to properly promote the two models and explain what exactly they entail in terms of funding and benefits.

Deberes y responsabilidades

Pursuant to achieving strategic priorities within the entity Training Strategies, i.e. creating a self-sustainable model of financing for the two training systems, this service will support the institutionalisation of the selected financial model and its endorsement by majors of municipalities and cities in BiH. The overall aim is to set up a training systems independent of external funds by 2015. The consultancy is organised as follows:

  • Task 1 - Preparation of a promotion and advocacy plan

As the first step, the Consultant shall consult with UNDP MTS II project team on the scope of work, objective, target group and action plan for the assignment. Consultations may also be had with members of the Working Groups and representatives of the entity Associations of Municipalities and Cities, which are also to be involved in the promotion activities. The project team will provide the necessary information related to background of the assignment, models that the entity Working Groups have developed in 2013, stakeholders to be involved in promotion events and expected results. Within this task the Consultant shall propose the methodology and action plan for the promotion activities, as well as a set of materials to be used for this purpose. The consultant’s work will be coordinated and directly supervised by a designated UNDP MTS II project team member. Task 1 will take up to 6 work days.

  • Task 2 -On-site promotion

Following consultations, the development of methodology and action plan and their subsequent endorsement by the project team, the Consultant shall visit, along with other selected models’ promoters, up to ten (10) cities/municipalities where round table meetings will be organised. At each round table, some 6-10 majors will be invited to get acquainted with the financial sustainability model, in order to fully comprehend the background of its development, benefits for municipalities and manner in which co-financing will be carried out. Round table meetings will be organised regionally, ideally hosted by a municipality located centrally in each given region. The duration of round tables will take into consideration the demands of mayoral schedules, and therefore would take a maximum of 3 hours each. For each round table the Consultant shall prepare and deliver a presentation of the financial sustainability model as a whole, but also information on exact amount of contributions of each municipality which is expected to take part in the event. Representatives of entity Working Groups are expected to take part in promotion activities. Logistics for the round tables will be provided by the project team. Task 2 shall last up to 20 days.

  • Task 3 – Submission of final report

Based on information gathered during the round table meetings, as a final part of the assignment the Consultant shall prepare a report outlining the main conclusions from each round table. All eventual remarks, objections and recommendations should be noted and if necessary appropriate measures proposed. Task 3 shall last up to 4 work days.

Deliverables and timelines UNDP MTS II project team will closely oversee the service provision, work in close and continuous cooperation and coordination with the Consultant. The entire service will be delivered in one of the official languages in BiH. The expected timeframe for the service is from March to November 2014.

The Consultant is responsible for the following deliverables:

  • Preparation of promotion plan - March 2014 (up to 6 days)
  • On-site promotion - April – November 2014 (up to 20 days)
  • Submission of report - November (up to 4 days)


Core values

  • Demonstrates integrity and fairness by modelling UN values and ethical standards;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;

Core competencies

  • Demonstrates professional competence to meet responsibilities and post requirements and is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results;
  • Results-Orientation: Plans and produces quality results to meet established goals, generates innovative, practical solutions to challenging situations;
  • Communication: Excellent communication skills, including the ability to convey complex concepts and recommendations, both orally and in writing, in a clear and persuasive style tailored to match different audiences;
  • Team work: Ability to interact, establish and maintain effective working relations with a culturally diverse team;
  • Client orientation: Ability to establish and maintain productive partnerships with national partners and stakeholders and pro-activeness in identifying of beneficiaries and partners’ needs, and matching them to appropriate solutions.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Advanced university degree in economics, public finances or public administration.
  • 10 years of relevant experience in the field of financial policy planning, financial management, strategic development or sustainability management;
  • Proven analytical skills and ability to conceptualise and write concisely and clearly;
  • Proven skills and expertise in participatory and inclusive policy development, planning, project design;
  • Proven communication, facilitation and advocacy skills, and ability to work in an environment requiring liaison and collaboration with multiple actors including government representatives. Language requirements:
  • Fluency in English and official languages of BIH.
  • Excellent computer skills (MS Office applications) and ability to use information technologies as a tool and resource.

Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the Cumulative analysis. The award of the contract will be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

  • Responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
  • Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical (70%) and financial (30%) criteria specific to the solicitation

Applicants are required to submit an application including:

  • Letter of interest;
  • Completed and signed UNDP Personal History Form (downloadable from detailing past experience in similar projects and actual contact details (e-mail addresses) of three referees that are reachable and willing to provide at short notice their view on applicant;
  • Financial proposal indicating the lump sum fee for the assignment

All above mentioned documents should be submitted only online through this website as one attachment.


  • For an assignment requiring travel, consultants of 62 years or more require full medical examination and statement of fitness to work to engage in the consultancy. 
  • Due to large number of potential applicants, only competitively selected candidates will be contacted for remaining steps of the service procurement process.