
Organizational Context

Myanmar is at an historic stage in its development. A new Constitution was adopted in May 2008 and elections were held in November 2010 with bi-elections in April 2012. Parliament and governments have been formed at the national and region/state levels. A number of reforms have already been undertaken focusing on good governance, human rights and reaching cease-fire agreements in a number of conflict areas. These reforms are seen as positive steps which have led to increasing engagement with the international community and allowed the Executive Board of UNDP to lift mandate restrictions and to propose a full-fledged UNDP country program (which was approved by the Executive Board in early 2013). Rounds of sectarian violence with the possibility of a country wide spillover effect, prolonged displacement and inability to find durable solutions for those displaced over the years due to conflict has shadowed the reform agenda.

The inter-communal violence in Rakhine State in June and October 2012 resulted in massive displacement of populations, damage assets and loss of livelihoods and lives. OCHA reports over 200,000 people were affected by the violence; at least 100,000 people displaced and put 115,000 others in critical life-saving situation. Recent statistics on the number of displaced population do not show progress of return. In July 2013, approximately 140,000 people were displaced across 10 districts in Rakhine State, hosted in 76 camps and camp-like settings. In September 2013, the number of IDPs has increased to 143,000 (26,534 hh).

Around 95000 persons are displaced in camps across Kachin and Northern Shan State. 85000 live in camps and 10000 in host communities. The number of host communities is estimated at 20000 people who are supplemented by 20000 isolated/inaccessible conflict-affected communities and around 5000 unregistered IDPs. The length of displacements and the unlikely short term prospects for return, the humanitarian situation in Kachin has progressively evolved toward protracted displacements. This has been translated into planning assumptions retained by the humanitarian community. Early Recovery in the context of Kachin is largely dependent on the peace process. The agreement on a return and resettlement program in 4 pilot villages offers concrete steps for early recovery for conflict affected communities in these villages once they are selected.

Given the situation of protracted displacement and prolonged humanitarian situation early recovery takes on a crisis prevention and recovery approach in Rakhine and Kachin. While economic recovery is a hall mark of recovery, the ER sector in Myanmar takes on an increasing conflict prevention approach focusing on creating an enabling environment, building local governance capacity (government and local NGOs) to shape and lead the ER agenda. In addition, the UNDP has recently restructured its programming to ensure that it coordination functions and response capacity are closely aligned. This translates into a decision to bring the Rakhine and Kachin programming under the early recovery rubric. In practice what it means is that all UNDP programming, design and implementation, across pillars would come under an ER framework. In would also mean that the management of the field offices would come under the leadership of the ER Unit working in close liaison with technical output leads across the three pillars to ensure that all programming for these two locations are designed, planned and implemented in a conflict sensitive manner and according to pre-approved workplans aligned to the country programme document.

Against this background, UNDP is seeking Early Recovery Specialist to be based in Rakhine and Kachin. The overall purpose of this role is to:

Programme Management:
  • As the head of the field office lead UNDP programming, design, implementation, delivery and monitoring, at the State/regional level aligning programming to an ER framework and in coordination with partners on the ground.
  • Lead substantive coordination of on-going early recovery sector at the regional level;
  • Working across the clusters, working groups and response plans to ensure that early recovery is integrated within all forums and that the humanitarian response is aligned with development needs.
High level representation:
  • Represent UNDP in all high level meetings, missions and coordination at the field level.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Functions / Key Results Expected

Under the direct supervision of the Early Recovery Specialist, the Early Recovery Manager will perform the following functions:

Coordination, Strategy, Planning and Capacity building:
  • Lead the ER sector coordination and strengthen relationships with national actors at the field level;
  • Develop strategic ER approach that strengthens UNDPs role as sector coordinator lead at the regional level;
  • Establish an appropriate mechanism for strengthening the integration of early recovery in the current humanitarian response, where relevant, and support the consolidation of the ER coordination/working group;
  • Ensure clear and strategic direction for integrating early recovery as part of the humanitarian response in Kachin and Rakhine, and linking ER with development objectives to the degree possible;
  • Lead ER planning processes at the local level and contribute toward the formulation of related response plans and other planning processes such as durable solutions;
  • In close coordination with the ER specialists develop and roll out a capacity development plan for UNDP, Government, humanitarian agencies and other partners on ER and issues related to ER e.g conflict sensitivity/ Do No Harm.
Analytical capacity in the context of early recovery:
  • Establish a system of conducting regular context analysis and monitoring on the ER context;
  • Update such context analysis periodically and disseminate analysis to ER sector members and UNDP to ensure that ER programming and plans remain relevant to the fluid context;
  • Conduct research on substantive issues as required and develop issue briefs;
  • Support in conducting assessments and mapping exercises and ensure that these data remain relevant and up to date;
  • Lead the coordination of the roll out of a multi sectorial ER assessment on the ground and provide strategic inputs in the development of an integrated ER response plan.
Mainstreaming ER in Humanitarian and UNDP programming:
  • Work across all thematic working groups at the regional level to encourage the use of local capacities (local authorities, communities) in the humanitarian response for improved sustainability of the results and a more rapid return to recovery and development operations;
  • As the head of the office, ensure that UNDP’s programming in Kachin and Rakhine are strengthened from an ER perspective and UNDP is positioned as a strong player in leading a concerted ER response.

Operational management and day-to- day leadership regarding the delivery of outputs and activities in a timely, efficient and politically sensitive manner:

  • Ensure that all outputs and activities are implemented in a timely manner to adhere to planned programme results ensuring quality and relevance to the fluid context in Rakhine;
  • Contribute to the strategic direction of the programme portfolio in Rakhine and Kachin;
  • Support the Country Office in the preparation of Annual Work Plans (AWP), M&E plans, HR and Procurement plans in close consultation with the ER Specialist and relevant output leads;
  • Manage and monitor project risks, identify and submit new risks to the Country office for timely mitigation;
  • Provide overall administration, guidance and supervision of the field office in Rakhine and Kachin as well as the Satellite Offices;
  • Supervise aspects of data collection, reporting and M&E aspects of the programme;
  • Remain abreast of the political and conflict dynamic in the respective State which will impact on delivery of the programme and potential follow on programmes;
  • Identify contingency plans to address anticipated challenges.
Manage all aspects of human resources ensuring a working environment conducive to optimum staff performance:
  • Oversee the planning and day-to-day management of human resources;
  • Lead and supervise the field staff, ensuring staff has a solid understanding of the programme’s sensitivities and direction/ priorities;
  • In coordination with the ER Specialist prepare performance assessment of all staff and discuss with them;
  • Contribute to an environment in which each staff member can achieve the objectives of their post;
  • Address staff disputes or other conflicts within the team;
  • Contribute to the development of Terms of References (TOR) of all required consultants and staff and actively participate in the recruitment process.

Supervise the management and monitoring of financial, administrative, procurement and logistical matters as it relates to field offices:

  • Ensure effective, transparent and accountable management of financial resources, as per UNDP rules and regulations;
  • Prepare timely reports, thematic technical papers and policy notes for the UNDP Country Office and beyond as and when required;
  • Monitor financial resources and accounting to ensure accuracy and reliability of financial reports;
  • Provide financial oversight to all transactions within the field office;
  • Approve requisitions within the agreed upon limits.
Develop and maintain effective relations with all programme partners and counterparts:
  • Provide regular updates to the Country Director, ER specialists and related Output leads on progress, priorities and constraints;
  • Represent UNDP in technical and operational working groups and forums at the State level;
  • As the head of the office, lead all high level representation with the government, incoming missions and local actors;
  • Be responsible for the development and maintenance of all strategic relationship on the ground including government, humanitarian agencies, local and international NGOs;
  • Represent the field office in all relevant Country Office meetings, events and other activities;
  • Actively engage with implementing partners and other key stakeholders that impact programme delivery in order to ensure programme outcomes are met in a timely manner;
  • Contribute to development of constructive relationships with ongoing and potential local partners;
  • Support the resource mobilization efforts and ensure timely and quality preparation of required reports.
Ensure facilitation of knowledge building and knowledge sharing:
  • Work closely with the ER Specialist and output lead to ensure that best practices are captured and documented on an ongoing basis;
  • Support Senior Management tin building political understanding of the context;
  • Contribute to the development of knowledge products;
  • Contribute to knowledge networks and communities of practice.
Impact of Results:
  • UNDPs leadership in Early Recovery coordination and programming is established and positioned to lead a comprehensive ER response.


Corporate Competencies:
  • Demonstrates integrity and fairness by modeling UN values and ethical standards;
  • Displays cultural and gender sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly and without favoritism; and
  • Shows strong corporate commitment.
Functional Competencies:

Development and Operational Effectiveness:
  • Ability to lead strategic planning and facilitate crucial decision making at the highest levels of government;
  • Ability to lead the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of strategic policies and sound development programmes;
  • Ability to generate creative, practical approaches to overcome challenging situations;
  • Strong technical and practical leadership and knowledge in issues related to aid management, coordination and effectiveness;
  • Familiarity with UN system and role of key stakeholders in the area of national development plans, local-level planning, aid management, coordination and effectiveness.
Knowledge Management and Learning:
  • Promotes knowledge management and a learning environment through leadership and personal example.
Management and Leadership:
  • Builds strong relationships with clients, focuses on impact and responds positively to constructive feedback;
  • Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
  • Demonstrates good oral and written communication skills;
  • Demonstrates excellent presentation skills;
  • Excellent computer skills, and applications for report and project planning;
  • Excellent organizational skills and proven ability to deliver projects within assigned deadlines;
  • Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and objectivity.

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Master’s Degree in Conflict studies/transformation, peace building, international affairs, political science or related field.
  • 7 years field experience in designing and managing early recovery and/or peace building programmes, preferably with a significant part in countries in conflict transitions;
  • Extensive experience at the national or international level illustrating hands-on experience with coordination and advisory functions, recovery and conflict prevention/peace building approaches in the humanitarian environment, establishing inter-relationships among international organizations and national governments;
  • Experience in capacity development and facilitating positive transformational change;
  • Experience in providing technical assistance and substantive inputs in the area of local governance.
    Experience working collaboratively in a team structure in a multicultural environment.
  • Demonstrated analytical experience and production of high level analytical knowledge products;
  • Knowledge and experience from disaster response operations, including knowledge of early recovery as a process;
  • In conflict/post conflict situations: Experience with conflict prevention, peace building, reintegration and conflict sensitive development;
  • Myanmar experience will be given consideration.
Language Requirements:
  • Fluency in English.