
UNDP Country Office in Belarus as part of UNCT is preparing a full project proposal on social inclusion of persons with disabilities through the available Call for Proposals announced by the UN Partnership to Promote the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNPRPD). More on UNPRPD is available at http://mptf.undp.org/factsheet/fund/RPD00.

Proposals for tender ref. number 327/2014 should be submitted to on-line or to the e-mail tenders.by@undp.org no later than  22 April 2014 or by fax +375 17 326 03 40  or to the following address: UNDP Office, Kirau Street 17, 6th floor, 220050 Minsk, Belarus (ref. num. 327/2014 of the tender should be indicated on the envelope or in the subject field of the e-mail).

Any request for clarification must be sent in writing, or by standard electronic communication to the e-mail tenders.by@undp.org with the reference number in the subject field of the e-mail. We will respond in writing or by standard electronic mail and will send written copies of the response, including an explanation of the query without identifying the source of inquiry, to all consultants.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Main objectives, responsibilities and description of analytical work

Based on the Strategic and Operational Framework of the UNPRPD Fund and overview of key challenges in the areas of disability in Belarus, the International Consultant will be responsible for conducting a quality assurance review of the full project proposal prepared by UNDP Country Office in Belarus.

Scope of work, responsibilities and description of the proposed analytical work

The objective of the International Consultant’s assignment will be to review the quality, scope, focus, direction and coverage of the proposal, including the relevance of the background information (if it is adequately reflects the national situation in accordance with the UNPRPD priorities and approaches); validity of the programme approach (if it adequately responds to the challenges outlined in the background information); strength of objectives and expected results (if they are clearly formulated in line with the programme approach); plausibility of management arrangements for the implementation of the project; adequate degree of national ownership and participation, potential for knowledge generation and replication from the project’s activities, and quality of project budgeting.

For detailed information, please refer to Annex 1 - Terms of Reference.


  • Proven expertise in disability-related issues, human rights of persons with disabilities;
  •  Excellent knowledge of international normative framework on disability;
  • Excellent report writing skills in English;
  • Knowledge of disability-related regulations and situation of people with disabilities in Belarus;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Highest standards of integrity, discretion and loyalty.

Qualifications et expériences requises

Academic Qualifications:
  • University degree in economics, social sciences, business administration, sustainable development, or other related field.
Years of experience:
  • Minimum 5 years of relevant work experience on development issues, including disability-related;
  • Proven experience in international and/or national project/program development, including on disability-related issues such as international normative framework on disability, human rights of persons with disabilities, access to services;
  • Involvement in implementation and/or evaluation of international and/or national programmes related to disability;
  • Consulting experience in the countries of the former Soviet Union, preferably in Belarus, especially in the area of disability, is an advantage.

Language requirements:

  • Fluency in English.


Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  • Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability;
  • Financial proposal – please fill in Annex II (Finance Proposal;
  • Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 2 references (or contact information of at least 2 people who could provide a reference upon request);
  • At least 1 example of the report which demonstrated excellent skills of reports writing and experience in writing and presenting reports to a high professional level.

All documents required (Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability, CV or P11 and Financial Proposal) shall be presented altogether in just one (1) envelope, if submitted by courier, or in one email transmission, or as an attachment to an on-line application, without password encryption. 

Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested materials.

Financial proposal:

The total payment for the assignment will be a lump sum fee paid upon accomplishing the assignment as specified in Annex I - Terms of Reference.


No travel is required.

For evaluation details, please refer to the IC Procurement Notice.


Annex I – Terms of Reference


Annex III – IC contract form

Annex IV – General Terms for IC contracts

Annex V - Letter to UNDP Confirming Interest and Availability