UNDP Turkey will support the Ministry of Interior of Turkey for "Improvement of Civilian Oversight of Internal Security" through an EU funded technical assistance project. The overall objective of the project is to structurally embed expanded enjoyment of civil rights by Turkish citizens and democratic control of internal security in the regulatory system and public administration practice of Turkey.
The project is composed of 3 components:
Component A - Legislative Framework: This component aims at enabling the Ministry of Interior and the public administrators (governors and sub governors) to exercise civilian oversight over law enforcement bodies.
Component B - Capacity Building: This component aims at increasing the capacity at the MoI to realize its mission as regards the administrative management of security forces at the central and local level and establishment of institutional structures needed in order to meet the EU standards for HR protection and for a strengthened civilian oversight.
Component C - Civil Society and Media: This component aims at contributing to strengthen independent oversight on law enforcement bodies and increase citizens’ participation in oversight
Devoirs et responsabilités
Scope & Required Field of Specialization
The Short Term Expert will support the realization of the activity ‘B.2.8 Conduct five study tours, one for each major focus of the project’.
The present assignment covers the organization of the 4th study tour of the project, which is Copenhagen, Denmark. The study tour will take place on 1-6 June 2014. The main objective of the study tour to Denmark is to study the government vision, strategy and mechanism for police – citizen relations and police coordination mechanisms and control mechanism by the relevant ministries and the Parliament. Study of the achievements in Denmark will be a contribution to understanding the best practices in police tasking and police oversight by the government.
The study tour will be leaded by the deputy undersecretary of the Ministry of Interior (MoI) to a group of participants, which include district governors, high-ranking officials of the Ministry of Interior, high-ranking police and gendarmerie officials and possibly members of Grand National Assembly of Turkey.
The Short Term Expert will support the realization of the activity ‘B.2.8 Conduct five study tours, one for each major focus of the project’.
Based on the scope of work provided above, the tasks and responsibilities of the International Short Term Expert will be as follows:
- Contribute to the further design and development of the work program for the study visit / Prepare and submit a power point presentation on the political system of Denmark and police system (mainly accountability of police to all civilian powers and independent bodies, as well as relation with civil society and citizenry);
- Accompany the Turkish Delegation during the entire duration of the study tour in Denmark (1-6 June 2014) and participate to the meetings.
Preparation of a detailed “Assignment Report”, which will include the following:
- A brief overview of the study visit including a list of meetings held and persons contacted;
- Denmark political and police system;
- Accountability of police services, police-citizen relations;
- Conclusions reached at each meeting;
- A general assessment involving best practices and other recommendations for police tasking and police oversight by the government and the relevant ministry.
Deliverables and Reporting:
- Preparation and submission of a presentation on the political system of Denmark and police system and preparation of the list of information for the study tour - 01.06.2014 - Copenhagen - 0.5 w/days;
- Accompany the Delegation in Denmark during the study tour - 10.06.2014 - Copenhagen - 3 w/days;
- Submission of the Assignment Report with an executive summary - 06.07.2014 - Home based - 3.5 w/days.
Total Working Days - 7 w/days
The payment conditions indicated herein represents the maximum amount to be paid for the particular deliverable and will be based on the actual number of working days invested for the development of each deliverable. The total working days cannot exceed 7 days.
Reporting Line
The consultant will be responsible to Democratic Governance Programme Manager, under the direct supervision of the Chief Technical Advisor and Project Administrator of the Improvement of Civilian Oversight of Internal Security Sector Project Phase II for the completion of the tasks and duties.
Reporting Language
The reporting language is English.
Title Rights
The title rights, copyrights and all other rights whatsoever nature in any material produced under the provisions of this TORs will be vested exclusively in UNDP.
Timing Duration
Contract Start Date: 30 May 2014
Contract Completion Date: 24 January 2015
Total expected w/d to be invested: 7 days
Duty Station
Duty station of the expert will be Copenhagen and home-based.
Terms and Payment
The international short-term expert will be hired under an Individual Contract (IC) or a Reimbursable Loan Agreement and be paid in USD upon submission and approval of the all deliverables listed above. The international short term expert shall provide IC timesheet together with the deliverables in order to proceed with the payment.
The amount paid shall be gross and inclusive of all associated costs such as social security, pension and income tax. Assignment-related travel and accommodation costs outside of Copenhagen will be borne by UNDP upon submission of documentation.
Contracting Authority
Contracting Authority for this Assignment is UNDP, and the contract amount will be provided through UNDP.
Contracting Modality
IC – Individual Contract of UNDP or RLA- Reimbursable Loan Agreement
Tax obligation
The subscriber is solely responsible for all taxation or other assessments on any income derived from UNDP. UNDP will not make any withholding from payments for the purposes of income tax. UNDP is exempt from any liabilities regarding taxation and will not reimburse any such taxation to the subscriber.
Functional Competencies:
- Ability to work in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams;
- Ability to work under pressure against strict deadlines;
- Ability to think out-of-the-box;
- Ability to present complex issues persuasively and simply;
- Ability to contextualize global trends in accordance with the dynamics of the operating (working) environment;
- Ability to think strategically;
- Result oriented;
- Computer literacy and good report writing skills.
Qualifications et expériences requises
- Bachelor's degree in Social Sciences, Criminology, Public Administration or Law;
- Higher degrees (Master, PhD) in in Social Sciences, Criminology, Public Administration or Law will be an asset.
- At least 3 years of work experience;
- 5 years or more of work experience will be an asset;
- In depth knowledge on Danish political system;
- In depth knowledge on Danish police system / criminal justice system will be an asset;
- Experience in research on trust and confidence in police will be an asset.
- Fluency in English and Danish.
Documents to be included when submitting the proposal
Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:
- Explaining why they are the most suitable for the work (Provide a brief note about the proposed approach and/or systematic to be followed for the achievement of the outputs of the Project);
- Personal CV including past experience in similar projects and at least 3 references;
- P11.
Financial Proposal
The candidates will be requested to submit ‘Financial Proposals’ upon completion of technical evaluation.
The financial proposals shall be submitted in UNDP’s standard format which will be communicated to successful candidates. The financial proposal shall specify the daily fee, travel expenses and per diems quoted in separate line items, and payments are made to the Individual Consultant based on the number of days worked.
The International short-term expert will be paid in USD on the basis of the number of days invested for each deliverable, as approved by UNDP.
The International Short Term Expert shall be paid upon submission and approval of the above described deliverables. The Expert shall also prepare a timesheet that shows the number of days invested for each deliverable.
The amount paid shall be gross and inclusive of all associated costs such as social security, pension and income tax. Assignment-related travel and accommodation costs outside of home base will be borne by UNDP upon submission of documentation.
Applicants meeting the minimum requirements listed in the Terms of Reference will be short-listed and asked for price proposals. The selection of the Consultant will be made in accordance with the quality- cost based selection method (70 % technical component and 30% price component). Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.
- Internships (paid/unpaid) are not considered professional experience;
- Obligatory military service is not considered professional experience;
- Professional experience gained in an international setting is considered international experience;
- Experience gained prior to completion of undergraduate studies is not considered professional experience;
- If the candidates cannot meet the requirements, assets will not be evaluated;
- Only candidates who met the requirements will be contacted and will be requested price proposals.