
UNCDF is the UN’s capital investment agency for the world’s 48 least developed countries. It creates new opportunities for poor people and their communities by increasing access to microfinance and investment capital. UNCDF focuses on Africa and the poorest countries of Asia, with a special commitment to countries emerging from conflict or crisis. It provides seed capital – grants and loans – and technical support to help microfinance institutions reach more poor households and small businesses, and local governments finance the capital investments – water systems, feeder roads, schools, irrigation schemes – that will improve poor peoples’ lives. UNCDF programmes help to empower women, and are designed to catalyze larger capital flows from the private sector, national governments and development partners, for maximum impact toward the Millennium Development Goals.

UNCDF launched YouthStart with the support of The MasterCard Foundation in 2010 in response, not only to the approaching youth demographic wave, but also to the lack of opportunities for young people around the world. In an effort to help youth realize its full potential, YouthStart supports strong financial service providers (FSPs) in developing, piloting and rolling out youth-focused financial products, especially savings, and non-financial services (NFS) such as financial literacy or reproductive health education. Through YouthStart, UNCDF aims to demonstrate that (a) when accessing the right combination of financial and non-financial services, youth -young women and girls in particular- are better equipped to make more informed financial decisions, build financial (e.g. savings), social (e.g. social networks) and human assets (e.g. skills and knowledge) for their futures and create sustainable livelihoods; and (b) youth financial services (YFS) contribute to increasing outreach and sustainability of FSPs over time. YouthStart aims to reach 200,000 new youth clients, with at least 50 percent of those being young women and girls, by the end of 2014.

Information on UNCDF may be found at

Deberes y responsabilidades

UNCDF seeks a consultant on a retainer basis to support YouthStart to write new knowledge products, mainly in the following topics:
  • Financial inclusion as an enabler to increase economic opportunities for youth;
  • Best practices of youth employment national strategies and their links to financial inclusion for youth;
  • Strategic document outlining YouthStart expansion programs, justification on country selections, and identified financial service providers to partner with in Africa and Asia;
  • Policy briefs on obstacles to youth financial inclusion and more broadly to youth economic opportunities;
  • Key elements to successfully institutionalize and scale up youth financial services.

Task 1: Conduct Literature Review. The consultant will conduct a literature review on the identified topics for each new knowledge products to develop. The literature review will be based on monitoring visits reports of YouthStart, quarterly reports of FSPs and other relevant knowledge products developed by key players on the youth financial inclusion and youth economic opportunities fields.

Task 2: Finalize version 1 of each knowledge product. Write the first draft of each new knowledge product. Incorporate the technical feedback of the YouthStart programme manager and address the queries of the copy editor.

Task 3: Incorporate feedback from peer reviewers and upgrade version 1 to version 2. The version 1 of each new knowledge product will be sent to at least 5 external and internal peer reviewers. The technical writer will ensure all the comments of the reviewers are address in the paper and if they cannot be incorporated in the paper, s/he will explain why in a detailed summary table.

Task 4: Ensure final version of each new knowledge product is ready for graphic designer. The consultant will work with the copy editor to ensure the final version of each knowledge product is ready for the graphic designer.

Task 5: Launch each new knowledge product. In the case the knowledge product needs to be disseminated to a broad audience, the consultant will write a press release and a blog on each knowledge product to be disseminated.

Timeline: YouthStart will expect the consultant to be available on a retainer basis. The duration of each assignment will be agreed upon prior to each work commencement.

Location(s): Home based.

Total number of working days for assignement : The consultant will be expected to work at least 50 days on a retainer basis but exact days will be agreed with consultants based on her/his availability

The consultant will deliver the following:

  • Final version of each new knowledge product (in MS word);
  • Press release of each new knowledge product (in MS word);
  • Blog for each new knowledge product (in MS word);

For new knowledge products, payment to consultants will be linked to the satisfactory completion of deliverables according to the following schedule:

  • Deliverable 1: Literature review report for each new knowledge product;
  • Deliverable 2: Version one of each new knowledge product (in MS word);
  • Deliverable 3: Version two of each new knowledge product (in MS word);
  • Deliverable 4: Final version of each new knowledge product (in MS word);
  • Deliverable 5: When needed, press release of each new knowledge product (in MS word);

The consultant will report to the YouthStart Programme Manager. For managing the production process of the publications and their dissemination, the consultant will liaise and coordinate activities with the programme Knowledge Management Associate.


Core competencies:

  • Strong ability to communicate and function effectively in international/multicultural environment;
  • High level of communication and interpersonal skills and experience in working effectively in a multi cultural environment;
  • Sensitivity to diverse opinions and difficulties arising from differing social and cultural perception

Functionnal Competences:

  • Analytical and problem solving skills of a high order, including the ability to formulate recommendations and advice
  • Ability to work independently, manage time, scheduling and logistical issues;
  • High level planning, organizational and time management skills, including flexibility, attention to detail and the ability to work under pressure to meet changing deadlines;
  • Well-developed interpersonal skills , including the ability to liaise effectively at senior levels.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas


  • Masters degree in international affairs, economics, finance, business or public administration or related field, or equivalent experience (8 years in international development).


  • 7 years of experience in inclusive finance, with an emphasis on youth services (financial and non-financial);
  • Deep technical knowledge about key factors that determine FSPs providing youth services in a sustainable basis that are responsive to their needs and protective of their rights;
  • Experiences with similar assignments in developing countries, including LDCs and Africa and youth financial inclusion;
  • Good track record of publications in financial inclusion preferably in access to finance for youth.


  • Demonstrated excellent written and oral communication skills in English.


Interestcandidates should submit their CV no later Monday June 02th 2014. Only qualified applicants will be contacted to continue with the hiring process (detailed technical proposal and financial proposal). Applications will be rated on both technical and financial submissions, providing a weight of 70% to the technical offer and 30% to the financial offer.

UNCDF is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence.