
Under the overall supervision of the UN Resident Coordinator, the Communication, Advocacy and Information Management Officer leads the development and implementation of the UN inter-agency communication, advocacy and information management strategy with the aim to raise awareness of the UN activities in Cambodia and support the advocacy, information management and partnership building efforts of the UN system.

The Communication, Advocacy and Information Management Officer will work under the guidance of the Senior UN Coordination Specialist and in close collaboration with communication, advocacy and information management staff of the UN Agencies, Humanitarian Response Forum (HRF) and UN Disaster Management Team (UNDMT) as required. He/she supports the UN Resident Coordinator’s spokesperson role and offers guidance/support to UN joint programme/strategy in the areas of communications, advocacy and information management.

Deberes y responsabilidades

Summary of Key Functions:
  • Develop, update annually and implement the UN Communication, Advocacy and Information Management Strategy and Annual Work Plan (including internal and external communication)
  • Supervise the design update and maintain the UN Website, intranet and any social media fora (and ensuring linkages to agency-specific websites)
  • Ensure effective information management and flow of information from UN to the public through media and other stakeholders

1. Support development and implementation of the UN Communication, Advocacy and Information Management Strategy and Plan (including internal and external communication) focusing on the achievements of the following results:

  • Conduct communications needs assessment of UNCT joint programming and UN reform initiatives etc)
  • Convene the UN Communication Group to support effective interagency networking, planning and implementation of the UN Communication, Advocacy and Information Management Strategy
  • Annual update and implementation of the UN Communication, Advocacy and Information Management Strategy and annual work plan based on results-based communication principles;
  • Analyze requirements and help integrate advocacy, communication and information management strategies into joint UN programme interventions
  • Prepare speeches or press releases in support of the UN Resident Coordinator
  • Identify priority issues for publication and draft substantive articles contributing to debates or discussions on key development issues (national and global)
  • Coordinate and manage publication activities such as content management, norms for publishing, design etc.
  • Provide support as needed to communication, advocacy and information management needs of the HRF and UNDMT.
  • Contact with printers and other suppliers to ensure production and ensure UN communication and advocacy product and publication dissemination
  • In addition to print media, use multi-media and social media solutions in communication strategies.

2. Supervise the design update and maintain the UN Website, internet and any social media fora (and ensuring linkages to agency-specific websites), focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Lead the review and update, supervise the design and maintenance of the UN Website based on corporate requirements in cooperation with inter-agency UN Communication Group (UNCG).
  • Coordinate content creation for the website across agencies and projects
  • Maintain content for the website to ensure consistency of the materials and expansion of the UN’s information management strategies.
3. Ensure effective information management and flow of information from UN to the public through media and other stakeholders
Launches and Campaigns:
  • Promotion and maintenance of public information campaigns on UN activities, UN Reforms, results of MDGs in association with other.
  • Preparation and dissemination of corporate advocacy materials for launching flagship initiatives and publications.
  • Organisation of roundtable discussions, press conferences, briefing sessions, interviews, launches etc.
  • Forging of a “One UN” image through publicising the significance of local UN reform efforts, joint programmes, common services and the change management processes. Organisation and implementation of joint UN information campaigns (UN Day, World AIDS Day etc).
  • Drafting/production of communication, advocacy outputs
  • Support preparation of donor reports, civic education and community awareness where appropriate to support joint UN programmes.
  • Support preparation and dissemination of information related to health emergency and natural disasters in collaboration with the work of the HRF and UNDMT.


  • Maintenance of increased coverage and understanding of the UN’s work in the UNDAF outcome areas through regular media contacts and provision of newsworthy information to national public and where possible other stakeholders.
  • Maintain and build relationship with local media through the exploration of training and capacity building opportunities for the media focal points.
  • Ensure linkage between journalists and agencies and subject matter expert when appropriate.
  • Ensure public opinion on UN activities, programmes and other initiatives is received, tabled and shared with the RC and UN Country Team, and where necessary advice provided on timely and appropriate media response.
  • Promote UN visibility through its programmes and initiatives to the public through regular, synthesized communication publications via local media.
Impact of Results

The key results have an impact on creation of effective communication, advocacy and information management and dissemination of information on UN as UN’s global development network. In particular, the key results have an impact on implementation of UN communication, advocacy and information management and publication strategies, as well as reaching key communication targets. 


Core Competencies:
  • Promoting Ethics and Integrity / Creating Organizational Precedents
  • Building support and political acumen
  • Building staff competence, Creating an environment of creativity and innovation
  • Building and promoting effective teams
  • Creating and promoting enabling environment for open communication
  • Creating an emotionally intelligent organization
  • Leveraging conflict in the interests of UN & setting standards
  • Sharing knowledge across the organization and building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning
  • Fair and transparent decision making; calculated risk-taking
Functional Competencies:
Advocacy / Advancing Policy Oriented Agend: preparing information for advocacy
  • Identifies and communicates relevant information for a variety of audiences for advocating UN’s mandate
  • Maintains a functioning network of contacts with a variety of stakeholders to promote a better understanding of UN’s mandate and to support advocacy efforts
Building Strategic Partnerships: Maintaining a network of contacts
  • Maintains an established network of contacts for general information sharing and to remain up-to-date on partnership related issues
  • Analyzes and selects materials for strengthening strategic alliances with partners and stakeholders
  • Establishes and nurtures positive communication with partners
Promoting Organizational learning and Knowledge Sharing: Basic research and analysis
  • Generates new ideas and approaches, researches best practices and proposes new, more effective ways of doing things
  • Documents and analyses innovative strategies and new approaches
  • Identifies and communicates opportunities to promote learning and knowledge sharing
  • Develops awareness of the various internal/external learning and knowledge-sharing resources
Job Knowledge and Technical Expertise: Fundamental knowledge of own discipline
  • Understands and applies fundamental concepts and principles of a professional discipline or technical specialty relating to the position
  • Possesses basic knowledge of organizational policies and procedures relating to the position and applies them consistently in work tasks
  • Identifies new and better approaches to work processes and incorporates the same in his/her work
  • Analyzes the requirements and synthesizes proposals
  • Strives to keep job knowledge up-to-date through self-directed study and other means of learning
  • Demonstrates good knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments
  • Demonstrates in-depth understanding and knowledge of the current guidelines and project management tools and utilizes these regularly in work assignments
Creating Visibility for UN/ Supporting UN’s Capacity to Advocate: Research and data analysis
  • Promotes awareness of UN’s centrally to development through dissemination of information and materials
  • Maintains networks and knowledge assets for use in visibility and image activities
  • Makes recommendations on the design and delivery of image activities
  • Collects, analyses and disseminates information on UN focus areas
Global Leadership and Advocacy for UN’s Goals: Preparing information for global advocacy
  • Identifies and communicates relevant information for advocacy for UN’s goals for a variety of audiences
  • Maintains a functioning network of contacts in the media and civil society, to promote a better understanding of UN’s mandate and to support advocacy efforts
  • Identifies and takes advantage of opportunities for advocating for UN’s mandate
Conceptual innovation in the Provision of Technical Expertise: Research and analysis
  • Keeps updated in his/her area of substantive expertise
  • Identifies opportunities for conceptual innovation
  • Recognizes problem areas and identifies solutions
  • Analyses ongoing trends, evolving needs and emerging issues to identify appropriate responses for capacity building
  • Selects critical information from masses of data
Client Orientation: Establishing effective client relationships
  • Researches potential solutions to internal and external client needs and reports back in a timely, succinct and appropriate fashion
  • Organizes and prioritizes work schedule to meet client needs and deadlines
  • Establishes, builds and sustains effective relationships within the work unit and with internal and external clients
  • Actively supports the interests of the client by making choices and setting priorities to meet their needs
  • Anticipates client needs and addresses them promptly

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Master's degree with 2-3 years of relevant work experience or
  • Equivalent  Bachelor degree with 4-5 years of relevant experience in communications, media relations, journalism, information management
  • 2-3 years (for master) or 4-5 years (for bachelor degree) of relevant work experience at the national or international level in communications, advocacy and/or journalism, with emphasis on planning, coordinating and managing strategic communications. Previous experience with a multilateral or international organization is preferred.
  • In-depth knowledge of advocacy, campaign and public information strategies
  • Prior UN experience and understanding of UN reform process, procedures and instruments are a clear advantage
  • Excellent organizational and inter-personal skills to efficiently cooperate with different individuals at varying professional levels
  • Knowledge of website programming is an advantage
  • Excellent writing and oral presentation skills in English
  • Ability to react fast, meet deadlines and work under pressure.
  • Fluency in the UN and national language of the duty station