
From its independence in 1993 until 1997, Eritrea formulated and implemented socioeconomic policies and strategies that led to a rise in economic growth, with an average gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate of 7 per cent per annum, and other marked improvements in health and education. However, hostilities with two neighbouring countries over unresolved border disputes, including the 1998-2000 border war with Ethiopia, the impact of recurrent drought and other disasters, declining aid flow, weak infrastructure, and low foreign investment (especially in the non-mining sector) reversed these positive post-independence gains. Between 1998 and 2004, the country averaged an annual GDP growth rate of 1 per cent and a high incidence of poverty at 66 per cent, thereby intensifying the vulnerability of the population. 

In January 2013, the UN System and the Government of the State of Eritrea signed a new Strategic Partnership Cooperation Framework (SPCF) for the period 2013 – 2016 focusing mainly on: Basic Social Services, National Capacity Development; Food Security and Sustainable Livelihoods; Environmental Sustainability; and Gender Equity and Advancement of Women in Eritrea. Under Capacity Development, MDG 3 and 8, UNDP’s Country Programme Document proposed to support the enhancement of national capacity in the following strategic areas: (a) international relations and human rights, diplomatic engagement, and implementation of Universal Periodic Review recommendations; (b) trade and investment negotiations and policy formulation, which will improve the policy regulatory environment and thus contribute to attracting foreign direct investment to spur the domestic economy; (c) disaggregated data collection, analysis and dissemination and the establishment of a comprehensive and gender responsive national data management system to inform evidence-based development planning and management. In addition the Country Programme Document highlights support to women in leadership and higher decision-making positions. It will also support the National Union of Eritrean Women and key national institutions to strengthen its human and institutional capacities to mainstream gender in national policies and strategies.

Devoirs et responsabilités


Supporting the Resident Coordinator in strengthening strategic dialogue, collaboration and partnership development with the Government of Eritrea and national stakeholders, the Policy Advisor will perform the following tasks:

  • Provide strategic advice and analyses on issues pertaining to the situation in Eritrea, with a specific focus on the challenges and opportunities that this offers the UNCT for constructively assisting the country as well as in strengthening collaboration between the Government, national stakeholders and the UNCT;
  • Monitor/analyse and  report  on developments in Eritrea and their direct/indirect impact on UN programmes , based on reviews of available materials, meetings/consultations with national and international actors, including the UN, Government, development community and non-state actors;
  • Advise on possible policy, programmatic and other "entry points" for UN Country Team agencies, as appropriate and necessary, for engagement with relevant national counterparts on issues pertaining to development and programmatic impact in the country, with a view to informing the required improvements to programme portfolios by agencies and for more effective collaboration between the Government, national stakeholders and the UNCT;
  • Provide strategic guidance, advice and leadership in programme development to relevant UNCT agencies on community resilience, capacity development and social cohesion;
  • Support the Resident Coordinator in his/her engagement with key national, bilateral and multilateral partners, and on the development and implementation of a UN system-wide strategy for supporting collaborative engagements with the Government and national stakeholders as well as for promoting social cohesion in the country;
  • Support UN strategy to foster peace building in the region as it impacts Eritrea and propose best way to engage with Eritrean authorities, as necessary and in consultations with the RC, to broaden Eritrea’s international engagement;
  • With the consent of the RC, he/she may liaise with UN HQ on a continuing basis regarding the implementation of these terms of reference;
  • Perform other duties as may be assigned by the Resident Coordinator.

Key Results Expected

The Advisor will contribute to the UN Country Team to ensure coherent and integrated engagement sensitive to the country context, and also to the areas identified under the UN Cooperation Agreement in building national capacity in the area of international relations, strategic analysis, diplomatic engagements and implementation of the Universal Periodic Review recommendations.


Corporate Competencies:


  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism;
  • Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment.

Functional Competencies:

  • Possesses specialist knowledge in the area of social cohesion, dialogue and governance or related areas, as well as in-depth practical knowledge of inter-disciplinary development issues;
  • Sound political acumen and extensive experience of providing policy advice;
  • Proven facilitation, training, networking, coordination, team-building, consensus-building and organizational skills;
  • Sound understanding and capability to empower and develop the capacity of national counterparts.

Management and Leadership (select most applicable/relevant):

  • Strong team-building, diplomatic, and interpersonal skills;
  • Resourcefulness, initiative, and maturity of judgment;
  • Communication and advocacy skills;
  • Sound time management and organizational skills with the ability to handle multiple tasks;
  • Ability to build strong relationships with clients and external actors;
  • Focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback.

Behavioural Competencies:

  • Team player, self-motivated and initiative taking, dedicated, creative, resourceful, flexible, energetic and sound judgment;
  • Builds strong relationships with partners, focusing on impact and results;
  • Demonstrates creativity, openness to change and ability to manage complexities.

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • Advanced university degree (Masters Degree) in Political science, international relations, international economics, law, public science, or other related social sciences.
  • At least 7 years of proven experience in policy, advisory and strategy development, research and policy-level analysis. Experience with democratic transitions a plus;
  • Proven advocacy and engagement with senior levels of government, United Nations, and donors;
  • Experience working within the United Nations and in the Horn of Africa would be an asset.


  • Fluency in English is required.