
Negative impacts of climate change on development priorities such as food security, poverty reduction and national development priorities have already become apparent in Malawi. The majority of the population depends on natural resources for subsistence and income, and is extremely vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Consistent with this, the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS) Phase II, the overarching national planning document of the Government of Malawi (GoM) for the period 2011- 2015, includes “Climate Change, Natural Resources and Environmental Management” as a Key Priority Area (KPA).

To assist the government in its development aspirations, and respond to climate change challenges, the UN has under the present United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) for 2012 - 2016, under the Theme of "Sustainable and Equitable Economic Growth and Food Security" included the Outcome: "Improved management of environment, natural resources and climate change for sustainable development at national and district level by 2016".

Under this Outcome the National Climate Change Programme (NCCP) for 2012 - 2016 has been developed, that is implemented through the Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Management, with the following Outputs:
  • Climate change management mainstreamed in policies, development plans and programmes at national level and implemented in 14 disaster-prone districts;
  • Data and knowledge on the impact of climate change collected and made accessible to decision makers in Government, Private Sector and Civil Society;
  • Coordination mechanisms and implementation arrangements for climate change management established and used at national level and in disaster-prone districts;
  • Implementation modalities and financing mechanisms for National Climate Change Investment plan established and operationalized at national and district levels.
Technical advisory support to the Government of Malawi is now required under the NCCP for the implementation of this programme, with special attention to planning, budgeting and financing of an effective response to climate change, as well as operationalization of the already existing frameworks (climate change policy, investment plan, training plan, communications strategy, etc.), in order to climate proof national development and enhance the resilience of the vulnerable population.

The Technical Specialist will be based in the Planning Unit of the Ministry of Environments and Climate Change Management, and reporting to the Principle Secretary of Environment and Climate Change Management. S/He will be liaising with the different Departments in the Ministry (Environment Affairs, Climate Change & Meteorological Services, Forestry), as well as Other Ministries, most notably the Ministry of Economic Planning & Development, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Local Government & Rural Development, Ministry of Agriculture, Office of President & Cabinet, Department of Disaster Management Affairs, but also Civil Society networks on climate change and private sectors. The incumbent will furthermore report through the UNDP Country Office Assistant Resident Representative responsible for environment & climate change to the UNDP Deputy Resident Representative (Programmes).

The incumbent will also respond to and technically support the following structures: National Climate Change Steering Committee (chaired by the Principal Secretary of Development Planning and Cooperation – DPC), National Technical Committees on Climate Change (chaired by the Department of Climate Change and Meteorological Services – DCCMS), Sector Working Group (SWG) on Environment, and Climate Change (chaired by the Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Management), Government – Development Partner Working Group on Climate Change (co-chaired by the PS Economic Planning & Development the UN Resident Coordinator) and the Development Partners Coordination Group on Environment & Climate Change (chaired by UNDP).

Deberes y responsabilidades

Provide technical and oversight support to the management of the NCCP and ensure the production of quality product outputs:
  • Assist with effective planning of NCCP, including timely annual and quarterly workplans, whilst taking into account emerging issues;
  • Review and provide quality feedback and effective comments to annual / quarterly / donor reports, specifically on reporting against results and including lessons learned;
  • Provide effective result based monitoring of project outputs, based on approved indicators;
  • Assist in drafting TORs for consultancies / services;
  • Supervise and provide quality oversight of consultancies and services;
  • Provide quality assurance of technical reports and outputs produced by Implementing and Responsible Parties;
  • Assist in general project Management.

Provide substantive technical advisory support to national stakeholders, including key sector ministries on mainstreaming climate change in policies, plans and programmes at national, sector and district level:

  • Provide guidance to relevant sectors on integration of climate change;
  • Review related policies and ensure mainstreaming of climate change;
  • Stay updated and ensure inclusion of emerging issues in the national discourse on climate change;
  • Review existing national and local planning processes and advise on entry points for inclusion of climate change;
  • Review and advise the local government and integrated rural development processes for integration of climate change.

Provide technical advisory support for improved data, information and knowledge management around climate change:

  • Review availability of quality data, including through gap analyses, and provide technical advice on kind of data to be generated;
  • Advise on climate change data collection and storage;
  • Provide advice on the use of data and information, e.g. through reports, briefs, websites, etc.;
  • Advise on knowledge management on climate change, including unearthing existing and indigenous knowledge and putting together in usable form;
  • Assist in drafting relevant materials on climate change, including but not limited to technical reports, Policy briefs, popular articles, etc.;
  • Stay updated and share information on regional information and knowledge, including best practices and lessons learned for dissemination / sharing in Malawi and elsewhere;
  • Assist in organizing fora / symposia / workshops for sharing information.

Provide technical advisory support to enhance coordination mechanisms and implementation arrangements for climate change management at national level and in disaster-prone districts:

  • Assist the National Programme Director to coordinate climate change in Malawi, including creating synergies and linkages with international national and regional initiatives, programmes, events, etc.;
  • Stay updated on on-going programs and new initiatives and provide guidance so that these programmes are conform the policy and planning framework on climate change in Malawi;
  • Support and advise the Climate Change technical committee, Steering Committee and Government – Development Partner Working Group for improved coordination;
  • Provide advice to and assist the Sector Working Group on Climate Change by setting agenda, monitor their performance, ensure quality reporting, etc.;
  • Assist in updating the Climate Action Intelligence, Resilience Tracker and other data bases for improved intelligence and updates on climate change programmes / projects / initiatives;
  • Collect and share information on a regular basis in relevant fora on progress, achievements, challenges with climate change in Malawi, including the UN agencies and Development Partners;
  • Advise UNDP Country Office on on-going and emerging climate change programmes and issues and actively link to other UNDP programmes in Malawi (e.g. local governance, gender, etc.).

Provide technical advisory support to operationalize the implementation modalities and financing mechanisms for National Climate Change Investment plan at national and district levels:

  • Provide technical advice and advocate for national and district budget revisions to ensure increased and relevant spending on climate change, e.g. by using and building on the recommendations of the Public Expenditure Review on climate change;
  • Stay updated on the global climate change financing architecture and actively advise government and stakeholders regularly on this and point out new opportunities;
  • Ensure the Climate Change Investment Plan remains a live document and broadly used in investor (donor, private sector, civil society, government) discussions;
  • Assist Government in organizing investor fora on climate change in Malawi;
  • Propose and plan new programmes in line with the climate change policy & planning framework and investment plan in Malawi;
  • Ensure contacts with traditional and new donors / investors and inform these on potential climate change investments in Malawi;
  • Assist in developing targeted and bankable climate change programmes / projects in Malawi.


Core Competencies:
  • Demonstrating/safeguarding ethics and integrity;
  • Demonstrate corporate knowledge and sound judgment;
  • Self-development, initiative-taking;
  • Acting as a team player and facilitating team work;
  • Facilitating and encouraging open communication in the team, communicating effectively;
  • Creating synergies through self-control;
  • Managing conflict;
  • Learning and sharing knowledge and encourage the learning of others. Promoting learning and knowledge management/sharing is the responsibility of each staff member;
  • Informed and transparent decision making.

Functional Competencies:

Advocacy/Advancing A Policy-Oriented Agenda:

  • Identifies and communicates relevant information for a variety of audiences for advocating UNDP’s mandate.

Results-Based Programme Development and Management:

  • Assesses project performance to identify success factors and incorporates best practices into project work;
  • Researches linkages across programme activities to identify critical points of integration;
  • Monitors specific stages of projects/programme implementation.

Building Strategic Partnerships:

  • Maintains an established network of contacts for general information sharing and to remain up-to-date on partnership related issues;
  • Analyzes and selects materials for strengthening strategic alliances with partners and stakeholders.

Innovation and Marketing New Approaches:

  • Generates new ideas and proposes new, more effective ways of doing things.

Resource Mobilization:

  • Analyzes information/databases on potential and actual donors and shares with Country Office;
  • Stays updated on climate specific funding and uses information appropriately.

Promoting Organizational Learning and Knowledge Sharing:

  • Generates new ideas and approaches, researches best practices and proposes new, more effective ways of doing things.

Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise:

  • Understands and applies fundamental concepts and principles of a professional discipline or technical specialty relating to the position;
  • Possesses knowledge of organizational policies and procedures relating to the position and applies them consistently in work tasks;
  • Strives to keep job knowledge up-to-date through self-directed study and other means of learning;
  • Demonstrates good knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments.

Global Leadership and Advocacy for UNDP’s Goals:

  • Identifies and communicates relevant information for advocacy for UNDP’s goals for a variety of national and international audiences;

Client Orientation:

  • Researches potential solutions to internal and external client needs and reports back in a timely, succinct and appropriate fashion;
  • Organizes and prioritizes work schedule to meet client needs and deadlines.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • Master degree in a development related field (e.g. development, agricultural or natural resource economics and/or environmental/Disaster/Climate Risk policy and management);
  • Climate Change related educational background an advantage.


  • Minimum of 7 years professional experience in development, environment, climate change and disaster risk reduction related field;
  • Knowledge of and experience in international climate change processes;
  • Experience with policy development, especially around climate change;
  • Practical experience in national development planning and budget processes;
  • Strong knowledge of the linkages between climate change and poverty reduction and economic growth;
  • Proven experience in technical report writing, especially around climate change, preferably peer reviewed;
  • Working experiences with development partners, in particular with UN, an advantage;
  • Working experience in Africa preferred.


  • Fluent in written and spoken English.