
Worldwide, micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) play a leading role in propelling economic growth, sustaining livelihood and in promoting equitable regional development. The MSMEs constitute over 60% of total enterprises in most of the developing economies and are credited with generating the highest rates of employment growth and accounting for a major share of industrial production and exports.

The cluster development approach sees the key problem faced by MSMEs as one of relative isolation rather than size. Isolated enterprises are unable to achieve economies of scale, unable to access raw materials because of volume requirements, some enterprises cannot meet consumer requirements, most have high production costs making them less competitive, negotiating power, find it difficult to specialize, have limited access to credit, strategic information, technology and markets. The approach therefore focuses on reducing isolations faced by MSMEs through strengthening the linkages between all the key stakeholders to co-ordinate actions and pool resources for a common development goal.

The program views a cluster not only as a concentration of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, but also as an inter-dependent network among the firms as well as between firms and raw material suppliers, equipment suppliers, sub-contractors, support institutions, customers and service providers. This initiative requires a skillful diagnosis, careful planning, implementation and, proper monitoring and evaluation.

Deberes y responsabilidades

The Ministry of Trade, Industry, Regional Integration and Employment in realization of the critical role that well developed and managed industrial cluster play in the development of MSMEs has adopted the cluster approach as a key strategy for enhancing the productivity and competitiveness as well as capacity building of MSMEs. This approach also facilitates substantial economies of scale in terms of the deployment of available resources for effective implementation and more sustainable results in the medium to long term.

The main objective of the study is to determine the feasibility of cluster as an industrial strategy in spurring MSME growth by enhancing productivity and competitiveness of the sector. The study is expected to identify the collective competitive advantage of clusters and the existing local capabilities that could be built on through cluster development by supporting the broadest spectrum of cluster actors, such as MSME owners, producers associations, BDS providers, local policy makers, etc.In addition, the study would develop a cluster development strategy that will serve as a road map for the selected cluster development areas in the priority sectors through a consultative process with the key stakeholders. Where feasibility of cluster as industrial strategy is determined, the study would be expected to identify appropriate sites for clusters and facilities required to make them functional.
Purpose of the consultancy:
  • Determine the feasibility of cluster strategy;
  • Determine the facilities require for a well-functioning cluster;
  • Number of MSMEs in a specific geographical location for cluster development;
  • Importance of the clusters (s) in terms of number of units, employment, production, exports, if found feasible;
  • Determine critical gaps in technology, product quality, common facilities, skill up gradation, availability of raw material, marketing support, etc; 
  • Identify national and international institutions engaged in promotion and development of MSME clusters;
  • Determine the viability of the MSMEs/cluster;
  • Vibrancy of local industry association and/or interest evinced by other institutions engaged in development financing and promotion in development of the cluster.


Functional Competencies:
  • Excellent communication skills;
  • Demonstrate training organization and animation skills;
  • Excellent team player with good interpersonal skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure and tight deadlines;
  • Ability to work in a multi-cultural environment;
  • Strong strategic planning, results-based management and reporting capabilities.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas

  • A minimum of Master’s degree in Economics, development economics, international development, engineering or other social sciences from a reputable university.
  •  At least 5 years of proven experience in executing a similar assignment preferably in Africa;
  • Strong background in private sector development with special reference to MSMEs as well as good knowledge of government policies would be an added advantage;
  • Experience in working in multi-cultural environments and with various stakeholders;
  • Experience in carrying out similar work in Africa.
  • Excellent knowledge of English;
  • Knowledge of another UN official language would be desirable.