
UN Women, grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security.

UN Women Country Office is currently implementing its 2014 – 2017 Strategic Plan, informed by gender priorities within the Agenda for Transformation (AfT) 2012 – 2017 and the 2013 – 2017 UNDAF ONE Programme. The following have been identified as strategic areas for UN Women’s support:

  • Increased leadership and political participation for women;
  • Increased economic empowerment of women , especially those who are most excluded;
  • Women’s leadership in peace, security and humanitarian response;
  • National planning and budgeting processes which promote stronger institutional accountability to gender equality commitments.

UN Women’s programme is implemented within the context of Liberia as a post-conflict country emerging from 14 years of armed conflict with devastating gender dimensions, which continue to pose serious challenges to the achievement of women’s human rights and gender equality in Liberia.

The Programme Specialist will work closely with UN Women  Liberia programme team in delivering results within its 2014 Annual Work Plan and to ensure strategic programme development for a 2015 Work Plan in line with the UN One Programme in Liberia and UN.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Under the supervision of the Deputy Representative and in close collaboration with UN Women colleagues in the Liberia Programmes Division, the Programme Specialist will be responsible for  delivering the following:

Summary of Key Deliverables 

  • Develop and  pilot a coordination strategy/mechanism for  UN Women’s programmes ensuring a holistic approach to the implementation of UN Women’s 2014 work plan and build on synergies across projects and within overall programming, with a specific focus on all components within the Peace Building Fund Projects and their strategic connection to the wider gender equality agenda in Liberia;
  • Develop and finalize a series of knowledge products (refer to description below), specifically in the areas of Women and Natural Resources and Women’s Economic Security;
  • Develop a resource mobilization strategy and submit at least 3 proposals to upscale UN Women’s work in economic empowerment, in line with its Strategic Plan drawing  lessons learned in the implementation of the Peace Building Fund programming;
  • Produce reports for donors on three key projects;
  • Provide technical support for reporting on UN Women Liberia’s 2014 results and for the development of the 2015 annual work plan, in line with its Strategic Plan.

Description of Key Deliverables

Develop and  pilot a coordination strategy/mechanism for  UN Women’s programmes ensuring a holistic approach to the implementation of UN Women’s 2014 work plan and build on synergies across projects and within overall programming, with a specific focus on all components within the Peace Building Fund Projects and their strategic connection to the wider gender equality agenda in Liberia;

  • In close collaboration with the programme team and key stakeholders,  identify  synergies for  coordination across projects and amongst programme officers for the effective implementation of holistic programming;
  • With support from the Deputy Representative and M&E Specialist, develop reporting and Monitoring tools , and provide capacity development sessions to UN Women Programme Officers / Project Managers to improve the quality of their reports, monitoring tools and assessments; to verify their systematic monitoring of implementing partners; to support their documentation of results; and to ensure adequate and strategic coordination of their work across projects and programme areas;
  • Provide technical oversight and leadership to ensure the finalization of the baseline report for the Peace Building Fund  project;
  • Develop and pilot the implementation of a  a  coordination model for   UN Women’s capacity building initiatives for the implementing partner;
  • Develop and finalize a series of knowledge products (refer to description below), specifically in the areas of Women and Natural Resources and Women’s Economic Security.
In coordination with the programming team and consultants, support the development, finalization and distribution of knowledge products including:
  • Report on Gender and Natural Resources In Liberia (report and policy brief);
  • Five curricula and modules used by UN Women Liberia partners for women’s economic empowerment including business skills training for literate and illiterate women, savings and loan training programme, the comprehensive adult literacy curriculum for rural women, and the peacebuilding training curriculum;
  • A series of at least five case studies and documentaries on women’s livelihoods, natural resources and the extractive industries;
  • Practical tools for improved economic and physical security for women in cross border trade within the Mano River Union countries;
  • Support the UN Women Communications Specialist in Propose areas for future  research on  women’s economic empowerment in Liberia;
  • Submit articles/research for UN Women Liberia’s contribution to the UN Women Knowledge Gateway on Women’s Economic Empowerment.

Develop a resource mobilization strategy and submit at least 3 proposals to upscale UN Women’s work in economic empowerment, in line with its Strategic Plan drawing  lessons learned in the implementation of the Peace Building Fund programmingProvide technical support to the National Project Manager on the development of the project document and work plan for the Joint Programme on Rural Women’s Economic Empowerment;

  • Utilizing existing concept note, fundraise for Launch of UN Women / ECOWAS documentary “Risky Borders” in Liberia and for hosting a Mano River Union conference on Women in Cross Border Trade;
  • Support the development of a full scale proposal for UN Women’s WE2 programming (Women’s Economic Empowerment Phase 2) in line with the Strategic Plan and UN Women’s contributions to women’s economic empowerment in the UN One Programme and One Gender Framework;
  • Support UN Women, the Ministry of Gender and Development and Ministry of Internal Affairs in mobilizing resources for the expansion of programme activities implemented under the Peace Building Funds.

Produce reports for donors on three key projects

  • In close collaboration with the Project Coordinator and the Project Implementation Unit at the Ministry of Gender and Development, edit and provide guidance on the donor reporting (both narrative and financial) for the Peace Building Fund;
  • Support UN Women programme officers in compiling, editing and finalizing donor reports.
  • Provide technical support for reporting on UN Women Liberia’s 2014 results and for the development of the 2015 annual work plan, in line with its Strategic Plan;
  • In coordination with the M&E Specialist and under the oversight of the Deputy Representative, support the programming team in the consolidation of reports and indicators for the 2014 Annual Report, with a particular focus on ensuring adequate reporting on high level results and those resulting from coordination across projects / programme areas;
  • Pull together lessons learned from the implementation of the 2014 Annual Work Plan to inform the development of the 2015 Annual Work Plan;
  • Support the Deputy Representative and programming team in the strategic development of activities for the 2015 Annual Work Plan and the mobilization of resources to support these activities.



  • Demonstrating consistency in upholding and promoting the values of UN Women in actions and decisions, in line with the UN Code of Conduct.

Cultural Sensitivity/Valuing Diversity

  • Demonstrating an appreciation of the multicultural nature of the organization and the diversity of its staff.
  • Demonstrating an international outlook, appreciating differences in values and learning from cultural diversity.

Core Competencies:

Ethics and Values

  • Promoting Ethics and Integrity / Creating Organizational Precedents.

Organizational Awareness

  • Building support and political acumen.

Developing and Empowering People / Coaching and Mentoring

  • Building staff competence, creating an environment of creativity and innovation.

Working in Teams

  • Building and promoting effective teams.

Communicating Information and Ideas

  • Creating and promoting an enabling environment for open communication.

Self-management and Emotional intelligence

  • Creating an emotionally intelligent organization.

Conflict Management /Negotiating and Resolving Disagreements

  • Leveraging conflict in the interest of the organization and setting standards.

Knowledge Sharing / Continuous Learning

  • Sharing knowledge across the organization and building a culture of knowledge sharing and learning.

Appropriate and Transparent Decision Making

  • Fair and transparent decision-making; calculated risk-taking.

Functional Competencies:

Management and Leadership

  • Able to manage for results: translate strategy into achievable plans, establish priorities, and monitor them and periodic adjustments as required;
  • Able to effectively represent UN Women in, and contribute to, United Nations inter-agency programming and evaluation initiatives related to gender equality and women’s economic empowerment;
  • Builds strong relationships with, and focuses on results for clients and partners, responds positively to feedback;
  • Demonstrates openness to change and able to manage complexities.

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • In-depth substantive knowledge of monitoring and evaluation and related development policy and programming issues, including knowledge of results-based management and logframes.

Knowledge Management

  • Promotes learning environment in the office through leadership and personal example;
  • Experience in developing and editing knowledge products;
  • Seeks and applies knowledge, information, and best practices from within and outside of UN Women.

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • Master`s degree (or equivalent) in International Development, Gender and Development, Public Administration, Programme/Project Management, or in the field of social sciences or other relevant field.


  • Minimum of 5 years of experience working in the areas of programme supervision and management,  including monitoring and evaluation, preferably in the context of gender programming and/or women’s economic empowerment;
  • Experience in proposal writing and in writing donor reports is essential;
  • Experience in supporting national staff, partners and counterparts in project implementation and capacity building is essential;
  • Experience in conducting field missions to assess project/programme performance and results is essential;
  • Substantive knowledge of and experience on project/programme management addressing gender equality and women's empowerment issues is essential;
  • Substantive knowledge and working experience on fragile states and post conflict settings is highly desirable;
  • Experienced in working in a global multi-cultural setting respecting gender equality and an ability to contribute to team work and provide conceptual leadership;
  • Experience in monitoring and evaluating programmes related to gender equality and women’s economic empowerment is highly desirable;
  • Working experience in Liberia or another fragile state is highly desirable.


  • Written and oral proficiency in English is required.