
UNDP Cambodia uses communications and advocacy strategies to increase the standing and awareness of its work with partners, the media and the public. UNDP produces promotional materials, publications, stories and video documentary featuring impacts of its work in Cambodia. The materials are regularly distributed to various groups of audience, including partners in the Government, donor community, non-governmental organizations, civil society groups, educational institutions and the Cambodian general public.

Cambodia’s socio-economic development has been regarded as an impressive success story given the country’s tragic past. The poverty rate has fallen to below 20 percent and is expected to drop further. As projected, this year Cambodia’s economy will grow up to 7 percent, a continuing trend from the previous years. Gradually, Cambodia is inching toward gaining the lower-middle income country status, another milestone for a post-conflict country. Meanwhile, there are still key challenges that could cause setbacks to the gains made to date. Skill gaps, lack of employment opportunities, underinvestment in education and its low quality strain Cambodia’s competitiveness – these are some of the main concerns at the heart of the issues of human capital in Cambodia. They also represent vulnerabilities that could push back into poverty some of the very people who had recently climbed past the poverty line. These are the challenges that need to be tackled through comprehensive policy approaches that can help improve choices for Cambodians  to have a better life and  stay out of poverty.

UNDP, together with other development partners, is currently working on a number of initiatives to assist the Royal Government of Cambodia in carrying out its policy goal and strategy on the development of human capital to boost its competitiveness for future growth. 

Deberes y responsabilidades


This video is aimed at raising awareness of low human capital and its implications for advancing sustainable and inclusive growth in Cambodia. It will serve to equip Cambodian citizens with the knowledge of the problem, what is being done to address the problem, in particular highlighting different grass-roots solutions/initiatives being pursued. The video will bridge the information gap between policy implementers and citizens, particularly  youth, the unemployed and others who are impacted by this development issue.

Primary audience:

  • Youth, general public, private sector Government agencies implementing human capital related policy
  • Secondary audience:
  • Government and development partners


  • 3 minutes


  • The video production must be guided by a script that will describe the flow of topics, people to interview and accompanying footages. The script will be developed by producer (winning bidder) and discussed and agreed with the Communications Unit and the policy coordination team of UNDP.
  • The video shall include the following content:
  1. Human interest elements illustrating employment prospects and young people.
  2. Key messages explaining the terms of ‘human capital’.
  3. Key messages about the problems and challenges Cambodians are facing, policy and action being put in place to address them, intiatives being undertaken by private businesses, schools etc. and, last but not least, the resulting benefits now and in the future.
  4. Issues skill gap/skill mismatch, low education quality, lack of technical and vocational education training (TVET) in the country, low-skilled workers, migration, inequality of opportunities for men and women, and among others.
  5. Highlight of ‘demographic divident’ presented by Cambodia’s young population.
  6. Regional context, such as the impending Asean Economic Integration, and its implications for Cambodia’s competitiveness.
  7. Interview with youth, businesses/private sector representatives, academic institutions, members of vulernable groups, representatives of the government agencies implementing human capital policy, and development partners working in human capital.
  • Creative combinations of interviews, footages, format and the use of graph, graphic, animation in documenting the topic is highly appreciated.
  • The documentary will have two versions:
  1. One version in English voiceover (interviews with Camobians shall be kept in Khmer sound bite with English subtitles inserted in the video).
  2. One full version in Khmer voiceover.

Final Products or Deliverables/Outputs:
Based on the scope of work:

  • A 3-minute video documentary raising awareness on human capital, upon receiving written satisfaction from the Communications Unit, will be completed and delivered to UNDP (minimum HD-720p). As well as a separated DVD with the unedited raw footage. Subtitles should not be encrusted in the video, but in separate .srt file.
  • A copy of all video interviews to be used individually according to UNDP’s discretion.
  • Twenty (20) copies of the DVD, containing the documentary should be submitted at the end of the contract with the proper DVD covers in line with UNDP Corporate Guidelines.

All rights reserved. UNDP Cambodia will be the only copyright holder, although further uses may be authorized after consultation.

Institutional Arrangement:
The head of the Communications Unit will have the overall supervision of the contractor’s day-to-day performance to ensure it fully complies with the terms of the contract. In case the consultant is required to travel to the province(s), UNDP will provide a transportation and living allowance following UN DSA rate.

Monitoring and Progress Controls:

  • Field research, video shooting plan and draft script
  • Final written script
  • First cut
  • Final cut with sub-titles and 20 copies of the video


Functional Competencies:


  • Proven ability to produce high quality video documentaries
  • Capacity for script development and (narration, interviews, etc.) naturally embedding corporate messages needed
  • Creativity in packaging narration, footage and interview into a final product
  • Experience of similar work for UN and/or NGOs, especially in Cambodia


  • Knowledge of development issues in Cambodia, particularly on human capital, i.e.youth employment, vocational/technical training, education, etc.

Corporate Competencies:

  •  Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values;
  •  Exerts strict adherence to corporate rules, regulations and procedures;
  •  Familiarity with the internal control framework and results-based management tools is a must;
  •  Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas


  • Minimum Bachelor degree in media and management and/or social development fields


  • Minimum 5 years of video production, media and communications and previous experience on bio-diversity conservation and its significance for rural livelihood.


  • English and Khmer, as some interviews with local villagers have to be done. Translation into Khmer might be done by a third party, but under the winning bidder’s responsibility.

Additional Requirement:

  • Two (2) video samples (or online links) should be submitted to support the application, as well as one (1) full script from a previous work.

Important note:

Interested offeror is strongly advised to read the Individual Consultant (IC) Procurement Notice, which can be viewed at for more detail about term of references, instructions to offeror, and documents to be included when submitting offer.

Documents to be included when submitting the application:

Interested offeror/individual must submit the following documents/information.

UNDP reserves right to reject any applications that is incomplete.

Please be informed that we don’t accept application submitted via email.

Interested candidate is required to submit application via UNDP jobsite system, because the application screening and evaluation will be done through UNDP jobsite system. Please note that UNDP jobsite system allows only one uploading of application document, so please make sure that you merge all your documents into a single file. Your on-line applications submission will be acknowledged where an email address has been provided. If you do not receive an e-mail acknowledgement within 24 hours of submission, your application may not have been received. In such cases, please resubmit the application, if necessary.

Any request for clarification/additional information on this procurement notice shall be communicated in writing to UNDP office or send to email and/or While the Procurement Unit would endeavor to provide information expeditiously, only requests receiving at least 5 working days prior to the submission deadline will be entertained. Any delay in providing such information will not be considered as a reason for extending the submission deadline. The UNDP's response (including an explanation of the query but without identifying the source of inquiry) will be posted in Individual Consultant (IC) Procurement Notice page as provided above. Therefore, all prospective Offerors are advised to visit the page regularly to make obtain update related to this Individual Consultant (IC) Procurement Notice.