
With the financial support by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the UN Joint Programme to Enhance Gender Equality in Georgia has been launched in March 2012 implemented by UNDP, UN Women, and UNFPA.

The overall goal of the UNJP is to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment through strengthening capacities in the government, civil society and communities. The overall goal will be achieved through:

  • Enhancing women’s political and economic empowerment;
  • Creating an enabling environment to eliminate violence against women, especially domestic violence (DV);
  • Creating enabling environment to realize Sexual and Reproductive Rights of population.

The joint programme directly supports further realization of women’s rights and gender equality commitments undertaken by Georgia at international as well as national levels and will upscale results achieved by the country with the support of the international community, including UN agencies, in the area of gender equality and women’s empowerment through innovative initiatives. Furthermore, it contributes and responds to United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF’s) stated goals on enhanced protection and promotion of human rights, access to justice and gender equality and of improved access to quality health, education, legal aid, justice and other essential social services (UNDAF Outcome:1.3 :  vulnerable groups enjoy improved access to quality health, education, legal aid, justice and other essential social services; 2.1: Enhanced protection and promotion of human rights, access to justice and gender equality with particular focus on the rights of minorities, marginalized and vulnerable groups). The programme is directly linked to national priorities it closely follows and derives from the aims, objectives and priorities of the National Action Plan on Gender Equality (2011-2013).

The programme adopted an integrated approach by simultaneously targeting three interrelated levels:

  • Policy and decision-making level: advocating for the streamlining of national legislation and policies related to gender equality, recommending improvements and supporting an informed dialogue among policy-makers, executives,  women’s rights and gender equality advocates and communities at grassroots level;
  • National and local institutions: enhancing the capacities of national and local governments for planning and implementing gender sensitive policies and actions; 
  • Work with civil society and communities at grassroots level: strengthening their capacity and awareness of the need to address the issue of gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Work at each layer will be informed by the achievements and challenges from the others, thus promoting synergies and reinforcement throughout the programme. The programme will also build on the achievements and lessons learned from previous and on-going UN initiatives in support of gender equality

UNDP will directly coordinate and be primarily responsible for achievement of Enhancing women’s political and economic rights of the UNJP related to enhancing women’s political and economic empowerment; UNDP aims at advocating women’s increased participation in the policy making process and empowering them economically, thus setting up sound mechanisms for political and economic activism to collectively advance the gender equality agenda and to promote women’s political and economic empowerment at national and grassroots levels. The primary goal of the interventions is the promotion of gender equality to bring this in line with Georgia’s international, constitutional and legal commitments to meeting the National Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the National Action Plan for Gender Equality. 

Devoirs et responsabilités

Under the supervision of Project Component Manager and in close cooperation with UNDP CO Communication Analyst and the project staff, the Communication Specialist will:

  • Implement the Public Awareness action plan on regular basis;
  • Research, compile and present information from a variety of sources including review of current events in the related area;
  • In coordination with the UNDP Communication analyst, inform media outlets of significant developments, events, press conferences;
  • Organize and facilitate the  review of advocacy, promotional and program materials;
  • Support the development and update of visibility and program materials;
  • Organize and support public awareness events and PR campaigns;
  • In coordination with the UNDP Communication Analyst, prepare draft information kits and press releases for the events, share and distribute to the interested parties when necessary and ensure the availability of copies of information products;
  • Support the process of designing and printing of visibility and program materials in cooperation with UNDP CO staff;
  • Assist in design, creation and delivery of new and effective communications products and services;
  • Assist in developing project Reports/bulletins and other communication materials for key stakeholders and the donor;
  • Work collaboratively with Communication Consultants of UNFPA and UN Women to ensure effective and efficient implementation of the communication and PR strategy of the UN JP;
  • Establish good working relationships with media representatives and related Government officials, parliamentarians, NGO representatives, and women’s  groups to advocate gender equality;
  • Carry out other duties and tasks as deemed necessary by the Project Component Manager and UNDP CO;
  • Providing the above services to other project(s) as well if/when required at the decision of management.


  • Launch Gender Awards; oversee the competition process and organize the award ceremony;
  • Plan and conduct gender week (March 2015) events;
  • Support the organization of the Women Councilors III Forum.

Technical Evaluation:

Individual consultants will be evaluated against combination of technical and financial criteria. Technical evaluation stage encompasses desk review and interview of applicants. Experts not meeting any of the minimum technical qualification requirements will be automatically excluded from the list of candidates for further technical evaluation.

Maximum obtainable score is 100, out of which the total score for technical criteria equals to 70 points (70%) and for financial criteria 30 (30%). Offerors who pass 70% of maximum obtainable scores of the desk review (i.e. 40x 70% = 28 points) as a result of a desk review of applications will be invited for the interview. Those Offerors who pass 70% of maximum obtainable scores of the technical criteria (i.e. 70 x 70% = 49 points) will be considered for the Financial Evaluation.

Financial Evaluation:

Contracts based on monthly fee: The financial proposal will specify the monthly fee expected. The Joint Project will cover the costs associated to travel when and if necessary.


Core Competencies:

  • Demonstrated commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values;
  • Sensitivity and adaptability to cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age;
  • Highest standards of integrity, discretion and loyalty.

Functional Competencies:

  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills;
  • Ability to adjust training programs to the existing needs and specific requirements of trainees;
  • Strong interpersonal skills.

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • Bachelor's degree in public relations, communication, social sciences, journalism, or other related field (minimum qualification requirement: 5 points, Master's degree or higher: additional 5 points).

Professional experience:

  • At least 3 years of professional  experience as PR Manager or on a related position (minimum qualification requirement: 10 points; more than 3 years, additional 2 points; international organization experience: additional  2 points);
  • At least 3 years of experience in planning and managing large scale campaigns and awareness raising activities preferably  at International organizations (8 points);
  • Experience of working on gender equality issues will be an asset;
  • Substantial knowledge in the area of expertise (minimum qualification requirement: 8 points);
  • Experience of communication with stakeholders (donors, media) working on GE issues;
  • Experience of working in multicultural environments.


  • Fluency in Georgian and English languages.