As an LDC, Yemen experiences numerous development challenges which include high This project is part of the second generation of Biodiversity Enabling Activities (BD EA) under the GEF. Yemen has been Party to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) since 1996. The project addresses the country’s need to continue to fulfill its obligations under the CBD, with particular focus on the Convention’s Article 6 and the CBD COP Decision X/2. Above all, the project is a significant contribution to Yemen’s efforts towards implementing the CBD Strategic Plan 2011-2020 at the national level. The project builds on the current status and achievements of Yemen with respect to biodiversity planning and reporting. It aims to integrate Yemen’s obligations under the CBD into its national development and sectoral planning frameworks through a renewed and participative ‘biodiversity planning’ and strategizing process. This process is expected to produce measurable targets for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. It will equally ensure that the value of ecosystems’ goods and services, as well as the challenges and opportunities for ecosystem-based adaptation and resilience are taken into consideration in the process. The project will achieve its objective through the implementation of three components, whose activities are thoroughly described in the GEF approved proposal for BD EA. They are:
- A participative stocktaking exercise on biodiversity planning takes place and national biodiversity targets are developed in response to the global Aichi Targets;
- The NBSAP is revised/updated and it fully integrates new aspects of the CBD strategic plan, such as mainstreaming and anchoring the implementation of the plan into national development frameworks, valuing ecosystem services and promoting ecosystem-based adaptation and resilience;
- National frameworks for resource mobilization, Convention reporting and exchange mechanisms are strengthened.
Duties and Responsibilities
Under part 3 mentioned above, UNDP is planning to recruit an international consultant to develop a Resources mobilisation strategy, highlighting the financing for the implementation of the Action Plan of the NBSAP as identified by stakeholders, a Matrix is attached. The aim of this assignment is to identify the financial resources needed to implement the NBSAP and how they will be mobilized through all sources including the domestic budget, external assistance (where relevant) and innovative financial mechanisms. This will include analysis of accessing biodiversity finance mechanisms, such as payments for ecosystem services, conservation trust funds, biodiversity offsets and bio-carbon funding, among many others.
The strategy will be developed based on review of national financial policies, review of ecosystem valuation study developed under the project in addition to analysis of internal sources of finance for actions identified by stakeholders NBSAP implementation including i) the analysis of national budget cycle and the allocation to public administrations (ministries), ii) the budget of local governments, iii) national funds to support local development, and iv) fiscal and economic instruments.
The tasks foreseen will be carried in close collaboration with 2 national counterparts from the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Environment. Specific responsibilities of the consultant are to:
- Review drivers of biodiversity change as identified by Stakeholders & determine the costs of key policies and practices that drive biodiversity change, see attached action plan by which stakeholders identify the drivers;
- Propose policy options for key areas for fiscal reform and resource mobilization to maintain sustainable development and achieve biodiversity goals;
- Conduct biodiversity expenditure to shed the light on key biodiversity-related expenditures, including both positive and negative expenditures, by public and private financial actors, agencies, investors and institutions;
- Identify the financial baseline and based on which develop a ‘business as usual’ finance projections for the future;
- Based on review of biodiversity expenditure assess the relevancy & effectiveness of biodiversity expenditures;
- Identify potential areas and programs for sectoral integration including mainstreaming into development, poverty reduction and climate change plans . Special emphasis will be placed on mainstreaming biodiversity into development plans, incorporating protected area networks and sustainable production systems into ecosystem-based climate adaptation and resilience plans;
- Review current environmental strategies to identify & assess the sectoral practices and policies that contribute to both negative and positive biodiversity trends;
- Assess synergies between biodiversity policy/Programme initiatives to outline initiatives with synergies between those strategies and the NBSAP;
- Identify strategies, actions and costs to mainstream Protection & restoration goals & Access and Benefits Sharing principles into key economic development sectors;
- Through review of current environmental strategies identify policy options which provides incentives and contributes to biodiversity loss, unsustainable production and consumption of natural resources;
- Review the action plan to assess the adequacy of actions and associated costs to implement Enabling activities targeted for improvement of communication, education and public awareness, individual capacity, research, science and knowledge;
- Estimates total costs of strategies and actions and identify the existing financial gap for implementing the NBSAP.. Compare these costs with the past financial baseline, as well as the projected future;
- Analyse internal sources of finance for action in the NBSAP including i) the national budget cycle and the allocation to public administrations (ministries), ii) the budget of local governments, iii) national funds to support local development, and iv) fiscal and economic instruments;
- Analyse external sources of finance for actions in the NBSAP, highlighting the feasibility for these revenue sources for filling financial gaps. Analysis will include i) bilateral sources, ii) multilateral sources, iii) regional development banks, iv) international foundations and non-governmental organisations (NGOs);
- Analyse innovative sources of finance for actions in the NBSAP, especially fiscal measures related to: i)sectoral development (to encourage the mainstreaming of biodiversity into their operations, ii) bank loans for investment projects;
- Develop efficient and effective financial mechanisms/frameworks that will guarantee solid implementation of the new aligned strategies showing responsibility and accountability arrangements; this include identification of biodiversity finance actors (any individual, group or entity that could potentially provide funding for biodiversity objectives through a financial mechanism); and finance mechanisms (any instrument or tool that enables potential revenue to be captured);
- Prepare a Resource Mobilization strategy for for the 10-year period, outlining a concrete set of strategies and actions to mobilize the financial resources required to implement the full suite of strategies within the NBSAP, and therefore to achieve the Aichi Targets. concrete activities required to mobilise BD finance. This shall include developing a detailed plan for operationalizing revenue sources and this shall minimally identify actions addressing each priority issue, baseline information, the timeframe of each action, institutes responsible, possible partners, funding and possible sources of funding. It will further identify a set of indicators by which progress towards achieving each agreed-upon target will be measured and reported;
The international experts will work from home, fro which he will be assisted by national counterpart whose task be will be to collect Data needed form local source pursuant to the guidance of the international expert. He will also meet with stakeholders for feedback exchange view with relevant stakeholders.
Specific deliverables is:
A comprehensive Resources Mobilization strategy for proper implementation of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP II), which is currently under revision and updating per activities of the on-going NBSAP Project; this include development of ‘straight-forward’ and feasible NBSAP implementation plans, which ensure the effective implementation of the Action proposed by stakeholders for implementation of the NBSAP II, 2015-2025. This includes an elaboration of Sectoral Mainstreaming of Biodiversity in Yemen as regards the following topics:
- Elaboration of Potential measures and policies for mainstreaming biodiversity into national and sectoral planning frameworks, focusing on major sectors such as agriculture; Forestry; Livestock; Fishery; Water; Tourism, Oil and Gas;
- Elaboration of potential options for integrating bidodiversity issues into major development areas such as : land-use management, including spatial and infrastructural development planning; Poverty alleviation; Rural development and livelihoods; Food security; Gender; and Climate change mainstreaming;
- Identifications of areas of synergies with international conventions, particularly the climate convention and other related biodiversity conventions like Basel Convention, CITES, convention on the conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS), Ozone Convention; and Protocols such as FCCC, CCD, and Ramsar, Natural Heritage and Law of the Sea;
- Policy options and measures for incorporating incentives and removing harmful subsidies;
- Measures for developing landscapes that have sustainable production and consumption and ensure the use of natural resources falls well within safe ecological limits;
- Measures for fully implementing the Programme of Work on Protected Areas, including increased protection and landscape/seascape connectivity;
- Proposed policy measures for restoring and safeguarding Yemen ecosystems that provide essential services, including services related to water, and contribute to health, livelihoods and well-being;
- Tools and measures for integrating the value of biodiversity into national and local development and poverty reduction strategies, sectoral plans and national accounting, as appropriate, and reporting systems;
- Measures for the mobilization of financial resources for effectively implementing the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2015-2025 from all sources;
Contribution to the following deliverables:
- Second National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Yemen;
- Sub-product 1: Study on Ecosystem Services Valuation in Yemen;
- Sub-product 2: Study on Advances in Sectoral Mainstreaming of Biodiversity in Yemen;
Duration: Approx. 4 weeks & the whole mission will be undertaken based on the below:
- A comprehensive Resources Mobilization strategy for proper implementation of the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (NBSAP II) of 2015. Duration for Four weeks At country home.
Functional Competencies:
- Adequate knowledge in of the relevant UN Convention, the existing NBSAP and environmental issues in Yemen are essential;
- Strong analytical skills.
Corporate Competencies:
- Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
- Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
- Treats all people fairly without favoritism;
- Fulfills all obligations to gender sensitivity and zero tolerance for sexual harassment;
- Ability/disposition to work as part of a team.
Required Skills and Experience
- Post graduate qualification in environmental economy, agricultural economy or related field.
- Minimum 5 years’ experience in economic valuation, particularly in ecosystems valuation;
- Demonstrated experience working in international projects.
- Very good knowledge in English.