

The Sub-regional Human Development Report Lead Author/Team Leader will be responsible for the research and writing of the report and contributing to its launch and promotion.


Sub-regional Human Development Report will analyse the impact of the catastrophic floods of May 2014 on people in four countries of the sub-region  and place it in a wider disaster reduction context. The sub-regional HDR Team Leader will ensure a high-quality report which will examine the human development needs of populations at risk of natural disaster, present policy options to promote sustainable recovery to pre-flood levels, and explore the critical factors to be addressed to improve resilience in the face of a similar event in the future.

Background Information

The sub-regional report will examine and articulate the impact of disasters through a human development lens.  It will focus in particular on elaborating the conceptual linkages between human development and disaster risk reduction including all aspects of preparedness, response, prevention, mitigation and recovery.  The report will seek to orient the disaster prevention and mitigation agenda in the region to the human development needs of affected communities to promote sustainable development. It will underscore the utility of the HD framework as a lens to appreciate the human development cost of disasters and related measures to recover from the crisis. The policy options presented in the report  will inform decision-makers in post-disaster relief and rehabilitation contexts and showcase how regional approaches can help in mitigating future hazards. The report will also examine innovative uses of information and technology to prevent the human and other losses and increase   efficiency of response.
The Sub-regional Human Development Report seeks to be a timely, practical analytical and policy instrument. Its aims to stimulate public discussion at local and cross-border levels, and inspire improved policymaking and targeted actions through the provision of high-quality policy-oriented research.

The report will also serve as a “roadmap” for effective and targeted utilization of European Union funds allocated to post-flood recovery that puts people at the centre of the agenda. It will generate ideas on how to use the capacities of UNDP projects at community levels to mitigate vulnerabilities to natural disasters in the region.  The report will also review the recommendations and ensuing actions from a joint EU-UNDP post-disaster needs assessment for “building back better” and recovering human losses and damages. The report will also build on the proposed targets of the Sustainable Development Goals (Goals 11 and 13) and pilot their early adaptation in line with sub-regional/national priorities, with the development of an initial list of indicators.

Duties and Responsibilities

Under the overall supervision of the UNDP Deputy Resident Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the direct supervision of the Senior Coordinator/ Sector Leader, the Sub-regional HDR Lead Author/Team Leader will:

  • Coordinate the HDR team to ensure smooth collaboration among all team members in all phases of the process as well as an efficient and effective division of labour within the team;
  • Solicit inputs from and ensure regular coordination with the UNDP Country Offices of: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia, UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub, representatives of other relevant UN agencies and other relevant stakeholders;
  • Finalize the methodology in cooperation with the UNDP team, relevant partners and stakeholders;
  • Identify and draft the scope of work for the core team (writers, statistician) with support of the UNDP team, including the drafting of terms of reference for line experts and/or participation in their selection/recruitment;
  • Lead and coordinate the core team and the key contributors through regular meetings/ communication, adequate task distribution, updates and reviews;
  • Organize meetings and consultations with the core team and the UNDP team as required;
  • Drafting of the report and consistent application of the agreed methodology as per the agreement with the core team;
  • Provide feedback and shape the inputs of the core team and key contributors to produce a coherent draft Report;
  • Ensure timely submission of comments and and suggestions by the core team and tkey contributors and integrate them into the report;
  • Facilitate discussions with UNDP including relevant UN agencies and representatives of relevant ministries for policy recommendations to be included in the report;
  • Design and moderate a verification workshop with the core team, UNDP and representatives of relevant ministries as required;
  • Draft the executive summary and conclusions  and ensure that a state-of-art Sub-regional HDR publication is finalized;
  • Prepare all materials for official launching, including presentation slides, core messages and findings as well as presenting it during the release, dissemination and promotion as appropriate.
  • Engage in post-launch follow-up events.

Sub-regional HDR standards and guiding principles

The Lead Author/Team Leader will  ensure that the report meets the following standards in compliance with the UNDP HDR preparation check-list - and within overall guiding principles outlined in HDR Toolkit (


  • A people-centered analytical approach is adopted throughout;
  • A holistic and interdisciplinary approach taken in its analysis;
  • Gender equality issues are addressed from outset;
  • The report has a clear logical flow;
  • Data and analysis in each chapter do not duplicate but complement one another;
  • Multiple sources of data are considered to ensure the most suitable data sources and avoid data discrepancies among different chapters of the Report;
  • Analysis, arguments and statements are well founded on facts, data evidence with clear references;
  • Cross-cutting issues such as information and communications technologies, governance, environment are considered;
  • The report is written in clear language and organized into appropriate headings and sub-headings which clarify its aims and ensure that readers’ interest is maintained;
  • Presentation of data is creative and understandable to the lay reader;
  • Terminology and acronyms are used consistently;
  • References and notes (i.e. definitions, technical notes, bibliography, footnotes and endnotes) are presented in the standard format.

 Draft outline of the report


  1. Context
  2. Overview of levels and patterns of vulnerability
  3. Impact of disasters on human development
  4. Analysis of community-based responses to disaster risk and reduction
  5. Assessment of mechanisms in place to tackle disasters nationally and regionally
  6. Building a case for regional coordination and training around the matters of natural disasters
  7. Policy measures and recommendations
  8. Roadmap for effective and targeted utilization of EU funds allocated for post-flood recovery
  9. Comparative Human Development Indices  for the sub-region


Deliverables and timelines
The consultant is responsible for the following deliverables:
Deliverables (outputs) Deadline


  1. Methodology, structure and outline of the Report finalized based on the existing sub-regional HDR scope, and structure of the core team presented and agreed with UNDP By mid-December
  2. Research, analysis and presentation of the first draft of the Report  By mid-March
  3. Verification workshop(s) designed and moderated with the UNDP, the core team, and representatives of relevant ministries as required Third week of April
  4. Feedback reviewed and integrated, the final Report produced, and launch/presentation of the Report conducted  By end April
  5. Follow up events, organized as agreed with UNDP By end May


Corporate Responsibility and Teamwork:

  • Demonstrates commitment to UNDP’s mission, vision and values;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Plans, prioritizes and delivers tasks on time;
  • Strives for and promotes excellence in performance continually;
  • Participates effectively in a team-based, information-sharing environment, collaborating and cooperating with others;
  • Generates ideas and seizes opportunities to support corporate strategic objectives.

People Skills:

  • Demonstrated ability to work harmoniously with persons of different national and cultural backgrounds;
  • Recognizes and responds appropriately to the ideas, interests, and concerns of others;
  • Builds trust and engenders morale by displaying open, transparent and credible behavior;
  • Respects individual/cultural /gender differences; utilizes diversity to foster teamwork;
  • Ensures others’ understanding of, involvement in, and adaptation to a change process.

Partnering and Networking:

  • Communicates sensitively and effectively across different constituencies;
  • Ability to work as a member of a team as well as work autonomously.


  • Plans and procedures quality results to meet established goals.


  • Technical writing skills, formulates written information clearly and persuasively;
  • Strong communication skills;
  • Shares information openly with co-workers and partners while using discretion to protect confidences;
  • Presents information in a clear and articulate manner.

Job Knowledge and Expertise:

  • Demonstrates substantive and technical knowledge to meet responsibilities and post requirements;
  • Advanced knowledge in gender equality;
  • Strong analytical skills;
  • Executes day-to-day tasks systematically and efficiently;
  • Initiative and sound judgment.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Advanced degree in social sciences
  • At least ten years of experience in issues related to DRR in the overall human development context with a focus on socio-economic analysis, experience with gendered analysis
  • Familiarity with UNDP and UN system policies, including Human Development Reports and with the application of the human development paradigm to DRR context;
  • In-depth knowledge on relevant development issues and ability to advocate and provide policy advice;
  • Ability to lead teams effectively and show conflict resolution skills;
  • Strong organization, communication as well as negotiation skills;
  • Ability to build strong relationships with clients and external actors.
  • Proven ability to undertake professional research using both quantitative and qualitative methods and experience with the development of composite indices;
  • Proven analytical skills and ability to write concisely and clearly  and to deliver on time;
  • Proven credentials in project design, methodology design, and conducting assessments;
  • Supreme writing skills;
  • Knowledge of local context including institutional arrangements, and socio-economic development levels;
  • Proven communication and advocacy skills, and ability to work in an environment requiring liaison and collaboration with multiple actors including government representatives, donors and other stakeholders;
  • Relevant knowledge and experience in the region;
  • Excellent English language writing and spoken skills.

Duration: Up to 60  working days, in the course of 6 months starting on December 2014  

Duty Station: home based with travels in the sub-region

Individual consultants will be evaluated based on the Cumulative analysis.

The award of the contract will be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

  • Responsive/compliant/acceptable, and
  • Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical (70%) and financial (30%) criteria specific to the solicitation.

Applicants are required to submit an application including:

  • Letter of interest/ Proposal;

- Explaining why do you consider yourself the most suitable for the work
- Provide a brief methodology, if applicable, on how you will approach and conduct the work

  • Personnel history (P11) including past experience in similar projects and contact details (e-mail addresses) of referees
  • Financial proposal indicating your consultancy fee, lump sum fee or unit price depending on the nature and complexity of the assignment.

Please scan all above mentioned documents and upload as one attachment only online through this website.

  • For an assignment requiring travel, consultants of 62 years or more require full medical examination and statement of fitness to work to engage in the consultancy.
  • Due to large number of potential applicants, only competitively selected candidates will be contacted for remaining steps of the service procurement process.
  • Applicants are required to submit completed and signed UNDP Personal History Form (downloadable from online through this website.