Water is of strategic importance to African economies, forming an input to various sectors such as agriculture, industry, mining and power generation. In addition, water resources have the potential to be developed in such a way as to contribute to the achievement of food security and poverty eradication objectives. The efficient and sustainable utilization of Africa’s water resources is therefore a cornerstone for socio-economic development as well as food and energy security on the continent.
With transboundary water resources constituting about 80% of Africa’s total freshwater resources, cooperation in the management of shared water resources is critical. Given the strategic importance of transboundary water management in Africa, the African Union (AU), following the adoption of the Africa Water Vision 2025, called in 2000 for a “Federation of African River and Lake Basin Organizations” to be created for developing and adopting a common approach to the management of transboundary waters.
The African Ministers’ Council on Water (AMCOW) was formed in 2002 in Abuja, Nigeria, with the primary purpose of promoting cooperation, security, social and economic development and poverty eradication through the management of water resources and the provision of water supply services.
In response to the AU’s call for the creation of a ‘Federation of African River and Lake Basin Organizations’, AMCOW in 2006 established the “Tekateka Committee”, which recommended the adoption of the African Network of Basin Organizations (ANBO) to provide this common platform.
The proposed UNDP-GEF project - “Strengthening the institutional capacity of African Network of Basin Organization (ANBO), contributing to the improved transboundary water governance in Africa” - is a three year project with an objective of strengthening the coordination and collaboration capacity of African Lake and River Basin Organizations (L/RBOs), Commissions and/or cooperative frameworks for transboundary groundwater management and their member states towards the improved transboundary water governance in Africa through the improved support by ANBO. The project has following two outcomes:
- Outcome 1: Strengthening ANBO’s institutional and technical capacity as a technical arm of AMCOW and as a pan-African knowledge and information clearing house for transboundary water management issues; and
- Outcome 2: Supporting the capacity building of L/RBOs and RECs to foster transboundary cooperation.
The UNDP-GEF Regional Coordination Unit would like to engage an experienced consultant who can prepare the GEF pipelining documentation (UNDP's Project Document (prodoc) and GEF CEO Endorsement Request in the required templates in consultation with stakeholders, identify major co-financing opportunities which are confirmed by the required co-financing letters, and also undertake all necessary project preparation activities and develop the required reports.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Design a fully detailed project in consultation with stakeholders, based on the approved Project Identification Form (PIF) and taking into account comments received from GEFSEC on PIF;
- Prepare the UNDP ProDoc and GEF CEO Endorsement Request (in the required templates) including a Logframe, a detailed work plan and budget, in consultation with stakeholders and based on the project framework presented in the approved PIF;
- Identify co-financiers and secure co-financing letters from partners supporting ANBO, as well as, from relevant government bodies;
- Assess the capacity needs on ANBO’s institutional strength in terms of receiving, managing and disbursement of funds. Furthermore, providing explicit options on ANBO’s financial sustainability strategy;
- Conduct stakeholders’ consultative workshop to review a draft project intervention framework (a draft logframe) and proposed interventions to be supported by UNDP-GEF. In particular, identify the type of meta-data base information for ANBO’s information platform and assess how the proposed UNDP-GEF intervention will strengthen the ANBO’s information and knowledge management capacity building upon AWIS in consultation with ANBO, its members, and co-financing partners;
- Conduct the Environmental and Social Screening as per UNDP’s requirements and template;
- Present a final draft project document at the Local Project Appraisal Committee meeting to stakeholders for appraisal;
- Submit the required products (UNDP Project Document with all the necessary annexes, GEF CEO Endorsement/Approval Request, co-financing letters) in English to the UNDP RTA for clearance.
Expected Tasks estimated time allocation:
- Desk top review of relevant documents and consultations with identified key stakeholders (travel might be required) - throughout the consultancy - 15 days;
- Preparation for and participation in the Inception Workshop - 3 days;
- Preparation, organization and participation in the Stakeholder workshop, including developing and circulating draft proposals/analyses/options to be considered by stakeholders and formulating a workshop report. The stakeholder workshop is to be held in February 2015. The location for the workshop will be determined in consultation with ANBO. The workshop will be maximum two days - 10 days;
- Drafting the Project Document including Logframe, Budget, indicative co-financing, following the UNDP-GEF template and requirements - 18 days;
- Carrying out the Environmental and Social Screening of ANBO Project using UNDP’s ESS template - 1 day;
- Developing a Draft Response Matrix to the GEF Review Comments - 1 day;
- Preparation for and participation in the stakeholder validation workshop (Local Project Appraisal Committee meeting) - 6 days;
- Final Draft Project Document following the UNDP-GEF template and requirements, incorporating all comments - 3 days;
- GEF CEO Endorsement/Approval Request document, following the GEF template and requirements - 2 days;
- Supporting UNDP and ANBO to develop responses to GEFSEC comments - 1 day.
Deliverables and timeframe:
- Draft Inception Report - 15 January 2015;
- Final Inception Report, including the detailed Work Plan and a draft agenda of the stakeholder workshop - 31 January 2015;
- Draft Logframe and a list of proposed interventions for consideration by stakeholders - 3 weeks before the stakeholder workshop;
- Stakeholder workshop report (Stakeholder workshop should take place by no later than end Feb 2015), including all documentations prepared for the workshop, summary of the discussions during the workshop - Within a week after the workshop;
- Draft Project Document including Logframe, Budget, indicative co-financing, following the UNDP-GEF template and requirements - 16 March 2015;
- Environmental and Social Screening of ANBO Project using UNDP’s ESS template - 16 March 2015;
- Draft Response Matrix to the GEF Review Comments - 16 March 2015;
- Stakeholder validation workshop (Local Project Appraisal Committee meeting) - Early April 2015;
- Final Draft Project Document following the UNDP-GEF template and requirements, incorporating all comments - 20 April 2015;
- GEF CEO Endorsement/Approval Request document, following the GEF template and requirements - 20 April 2015;
- Responses to GEFSEC comments - June-August 2015.
Information on Working Arrangements:
- Estimated level of effort, including travel, is 60 working days;
- The consultant will work from home with mission travel;
- The consultant will report to, and be directly supervised by, UNDP-GEF Regional Technical Advisor for Water & Oceans Governance Program in Eastern & Southern Africa, who is based in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia;
- The Consultant will be given access to relevant information necessary for execution of the tasks under this assignment;
- The Consultant will be responsible for providing her/his own working station (i.e. laptop, internet, phone, scanner/printer, etc.) and must have access to a reliable internet connection;
- The consultant will engage regularly by email, Skype and/or and phone on a weekly and/or as needed daily basis.
- The consultant will travel in Africa to conduct at least two regional stakeholder consultation meetings and possibly other bilateral meetings with identified stakeholders. Expected travel duration for each mission is up to 2-4 days in country;
- All travels must be authorized in advance by the supervisor;
- The Advanced and Basic Security in the Field II courses must be successfully completed prior to commencement of travel;
- Individual Consultants are responsible for ensuring they have vaccinations/inoculations when travelling to certain countries, as designated by the UN Medical Director;
- Consultants are required to comply with the UN security directives;
- The consultant will be responsible for making his/her own mission travel arrangements in line with UNDP travel policies;
- All related travel expenses will be reimbursed as per UNDP rules and regulations upon submission of an F-10 claim form and supporting documents. Costs for mission travel (airfares and living allowances) should not be included in financial proposal.
Schedule of Payments:
Payment will be made upon satisfactory completion and acceptance of the deliverables by the RTA as per below percentages:
- Submission and approval of the Inception Report - 15%;
- Submission of the Stakeholder Workshop Report - 20%;
- Submission and approval of the draft Prodoc - 20%;
- Submission and approval of the final draft Prodoc, CEO Endorsement/Approval Request, and Response Matrix to GEF comments on PIF - 30%;
- Response to GEFSEC Comments on the Prodoc - 15%.
- Excellent communications and networking skills and the ability to work in a team;
- Strong interpersonal and negotiating skills;
- Ability to work in a multicultural environment; and
- Sound judgment and discretion.
Functional Competencies:
Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise
- Keeps abreast of new developments in area of professional discipline and job knowledge and seeks to develop him/herself professionally;
- Strong analytical skills, particularly applied to project design; and
- Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge of information technology and applies it in work assignments.
Management and Leadership
- Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills;
- Focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
- Leads teams effectively and shows conflict resolution skills;
- Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
- Builds strong relationships with clients and external actors;
- Remains calm, in control and composed even under pressure;
- Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
- Communicates effectively with staff at all levels of the organization;
- Acts with tact and diplomacy;
- Proves outgoing and comfortable in handling external relations at all levels;
- Demonstrates compelling communication skills and cross-cultural effectiveness;
- Possesses the ability to convey difficult issues and positions to senior officials, proven political judgment, sensitivity to local cultures.
- Capable of working in a high pressure environment with sharp and frequent deadlines, managing many tasks simultaneously;
- Excellent organizational skills;
- Able to work independently and remotely with minimal supervision;
- Exercise the highest level of responsibility and be able to handle confidential and politically sensitive issues in a responsible and mature manner;
- Capacity to submit high quality deliverables under time constraints.
Required Skills and Experience
- Master’s Degree or equivalent with specialisation in relevant field(s) related to the assignment (e.g. water resource management, ecology, civil or environmental engineering, environmental management, NRM economics, but not restricted to these) (max 10pts).
- At least 15 years working experience in international waters or natural resources management related field (max 10pts);
- Demonstrated experience and proven track record of working with governments on shared water resources management in Africa is highly desired (max 10pts);
- Past experience in working with RBOs in Africa, ANBO, AMCOW and/or RECs on transboundary water management will be highly desirable (max 10pts);
- Proven record of donor and partner coordination skills (max 10pts);
- Proven record of facilitation skills (max 10pts);
- Project development experience using the Logframe approach is essential; Experience in developing projects financed by GEF International Waters Focal Area is desirable (max 10pts);
- Good understanding and experience in Results-Based Management is essential. Proven knowledge of the project management cycle and M&E requirements of UNDP-GEF projects would be advantageous (max 10pts);
- Up-to-date knowledge of GEF eligibility criteria under GEF-5 and GEF-6 with particular focus on International Waters Focal Area is desirable (max 10pts).
- Excellent skills in written and spoken English (max 5pts);
- Communication skills in French and/or Kiswahili are advantageous (max 5pts).
Price Proposal
Applicants must submit an all-inclusive daily fee financial proposal based on anticipated number of work days and all foreseeable expenses to carry out the assignment.
The total amount quoted shall include professional fees for completing all deliverables described above. The contract price will be a fixed output-based price regardless of extension of the herein specified duration (if necessary). As noted above, when calculating his/her financial proposal, airfares and living allowances should not be included in the financial proposal.
Evaluation Method, Criteria, and Award of Contract
- Only those applications which are responsive and compliant will be evaluated;
- Offers will be evaluated according to the Combined Scoring method – where the technical criteria will be weighted at 70% and the financial offer will be weighted at 30%;
- The technical criteria (education, experience, language) will be based on a maximum 100 points. Only the top 3 candidates that have achieved a minimum of 70 points from the review of the technical criteria will be deemed technically qualified and considered for financial evaluation;
- Financial score (max 100 points) shall be computed as a ratio of the proposal being evaluated and the lowest priced proposal of those technically qualified;
- The financial proposal shall specify an all-inclusive daily fee, including breakdown per deliverable as outlined above. In order to assist the requesting unit in the comparison of financial proposals, the financial proposal must additionally include a breakdown of this daily fee (including number of anticipated working days and all foreseeable expenses to carry out the assignment);
- Applicant receiving the Highest Combined Score and has accepted UNDP’s General Terms and Conditions will be awarded the contract.
Documentation required
Applicants must submit a duly completed and signed UNDP Personal History form (P11) to be downloaded from the link below. Please also provide your all-inclusive daily fee proposal for the assignment, including number of anticipated working days and all foreseeable expenses to carry out the assignment. Kindly note you can upload only one document to this application (scan all documents in one single PDF file to attach). In addition, applicants must reply to the mandatory questions asked by the system when submitting the application.
UNDP Personal History form (P11) required of all applicants:
General Conditions of Contract for the ICs: