Grounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations, UN Women works for the elimination of discrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women; and the achievement of equality between women and men as partners and beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian action and peace and security. Placing women’s rights at the center of all its efforts, UN Women leads and coordinates United Nations System efforts to ensure that commitments on gender equality and gender mainstreaming translate into action throughout the world. It provides strong and coherent leadership in support of Member States’ priorities and efforts, building effective partnerships with civil society and other relevant actors.
In keeping with its role as a knowledge broker of gender equality issues, UN Women launched the first global constitutional database on gender equality-related provisions contained in 195 Constitutions organized by five geographical regions (Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe and Oceana). The database was originally created on the basis of 16 gender equality categories and is due to be re-launched with an expanded searchable capacity of 9 additional categories.
In an effort to disseminate the content of these constitutional provisions, UN Women is seeking the services of a consultant to prepare four fact sheets that reflect the qualitative and quantitative results of the analysis of constitutional provisions on the following clusters of criteria:
- Affirmative action/ temporary special measures (broadly), education (including early childhood education) and participation in public life (broadly);
- Rights of women, reproductive rights and violence;
- Constitutional Courts/Bodies, the status of constitutions and the status of international human rights treaties; and
- Equality before the law, equality and non-discrimination.
Duties and Responsibilities
Working in close consultation with the Constitutional and Access to Justice Advisor of UN Women, the consultant will be responsible for producing four fact sheets that present the qualitative and quantitative dimensions of constitutional provisions on the above four clusters of criteria.
Not exceeding two pages, each fact sheet will be supported by appropriate info graphics where needed and will be presented in a manner that would be easily accessible and understandable among a range of users—academics, policy makers and practitioners.
Core Values and Guiding Principles:
- Demonstrates integrity by modeling UN Women values and ethical standards
- Demonstrates a commitment to UN Women’s mission and vision
- Able to work effectively within a team
- Displays cultural and gender sensitivity and adaptability
- Able to multi-task and juggle competing demands
- Can assess and prioritize work needs quickly
- Able to relate to external partners, including other international organizations and agencies, NGOs, grassroots community groups, etc.
Functional Competencies:
- Global comparative perspectives on constitutions in combination with gender analysis and ability to undertake web-based research and monitoring.
Required Skills and Experience
- Masters level degree in Law, political science or international development.
- At least 10 years of progressively responsible experience in research and constitutional analysis in the relevant area of work;
- Ability to develop creative ideas and to present complex concepts and data;
- Sound knowledge of international standards on human rights, women’s rights and related instruments
- Experience with UN Intergovernmental processes including those related to women’s empowerment, gender mainstreaming and gender equality;
- Experience of working with multi-stakeholder organizations is essential: governments, CSOs, and the UN/ multilateral/bilateral institutions.
- Fluency in oral and written English is required
- Working knowledge of other UN languages will be an asset.
Applicants are to submit a financial proposal.