
On 23 December 2003 the UNGA at its 58th session adopted the resolution A/RES/58/217 initiated by the Republic of Tajikistan. In accordance with the resolution the period 2005 – 2015 was declared as the “International Decade for Action, “Water for Life”.

The main goal of the Decade was to promote efforts to fulfill international commitments made on water and water-related issues by the year 2015.

These commitments also included the development goals contained in the United Nations Millennium Declaration, particularly, to halve the proportion of people without access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation. Another important goal of the Decade was to develop by 2015 plans for integrated water resource management and water-use efficiency in rendering assistance to the developing countries.

The Government of the Republic of Tajikistan being the initiator of the Decade has taken a number of measures at national, regional and global levels for its successful implementation. With this view the Government of Tajikistan in cooperation with the UN and other international organizations organized the following important international water events:

  • International Conference on Regional Cooperation in Trans-Boundary River Basins on 30 May  – 1 June, 2005, Dushanbe;
  • International Conference on Water Related Disasters Reduction on 27-29 June 2008, Dushanbe;
  • High-Level International Conference on midterm comprehensive review of the implementation of the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”, 2005-2015 on 8-10 June 2010, Dushanbe;
  • High Level International Conference on Water Cooperation on 27-29 August 2013, Dushanbe.

Since the year 2015 terminates the International Decade for Action “Water for Life” a comprehensive assessment of the activities carried out during this period, identification of the difficulties and problems in the implementation of the Decade goals, as well as planning of the further activities for the post 2015 period are of crucial importance.    

To that end on 19 December 2014 the UNGA has adopted a resolution (A/RES/69/215) entitled “International Decade for Action, "Water for Life", 2005-2015, and further efforts to achieve the sustainable development of water resources” calling upon member countries, UN system institutions, including the “UN-Water” and other organizations to comprehensively evaluate progress achieved in the implementation of the Decade and continue taking steps for achieving internationally agreed water-related goals, including those indicated in the outcome document of the Rio+20 Conference, entitled “The future we want”.

The resolution also implies the convening of the two important events:

  • High-level interactive dialogue of the sixty-ninth session of the General Assembly in New York within the week after the World Water Day on 22 March, 2015 for the purposes of comprehensive review of the progress achieved in the implementation of the Decade, including the best practices and lessons learned relevant to the achievement of sustainable development; and
  • High-level international conference on the implementation of the International Decade in June 2015 in Dushanbe.

For holding the High-level international conference on the implementation of the   International Decade for Action, "Water for Life", 2005-2015, there will be established an Organizing Committee under the chairmanship of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan.

In order to develop a comprehensive Programme of the Conference with the participation of all categories of water users and decision-makers, there will be established an International Steering Committee from among the representatives of the partner countries, international and regional institutions, river basin organizations, NGOs, the private sector and other stakeholders.

Duties and Responsibilities

In achieving the project objectives, the underlying strategic implementation approach is to ensure that the country follows up towards the water-related initiatives in the frames of the “High Level International Conference on the implementation of the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”, 2005-2015” as declared in the Resolution A/RES/58/217 of the UN General Assembly (GA). To fully benefit from the momentum built by the International Decade for Action “Water for Life” and represent its national vision at the adequate level, Tajikistan as the initiator of the UN GA resolution, and in cooperation with the UN institutions, particularly the UN-Water, and other partners and UN Member States, has implemented a comprehensive plan of activities since September 2005. In this context, Tajikistan is expected to hold the High Level International Conference on the implementation of the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”, 2005-2015, planned on 09-10 June 2015, in Dushanbe, as one of the commitments of the country to celebrate the Outcomes of the Decade for Action.

The United Nations Development Programme in Tajikistan, based on the request of the Government of Tajikistan, agreed to provide assistance in preparation to and conducting of the International Conference, in particular, development of the agenda, preparation of the list of participants, invitations and discussion papers, and interaction with global networks, like UN-Water and bi/multilateral donor agencies.

Thus, the key actions envisaged under related component of the project are:

  • Support to hold the International Conference in the frames of the “High Level International Conference on the implementation of the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”, 2005-2015” in Dushanbe;
  • Development and publication of handouts and preparatory materials for the events and the Conference, which will ensure the informational coverage of the participants and improved access of general public to reference and resource materials.

Under the overall guidance of the UNDP Senior Management in Tajikistan, in coordination with related Country Office specialists, and in partnership with global contributing UN partners, the International Consultant is expected to work closely with the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan. The International Consultant will play a facilitative role among the many partners in Tajikistan dealing organization of the International Conference in the frames of the “High Level International Conference on the implementation of the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”, 2005-2015” in Dushanbe.

Specifically the Consultant will perform the following tasks:

  • Provide assistance in Tajikistan’s follow-up towards the water-related initiatives in the frames of the “High Level International Conference on the implementation of the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”, 2005-2015” that was declared in accordance with the Resolution A/RES/58/217 of the UN General Assembly (GA);
  • Taking advantage of the “High Level International Conference on the implementation of the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”, 2005-2015” provide assistance to the Government of Tajikistan to articulate its national vision at the adequate level;
  • Assist and facilitate the Government of Tajikistan, the initiator of the UN GA resolution, in implementing a comprehensive plan of activities towards holding the “High Level International Conference on the implementation of the International Decade for Action “Water for Life”, 2005-2015”, planned on 09-10 June 2015, in Dushanbe as one of the commitments of the country to celebrate the Decade for Action “Water for Life”. This is to be performed in cooperation with the UN institutions, particularly the UN-Water, and other partners and UN Member States. In particular:
  • Development of the agenda, preparation of the list of participants, invitations and discussion papers, organization of sub-groups and sessions, and interaction with global networks, like UN-Water and bi/multilateral donor agencies.
  • Preparation of background (analysis) reports on the global affairs with consideration of international best experience around water cooperation issues;
  • Development of the agenda, structure of the conference programs, order of conducting opening ceremonies and closing the conference, exhibition events, etc;
  • Preparation of Terms of Reference for each plenary and thematic sessions, and organization of support towards their convening;
  • Support to inviting of highly qualified professionals, chairmen and moderators as well as speakers for respective sessions, events, and the conference;
  • Support to inviting of competent representatives of international and non-government organizations to the work of the Conference;
  • Development of concept note and programme for UNDP side event/s on different aspects of the water issues relevant to UNDP activities in Tajikistan, and provide support to organization of such side event/s, including support to development related publications, brochures and other visibility materials;
  • Preparation of the draft background document for the conference by March 2015, its consecutive posting on the Conference website, further improvement in the result of e-consultations, as well as in the result of conducted conference;
  • Development and publication of handouts and preparatory materials for the events and the Conference, which will ensure the informational coverage of the participants and improved access of general public to reference and resource materials.
  • Develop and submit systemic project reports as well as other agreed upon documentation to UNDP;
  • Maintain good relationships with project partners and keep abreast of developments trends in the field of water cooperation (at global, regional and national level);
  • Ensure due communication within and beyond the project;
  • Keep good track of lessons learnt and ensure their consideration in project interventions planning;
  • Perform other related functions, as deemed necessary.


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standard;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of the UN;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality, and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism.

Functional Competencies:

  • Knowledge and experience of the political, socio-economic and environmental trends related to water cooperation issues and water resources management approaches at global, regional and national (Tajikistan) levels;
  • Skills in organization and facilitation of international conferences, events, workshops and broad-based consultative processes/programmes/project documents on water cooperation issues and water sector development;
  • An independent, reliable, responsible self-motivator able work under pressure;
  • Excellent communication, team-building and diplomatic skills to develop partnerships;
  • Ability to work in a multi-cultural, mixed nationality environment regardless of personal feelings or political ideology;
  • Familiarity with UNDP, multilateral and bilateral partners’ programming policies, templates and requirements.

Development and Operational Effectiveness:

  • Proven problem-solving skills creative thinking to organize and facilitate water cooperation policy consultation platforms, conferences, and other related events on issues related to water cooperation initiatives and water resources development at regional and global levels;
  • Familiarity with global water agenda, MDGs and post-MDG context; and with Demand Responsive Approach;
  • Proven ability to develop high level policy briefs, strategies, and outcome documents.

Required Skills and Experience


  • Postgraduate or other advanced university degree related to water management or any development related field.


  • At least 5 years of relevant work experience in organization and facilitation of international water cooperation events at regional and global levels;
  • Experience with organization and delivery of high level thematic conferences on water or other related themes;
  • Previous experience with UNDP and familiarity with UNDP community development programs is an asset;
  • Demonstrated experience in capacity development initiatives, notably at the systemic and institutional levels, preferably at the global and international levels;
  • Previous work experience in Central Asia and especially in Tajikistan is an important asset.


  • Fluent in English language and working knowledge of Tajik and/or Russian is a significant asset.

Please follow the link for more information and the application procedure: