
Project Title
UNDP GEF “Mainstreaming biodiversity into the management of the coastal zone in the Republic of Mauritius”

Project Description

Context and Objectives of Project

Mauritius forms part of the Western Indian Ocean Islands, one of the 25 internationally recognized biodiversity ‘hotspots’. The tropical climate, topography and history of isolation, has resulted in the evolution of a diverse biota with a high degree of endemism. Terrestrial biodiversity is forest-dependent. However, much of the extant forest has been lost: land clearance and forest degradation has already impacted more than 90% of Mauritius Island’s land surface.  Marine biodiversity is in a better condition, but is also threatened. Extensive reef systems surround all of the islands of the archipelago. Rodrigues, in particular, harbours a large reef expanse, three times the size of the island.

Most of the useable land on the island of Mauritius has been put to production use. In spite of the extensive degradation and transformation that has occurred in many areas, coastal ecosystems and adjacent landscapes still maintain their basic ecological functions. The coastal strip provides prime land for habitation, recreation and tourism, while seascapes provide the basis of food provision though fisheries and also the country’s main touristic attraction—beaches, nautical sports etc. Lagoon habitats are especially important in this regard. They contribute to the overall productivity of coastal waters by supporting a variety of habitats, including salt marshes, seagrasses, and mangroves.

The institutional context of the project covers the mandates of various ministries and institutions. The project is led by the Mauritius Oceanography Institute which is responsible for ocean matters in Mauritius. In addition, the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security and the Ministry of Fisheries have various mandates which concern the management of ESAs, the management of terrestrial biodiversity and the management of marine protected areas respectively. As tourism is one of the principal parameters of the project, the Ministry of Tourism and Leisure will be involved. Finally, given that one of the landscapes is found in Rodrigues, the Rodrigues Regional Assembly will also be concerned.

A Project Preparation Grant (PPG) has been approved by the GEF Secretariat to prepare a Full-Size Project Document (FSP) for submission under the GEF-5 STAR to prepare a project on the theme of “Mainstreaming biodiversity into the management of the coastal zone in the Republic of Mauritius”. In this context a Local Coastal Zone Management expert is required to assist in the preparation of the FSP, focusing on all components proposed in the PIF, and expected outcomes to be achieved, as outlined in the approved Project Identification Form (PIF).

The project aims at conserving and sustainably managing land across six multi-use coastal and marine landscapes in the Republic of Mauritius (five in Mauritius Main Island and one in Rodrigues).  Together they cover some 150,000 hectares of land- and seascapes and harbour within this area sites that are high in biodiversity values and important for the generation of ecosystem services (e.g. shoreline maintenance, storm protection, soil formation and retention, water provision and flood control). Biodiversity and ecosystem service values are being lost in all six landscapes due to careless coastal developments that reduce and degrade natural habitats, and cause land degradation, undermining ecosystem functionality and resilience, especially in sensitive lagoon areas. These threats are compounded by other anthropogenic pressures that exacerbate degradation (i.e. land-based pollution, climate change). In order to identify focus areas for environmental action in the country, in 2010 the government commissioned a comprehensive, spatially-based study to identify environmentally sensitive areas (ESAs). However, with the exception of forests, the recommendations emanating from the study have not heretofore been implemented and coastal and marine areas have yet to receive due attention.

The objective of the UNDP/GEF project will be to mainstream the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services into coastal zone management (CZM) and into the operations and policies of the tourism and physical development sectors in the Republic of Mauritius through a ‘land- and seascape wide’ integrated management approach based on the Environmental Sensitive Areas’ (ESAs) inventory and assessment. The project will address the threats to biodiversity in Coastal Wetlands, Shore and Offshore ESAs within the target landscapes through a three-pronged approach:

  • Incorporation of ESA recommendations into policies and enforceable regulations; pertaining to CZM;
  • Effective management of marine protected areas (MPAs);
  • Arrest of land degradation in sensitive locations.

See Detailed TOR on the link;

Deberes y responsabilidades

Scope of Work

The consultants’ team is expected to produce, in a timely manner and in full compliance with the set deadlines, a UNDP-GEF Project Document and a CEO Endorsement document (using the appropriate templates). The international team leader and the national project manager will have a more central role to play, vis-à-vis other PPG consultants in terms of the ultimate responsibility for the final products.

Technical guidance and support pertaining to the GEF modality (project scoping and budgeting, best practices, knowledge management, partnerships etc.) will be provided by the UNDP-GEF Regional Technical Advisor overseeing the project, by the UNDP-GEF Environment Programme Manager, and by the UNDP Office in Mauritius, which will in addition provide operational support for a fast and effective PPG implementation.

In conducting the consultancy, the Coastal Zone Management expert will be primarily responsible for defining strategies and approaches to identify measures taken to control erosion and restore landscapes in key ESA sites through an integrated coastal zone management approach.

In particular, the local expert is expected to:

  • Work in a team spirit under the leadership of the Lead Consultant and Project Manager;
  • Facilitate and Participate in stakeholder consultations and coordinate all local technical and legal inputs, comments and suggestions;
  • Compose an online e-library of key documents for sharing with the rest of the team on CZM in Mauritius;
  • Conduct baseline studies on ESAs, Marine Protected Areas, erosion at specific sites, including Gender and Social inclusion aspects;
  • Carry out a sectoral analysis on the tourism, coastal zone management and marine traffic sectors, plus the related investments in infrastructural development, working with other consultants on the product;
  • Identify threats to biodiversity and ecosystem services, threat drivers and solutions addressing those drivers with respect to issues of CZM in Mauritius, in particular with respect current practices in targeted land- and seascapes;
  • Analyse the positive and impacts of prospective easements to be proposed under Output 1.2 and assess the feasibility of MPAs covered under Comp 2;
  • Assist in identifying CZM issues in relation to the most relevant sustainable resource off-take limits that apply to proposed easements and to MPAs;
  • Provide critical inputs to the application of UNDP’s social and environmental safeguards, focusing CZM aspects that apply to Mauritius and the context in question, vis-à-vis the UNDP standards enshrined in the safeguards;
  • Conduct Logical Framework Analysis under direction of lead international consultant;
  • Consolidate the inputs from LFA exercise and individual experts together with lead international consultant;
  • Advise on project support for all legal issues and arrangements related to landscape level management planning and strengthened MPA management;
  • Review all the latest policies, legal and regulatory conditions and terms of the new Biodiversity Bill and make sure that all activities under the GEF project are in compliance with the Act and proposed measures;
  • Participate in field visits, as needed including a site visit to Rodrigues;
  • Participate in two workshops for the  inception (1-2 days) and validation of the project;
  • Working in close collaboration with Government institutions, UNDP, Donors and private sector stakeholders, the consultants will advise on the activities for Components 1, 2 and 3 and the required implementation arrangements as per GEF and partner guidelines. The consultants will provide a detailed assessment of the risks, opportunities, and justification for establishing the mechanisms proposed under the project, and the optimal way for GEF funds to support their implementation.

Expected Outputs and Deliverables:

The consultant shall be responsible for the following, in collaboration with the consultants’ team and stakeholders:

  • Review technical reports on the ESAs, MPAs, wetlands, past project reports in the project areas etc.;
  • Review policies and legislation relevant to ESAs, wetlands, coastal zone management;
  • Review institutional arrangements in respect of ESA management including Human, Technical and Financial resources, as well as coordination mechanisms and their effectiveness;
  • Conduct site visits to assess the relevance and accuracy of past reports, and identify specific sites for intervention in collaboration with the consultants’ team;
  • Identify measures taken to control erosion in ESA sites;
  • Consult with stakeholders on the activities required in each area (ESAs, MPAs), including Gender and Social Inclusion aspects;
  • Assist in the finalization of project results framework:  Further definition of the results framework with appropriate objective-level and outcome-level quantitative and qualitative SMART indicators, and end-of-project targets. Special attention will be made to include socio-economic and sex disaggregated indicators;
  • Assist in the preparation of Terms of Reference for all tasks identified in the project document.

The Consultant shall be remunerated in accordance with the following time schedule and deliverables:

Deliverables: Upon submission of a detailed workplan and planned reports’ structure;
Dates: February 2015;
Fee (%):10%.

Deliverables: Inception report based on inception workshop and planned reports’ structure;
Dates: March 2015;
Fee (%):10%.

Deliverables: Analytical Report on the sites earmarked in the PIF as concerns coastal zone management issues, coastal erosion and wetlands identified;
Dates: April 2015;
Fee (%): 15%.

Deliverables: Draft project document based on comments by all stakeholders, as required;
Dates: May 2015;
Fee (%): 25%.

Deliverables: Final project document, based on comments of GEF as required;
Dates: June 2015;
Fee (%): 25%.

Deliverables: Completion of assignment i.e. approval of project document by the GEF;
Dates: July 2015;
Fee (%): 15%.

All reports will be submitted in draft (for comments) and then final form, following incorporation of all comments and suggestions by the reviewing team and the Steering Committee described in the Reporting section. The reports have to be approved by the UNDP, the MOI before payment is effected.

Institutional Arrangement:

The project preparation phase will be executed through the Direct Execution modality of UNDP. While the project team will be contracted by the UNDP and the Mauritius Oceanography Institute and the participating Ministries will have a key role to play.

The institutional context of the project covers the mandates of various ministries and institutions. From the Government standpoint, the project is led by the Mauritius Oceanography Institute which is responsible for ocean matters in Mauritius. In addition, the Ministry of Environment, Sustainable Development, Disaster and Beach Management, the Ministry of Agro Industry and Food Security and the Ministry of Ocean Economy, Marine Resources, Fisheries, Shipping and Outer Islands have various mandates which concern the management of ESAs, the management of terrestrial biodiversity and the management of marine protected areas respectively. As tourism is one of the principal parameters of the project, the Ministry of Tourism and External Communications will be involved. Finally, given that one of the landscapes is found in Rodrigues, the Rodrigues Regional Assembly will also be concerned.

The Consultant shall perform a liaison role with government, UNDP, and all stakeholders involved with the project. The Consultant shall work under the supervision of the Steering Committee and shall report to it for the fulfillment of its duties.

The Steering Committee (SC) will be composed of high level representatives of the key ministries related to the project. It will provide high-level policy guidance and orientation to the project. The representative of the Mauritius Oceanography Institute will chair the SC.

Duty Station:

  • Mauritius, UNDP, the Mauritius Oceanography Institute, participating Ministries and Institutions.


Qualifications of the Successful Individual Contractor

Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity and ethical standards;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favouritism.

Functional Competencies:

  • Ability to conduct research and analysis and strong synthesis skills;
  • Builds strong relationships with national consultants, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to critical feedback; consensus-oriented;
  • Highly developed inter-personal, negotiation and teamwork skills, networking aptitude;
  • Regional and national knowledge is highly desirable.

Habilidades y experiencia requeridas


  • Minimum postgraduate degree in Coastal Engineering, Coastal Zone Management and related subjects.


  • At least 5 years of experience designing and/or implementing project in developing countries;
  • Proven and extensive experience in Coastal Zone Management;
  • Proven experience in UNDP/GEF project formulation/design;
  • Experience in coastal erosion issues, design of measures to abate coastal erosion;
  • Experience on coastal tourism issues;
  • Experience on wetland restoration;
  • Experience in GEF Sustainable Land Management and Biodiversity focal area projects;
  • Experience in the use of GIS and Environmental Information Systems.


  • Excellent English drafting and communication skills.

Scope of Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments:

  • The financial offer should be quoted as a lump sum amount, all-inclusive (professional fee, insurance).  
  • The contract price is fixed regardless of changes in the cost components. Payments will be effected based on deliverables as provided above.

Recommended Presentation of Offer:

The following documents are requested:

  • Duly completed Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP;
  • Personal CV or P11, indicating all past experience from similar projects, as well as the contact details (email and telephone number) of the Candidate and at least three (3) professional references;
  • Technical offer: Brief description of why the individual considers him/herself as the most suitable for the assignment (including his/her experience using Financial Planning and Budgeting), and a methodology on how they will approach and complete the assignment;
  • Financial Proposal that indicates the all-inclusive fixed total contract price, supported by a breakdown of costs, as per template provided by UNDP, , including cost of travel for one three day mission to Rodrigues, based on applicable UNDP rules.  

Criteria for Selection of the Best Offer:

  • The combined scoring method will be where the qualifications and methodology will be weighted a max. of 70%, and combined with the price offer which will be weighted a max. of 30%;
  • The key criteria for rating the qualification and methodology, together with their equivalent marks, will be as follows:

All submissions will be assessed against the following criteria:

Technical evaluation:

  • Education: 15 marks;
  • Communications/Language: 5 marks;
  • Experience in Coastal Zone Management: 10 marks;
  • Experience in Project Document preparation: 5 marks;
  • Experience in Coastal Erosion: 10 marks;
  • IT skills (MS Office): 5 marks;
  • Reports writing and Presentation Skills: 10 marks;
  • Technical Proposal: 10 marks.
  • Total Technical Scores: 70 marks.

Candidates scoring 50 or above will be short-listed and may be called for an interview.

Financial evaluation

  • Value for money: 30 marks;
  • Total Financial Scores: 30 marks.

The financial offers will be evaluated giving the lowest price proposal 30 marks and marking the other more expensive proposals reverse proportionally to the cheapest offer.

The final scoring of short-listed candidates will take into account the technical evaluation and the financial score:

Criteria: Technical score;
Weight: 70%;
Max. Point: 70 marks.

Criteria: Financial score;
Weight: 30%;
Max. Point: 30 marks.

The candidate ranking highest shall be selected.

Annex to the TOR:

  • The Project Identification Form which has been approved by the GEF can be downloaded on the local UNDP website on

Important Note:

  • Interested offeror is strongly advised to view the general terms and conditions of IC and  templates to be included when submitting offer from the CO website at;
  • Interested offerors above the age of 62: UNDP regulations require, at their own cost, to undergo a full medical examination including x-rays. Medical evaluation documentation does not need to be submitted with the other requested documents listed above, but will be requested should the candidate be chosen;
  • Interested offeror is required to submit application via UNDP jobsite system, because the application screening and evaluation will be done through UNDP jobsite system;
  • Please note that UNDP jobsite system allows only one uploading of application document, so please make sure that you merge all your documents into a single file. Your on-line applications submission will be acknowledged where an email address has been provided. If you do not receive an e-mail acknowledgement within 24 hours of submission, your application may not have been received. In such cases, please resubmit the application, if necessary.