
Over the past three decades, increasing temperatures, shifting rainfall patterns and climate hazards – in particular droughts, floods and severe storms (hail, thunder, lightning and violent winds) – have undermined social and economic development in Uganda. Climate hazards have negatively affected the livelihoods of ~150 000 people and resulted in ~74 deaths per year. Notwithstanding these challenges, the current climate information (including monitoring) and early warning systems in Uganda are not functioning as optimally as they could for effectively supporting the adaptive capacity of local communities and key sectors. Without adaptation, the negative effects of climate change will undermine years of development assistance and asset accumulation in Uganda.

To respond to some of these challenges, the Government of Uganda in partnership with UNDP and the Global Environment Facility (GEF) has initiated the ”Strengthening climate information and early warning systems in Africa for climate resilient development and adaptation to climate change – Uganda” project. The project is being implemented by the Ministry of Water and Environment, and is expected to end by December 2017, information for making early warnings and long-term development plans.

Devoirs et responsabilités

The main objectives of the project are to:

  • Establish a functional network of meteorological and hydrological monitoring stations and associated infrastructure to better understand climatic changes;
  • Develop and disseminate tailored weather and climate information (including colour-coded alerts – advisories, watches and warnings – for flood, drought, severe weather and agricultural stresses, integrated cost-benefit analyses and sector-specific risk and vulnerability maps) to decision makers in government, private sector, civil society, development partners and local communities in the Teso and Mt Elgon sub-region; and
  • Integrate weather and climate information into national policies, annual work plans and local development including the National Policy for Disaster Preparedness and Management, and district and sub-county development plans in priority districts in the Bukedi, Busoga, Elgon, Teso, Acholi, Karamoja and Lango sub-regions.

The project has two outcome areas:

  • Enhanced capacity of the Department of Meteorology (DoM) and Department of Water Resource Management (DWRM) to monitor and forecast extreme weather, hydrology and climate change.
  • Efficient and effective use of hydro-meteorological and environmental. A consultant is being hired to undertake an assessment of the current hydro-met infrastructure in the country particularly in the project area.

Rationale of the Consultancy

Weather and climate information, as well as disaster management, has until now mostly focussed on relief and rehabilitation (reactive actions) in Uganda. At present, there are limited hard (e.g. weather/climate observing infrastructure and communications equipment) and soft (e.g. weather forecasting and analysis software, derived analyses of user-friendly information) technologies as well as human and technical capacity to utilise these technologies. This has resulted in: i) insufficient understanding of current and future climate risks; ii) inadequate monitoring and forecasting of climate hazards; iii) inappropriate communication and packaging of warnings; iv) restricted responses to impending climate hazards; and v) constrained planning for long-term climate changes in economic development and risk reduction efforts.

A national consultant will therefore be hired to train core personnel from the ministry of Agriculture Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), UNMA, DWRM and OPM (DPDM) on hazards and vulnerability mapping so they can produce sector-specific risk maps using climate and weather data and vulnerability information covering disaster prone districts in the Teso and Mt. Elgon Sub-regions (including GIS Center for practice based at NECOC).

Scope of Work:

The project is currently being implemented in 28 Districts comprising: Bukedi, Busoga, Elgon, Teso, Acholi, Karamoja and Lango sub-regions. This consultancy is expected to be carried out within Kampala, Entebbe (or Mbale) and the beneficiary regions, within 30 working days/one month.

Overall Objective of the consultancy:
To build the capacity of a core team from implementing and responsible partners in the areas of hazard and vulnerability mapping , so they can become resource persons to produce sector-specific risk maps (with GIS)

Specific Objectives:

  • To train 4 hazard and vulnerability mapping personnel from the Ministry of Agriculture Animal Industries and Fisheries (MAAIF), Office of the Prime Minister Department of Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Management (DRDPM), Uganda National Meteorology Authority (UNMA) and Directorate of Water Resources Management ( DWRM) to produce sector-specific risk maps (with GIS);
  • To liaise with the key partners and ensure operationalization of the resources within the National Emergency Operations Center (NECOC).

Detailed Activities:

  • A desk review of relevant documents (Uganda Meteorology Act, Water Resource Management Policy, Climate Change Policy, Disaster Preparedness and Management Policy, SCIEWS project document, etc.);
  • A desk review of relevant documents (AWS and AWLS suppliers and operations manuals, Uganda Meteorology Act, World Meteorology Organization Guidelines; Water Resource Management Policy, Climate Change Policy, project document, etc.);
  • Design a training programme customized to meet the training needs of the MAAIF, DRDPM, UNMA and DWRM;
  • Conduct both theoretical and practical training for the  4 selected personnel to ensure maximum learning;
  • Evaluate the training and preparing the training manuals.


  • Interviews and consultations with relevant stakeholders and target groups i.e. MAAIF, DWRM, UNMA, OPM, UNDP;
  • A Concept document on  the training needs and methodology for the training;
  • Training manuals and toolkits for use by the trained technical officers;
  • Presentation and compilation of the Training Report.

Consultancy Implementation Arrangements

The Consultant will be supervised by as well as report to the Commissioner, for Relief, Disaster Preparedness and Management-Office of the Prime Minister, and will be facilitated through the Project Management Unit for his/her day-to-day and field requirements including: transport, per-diems, stationery and other logistic needs.

The training will be carried out by a local consultant with the following experiences, competencies and skills:

He/she will be responsible for carrying out training of the selected vulnerability focal technical officers from the OPM, UNMA, DWRM and MAAIF. The Consultant should demonstrate past experience in training, teaching and implementing Disaster Preparedness and Management projects related to vulnerability assessment, contingency planning, land management and socio-economic observation networks in the last five years. He/she will be required to have a practical knowledge in the use of GIS in Early Warning projects within Uganda. International experience in the system would be an added advantage. Female candidates are encouraged to apply.


Functional competencies:

  • Mature judgment and initiative;
  • Ability to think out-of-the-box;
  • Ability to present complex issues in simple and clear manner; Demonstrates integrity and ethical standards;
  • Ability to work under pressure and deliver high quality results on time;
  • Initiative and independence
  • Good communication and organizational skills, with demonstrated evidence of capacity to produce and present good reports;
  • Analytic capacity and demonstrated ability to process, analyses and synthesize complex, technical information from different disciplines;
  • Ability to innovate, combining methodological approaches and data from various levels and disciplines including economics, finance, development and conservation;
  • Ability to draft concise and informative documentation in English for a range of uses from detailed progress reports to media releases including ability to analyse complex information and to draw out the key points and issues and to present these in a way that can be easily understood;
  • Strong inter-personal, networking and team-building skills; competent in leading teams and creating team spirit, management of inter-group dynamics and conflicting interests of various actors, stimulating team members to produce quality outputs in a timely and transparent fashion;
  • Knowledge and skills in GIS weather and disaster coding;
  • Designing, conducting and evaluating training programs;
  • Computational and Analytical skills.

Corporate competencies:

  • Demonstrates integrity and ethical standards;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • A Master’s degree in related fields preferably in Natural Resources Management with biases in Hydrology / Meteorology / Hydrometry.


  • 5 years of relevant experience in Disaster Management, hydrological meteorological data analysis or related disciplines;
  • Proven experience in conducting training as an individual or as a team;
  • Working experience with UNDP or the UN system in general will be an added advantage;
  • Proven experience in report writing and drafting training manuals;
  • Strong knowledge / experience in results-based management and results-oriented approach to project implementation;
  • Familiarity with water resources management and operation related disasters in Uganda.


  • Excellent ability to communicate in English both written and spoken.

Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments:

Payment shall be by the lump sum modality in the following 3 instalments. These shall be all inclusive and the contract price is fixed regardless of changes in the cost components.

  • Upon signature of contract by both parties and presentation of an approved inception report (1 week after signing of contract) - 20%;
  • Presentation of acceptable and approved Draft report  - 30%;
  • Submission and acceptance of Final Report - 50%.

Evaluation Method and Criteria:

Cumulative analysis

The award of the contract shall be made to the individual consultant whose offer has been evaluated and determined as:

  • Responsive/compliant/acceptable; and
  • Having received the highest score out of a pre-determined set of weighted technical and financial criteria specific to the solicitation.
  • Technical Criteria weight; - 70%;
  • Financial Criteria weight; - 30%.

Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 49 points (70% of the total technical points) would be considered for the Financial Evaluation

Technical Criteria – Maximum 70 points


  • Education (Advanced degree or Natural Resources Management) - 10;
  • Language skills - 5;
  • Knowledge of the Water Resources Management - 10;
  • Relevant experience in conducting similar assignments - 15;
  • Relevance of experience in report writing and drafting - 10;
  • Description of approach/methodology to assignment -  20.

Application Procedure:

The candidate is required to submit an electronic application directly uploaded on the UNDP jobs website with all the requirements as listed here below. Annexes and further information may be downloaded on http://procurement-notices.undp.org/. (Reference # 20413)

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications in one single PDF document:

The application should include the following documents/information:

  • Duly accomplished Letter of Confirmation of Interest and Availability using the template provided by UNDP (see Annex II);
  • Updated Personal CV highlighting past experience in similar assignments and with 3 professional references with contact details (email and telephone);
  • Technical Proposal: suggested outline for technical proposal;
  • The offerors' interpretation of the assignment;
  • Approach and methodology for undertaking the assignment;
  • Work-plan.    

Financial proposal (in template provided in Annex II) stating an all-inclusive fixed lumpsum fee for this assignment in Ugandan Shillings, supported by a breakdown of costs. Such total lump sum price must include professional fee, and costs necessary to conduct the assignment such as communication costs, etc. The consultant will be paid against the completion of specific, measurable deliverables as identified in this TOR.


  • Annex I: Individual Contractor General Terms and Conditions;
  • Annex II: Template to Confirmation of Interest and Availability and Submit the Financial Proposal.

For clarifications, please send your email to justine.naiga-bagonza@undp.org, diana.nabbanja@undp.org and agnes.kintu@undp.org.

Please group all your documents into one (1) single PDF document as the system only allows to upload maximum one document.