
Like many developing countries, Sudan has a shortage of electricity. Approximately 35% of the population has access to electricity. Even then, it is not reliable and experiences regular power outages. Hydro-power has the largest share of energy generation. The potential to expand hydro-power to meet future needs is limited. Sudan does not have significant oil or gas production and as a result will have to turn to importation of fossil fuels to meet future energy needs. Climate change threatens to affect rainfall patterns on which Sudan relies for the water that generates its hydro-power. This further emphasises the need for Sudan to diversify its energy sources. The wind energy project, which is a joint governemt/UNDP initiative and financially support by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), seeks to address these problems by promoting the generation of electric power from wind energy at autility scale in Sudan.

Sudan currently has a power generation capacity of 2,723 MW, has no wind generation capacity and no grid-connected solar capacity. Publicly-owned utilities own all of the power generation facilities, transmission and distribution lines in Sudan. The Government owns 5,984 km of 220 kV transmission lines and 965 km of 500 kV transmission lines. In 2012, the power consumption per capita was 233 kWh/ year. There are no independent power producers (IPPs) in the country, though initiatives are underway to promote private investment in power generation. This project seeks to support those initiatives where they relate to wind power.

In geographical terms the project is targeting Dongola as the baseline location to be followed by the Red Sea coast as the first replication area. In the meantime meteorological data collection are underway in other potential areas covering the northern state and western Darfur which are the future targets in the long term planning of wind power application in Sudan.

The baseline wind power plant represents the first of its kind in the country and as such tangible efforts are needed to make it a successful experience. Any failure will represent a setback to any future efforts in grid connected renewable energy projects. Therefore, the project is following a holistic approach whereby all technical and non-technical issues surrounding the project are carefully addressed and a wide scale stakeholder involvement is ensued.  This includes hardware design, planning and installation supported by extensive metrological data collection, analysis and mapping, land ownership, effect on local communities, effect on ecosystem, particularly the effects on migratory soaring birds in the project areas.

This assignment is to investigate issues surrounding the effect and scale the project might have on migratory soaring birds and the best possible mitigation ways and means. This is very important as the second phase of the project is planned to cover the Red Sea coast of Sudan which is known to be the route for millions of birds from Europe, Central Asia and Africa flyway which is the second most important flyway worldwide.

Although, wind energy is environmentally friendly technology, but inappropriately designed and planned wind farms could have a significant impact on migratory soaring birds in that, they are likely to be through:

  • Collision with turbine blades.
  • Displacement and/or barrier form the area used by the wind farm.
  • Fragmentation of landscape

Duties and Responsibilities

UNDP is seeking the service of experienced consultant to carry out a sensitivity mapping of important species within the project area in Sudan (Dongola and the Red Sea) which are likely to be affected by the construction and operation of wind farms and associated infrastructure of access roads and overhead transmission lines.

The scope of the assignment should include, but not limited to:

  • Identification of important migratory soaring birds in Sudan;
  • Study the Dongola EIA, identify gaps related to MSB and work out the necessary amendments/additions needed for the completeness of the EIA including possible mitigation measures to be deployed;
  • Do a quick survey for the Red Sea project and identify possible impacts of the project on MSB and set-up priority list of the Red Sea area;
  • Identify potential species which are likely to be affected by the Dongola and Red Sea wind farms construction and operation and the scale of their impacts;
  • Propose possible mitigation measures to minimize the Red Sea wind farm on MSB;
  • Investigate and propose any work related to MSB and must be considered within the EIA for the Red Sea wind farm;
  • Identify high risk areas on MSB and provide guidance for the Dongola and Red Sea wind farms;
  • Provide recommendations on adaptive management of Dongola and Fred Sea wind farms to minimize risk on MSB;
  • Advice on development of local capacities in bird risk management in the long run at both project areas;
  • Advise on the use of possible environmentally friendly construction techniques that minimizes the impact of wind farms on MSB in Dongola and the Red Sea;
  • For both locations, layout a monitoring plan to confirm that mitigation measures are in place and unpredicted impacts are addressed on timely manner.

Institutional Arrangement

The consultant will work under the overall supervision of the Team Leader of the Energy, Environment and Climate Change Unit and in close cooperation with the manager of the Wind Energy Project and Ministry of Water Resources and Electricity in Khartoum with field visits to the sites of proposed wind farms in Dongola and the Red Sea. He/she will be assisted by a national consultant throughout the assignment but the International Consultant will be fully responsible for the accomplishment of the deliverables.

Duration of the Assignment

The total duration of this consultancy will be 16 working days extended over two months from desk review to the final report; commencing tentatively in the First of August 2015 till the First  of October 2015.

Duty Station

The consultant’s duty station is Khartoum with travels to both project sites in Dongola and the Red Sea coast once each site.


Corporate Competencies

  • Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
  • Promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UNDP;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Treats all people fairly without favoritism;
  • Ability to work with a multi-cultural and diverse team.

Functional Competencies:

  • Sound understanding of policy issues related to renewable energy;
  • Ability to analyze large amounts of complex and diversified data related to wind energy and fly ways;
  • Demonstrated experience in developing soaring Birds Monitoring Plans;
  • Demonstrated strong coordination and facilitation skills;
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to initiate discussions about complex links with wind.

Required Skills and Experience


  • MSc Degree (or higher) in ornithology or other natural sciences.


  • At least 15 years field experience in ecosystem management in the African context;
  • Familiar with renewable energy (wind in particular) and its impact of migratory soaring birds is desirable;
  • Work experience with Bird Life International is preferred;
  • Work experience in Sudan is an asset.


  • Fluent in English.