
The armed conflict in Donetsk and Lugansk Oblasts has led to adverse conditions for both those living in and fleeing from violence in Eastern Ukraine, as well as significant damage to major social and economic infrastructure such as roads, electricity and water supply systems, supply chains of goods, health services, residential buildings etc. The government damage assessment estimated costs of recover for about 6.6 bln (only areas controlled by the government). UNDP supported the government to conduct the additional assessment, and as of 14 September 2014, 1,968 facilities (including social infrastructure, residential houses, and enterprises) were reported to receive the damage, amounting to a monetary loss of total UAH 5.958 bln hryvnas, or USD 440 mln.

It is expected that some internally displaced persons (IDPs) will seek to return to their home locations in the East once the armed conflict is over, security has been reinstated, and the most basic services are restored. In order to ensure normal life for returnees in the conflict-affected areas, it is important to restore social services and economic infrastructure alike. The social infrastructures include healthcare institutions, kindergartens, schools, social centers for vulnerable groups, shelters, day-care centres, special institutions, internats, etc.  for children, children with disabilities, children separated from their parents or carers, orphans, people with disabilities, women, lonely elderly people, homeless, families in difficult situation, etc.

Since the beginning of the crisis most vulnerable groups, including children, have already lost valuable social, education, health, rehabilitation and other services, in addition to psychological distress caused by witnessing violence. The lack of safe learning spaces, coupled with a shortage of textbooks and school furniture as well as safe and appropriate water, sanitation and hygiene facilities, are serious barriers to children’s access to learning in eastern Ukraine. For people with disabilities and elderly people, the lack of access to rehabilitation and special care will result to their further isolation and exclusion from the society. The lack of access to critical health care facilities will bring high mortality in these regions that are severally affected by the armed conflict already.

Taking this into consideration UNDP plans to implement the Project on Early recovery of social services and peacebuilding in Donetsk and Lugansk Oblasts. The overall objective of the Project is to support restoration of critical social infrastructure and services for the most vulnerable groups in Donetsk and Lugansk Oblasts. It consists of two components: (i) Restoration of key social care infrastructures, and (ii) Strengthening capacity of authorities and service providers on integrated and community-based social services.

To ensure project activities in the region are effectively coordinated, implemented and managed, UNDP Ukraine invites applications from highly qualified and experienced Ukrainian professionals for the post of the Local Coordinator.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Under the overall supervision of the UNDP Programme Manager and direct supervision of the Project Manager, the Local Coordinator in Lugansk oblast will be responsible for coordination, planning and management of project activities in the region. Specifically, s/he will perform the following key tasks in close coordination with the Project Specialists:

  • Coordinate the needs assessment for restoration of social infrastructures in consultation with the local authorities and communities in the target region;
  • Organize roundtable and community consultations for identification of priority needs of vulnerable people in the region and prepare report on priority needs, including services, equipment, and human resources, etc;
  • Ensure the establishment of infrastructure plan in close consolations with the local authorities and communities;
  • Support the preliminary feasibility studies of identified social infrastructures; prepare specifications, ToRs and other supportive documents to procure goods and services in line with Project objectives and tasks;
  • Coordinate engineering designs of buildings of social services. Ensure the engineering design for restoration of social infrastructures are prepared based on “Universal Design principles”;
  • Ensure the procurement of goods and services for civil works are conducted in transparent, competitive, and conflict-sensitive manner as well as in line with UNDP bidding procedures;
  • Coordinate the process of construction/renovation of social care infrastructures in target areas;
  • Ensure handover the completed social care infrastructure to the relevant authority for operation and maintenance;
  • Coordinate the assessment of training needs for capacity building of local authorities and social service providers; and contribute to the development of training modules;
  • Coordinate organization of trainings for local authorities on planning and management of social care services;
  • Coordinate the technical assistance to the local authority with the preparation of plans for the development of the social care services at the regional level;
  • Coordinate organization of comprehensive training of the staff of social care services in the form of trainings, workshop and mentoring;
  • Ensure the process of procurement of essential equipment to the social care institutions and other goods to facilitate to deliver their services efficiently and effectively;
  • Provide technical advisory support to the Oblast Administration, regional departments and other relevant organizations on integrated, community-based social care services;
  • Contribute to the annual, quarterly, and detailed implementation work plans, and other related documents for timely commencement and implementation of the component activities;
  • Contribute to the selection processes of Implementing Partners (IPs) and regular supervise and monitor the work of the IPs and facilitate them to deliver their work in the Oblast;
  • Closely work with respective authorities to ensure the project activities are implemented on timely and efficiently;
  • Develop the regional coordination mechanism to ensure that local authorities, non-government, private sector and international development organizations are well informed about project activities and share experiences each other;
  • Monitor and supervise field activities and provide technical support to ensure the Project objectives are met;
  • Check and provide certification of satisfactory completion of works of consultants or IPs for payment of their completed works. Ensure budget for the activities is efficiently and properly utilized;
  • Participate in relevant working group meetings and share information with partners and UNDP;
  • Collect, analyse and disseminate data related to the project activities, IDPs and returnees and early recovery in the region;
  • Contribute to preparation and implementation of the Project communications strategy and plan;
  • Ensure full compliance of project activities with UNDP rules, regulations and procedures;
  • Facilitate project monitoring and evaluation;
  • Prepare sections of the project reports, including progress and annual reports, as well as ad-hoc technical reports;
  • Assure that due security measures are observed during implementation of the component activities;
  • Carry on activities requested by the Project Manager andProgramme Manager.

Measurable outputs of the work assignment:

  • Full and appropriate implementation of the project activities in the region;
  • Regional project results, experiences and lessons learned disseminated at the national and regional levels;
  • Regional project activities reporting, quality monitoring and closure activities completed.

Performance Indicaors for evaluation of results:

  • Regional annual work plan is fully and timely implemented;
  • Regional funds delivery reached 100%;
  • Regional project activities are carried out in strict accordance with UNDP rules and procedures.




  • Ability to manage project activities for results, including the ability to translate strategic aims into achievable annual work plans; and prepare reports in a timely manner;
  • Good interpersonal communication skills;
  • Ability to handle politically sensitive issues and contacts with regional authorities and CSO’s community;
  • Sound judgment and maturity to foster a positive work environment;
  • Ability to work effectively as part of a team;
  • Good facilitation skills;
  • Familiarity with national legislation on IDPs and early recovery, and familiar with political and social environment in the region;
  • Demonstrated strong coordination and facilitation skills;
  • Excellent usage of computers and office software packages.

Qualifications et expériences requises

  • University Degree in Economics, International Relations, Management, Social Sciences, Social Development, Political Sciences, Public Administration, Engineering, Construction or other relevant areas;
  • At least 5 years of experience of managing teams, national experts or project components in public or international organization in the relevant fields;
  • At least 5 years of experience in the field of local development, governance or social services;
  • Experience in implementing integrated and community-based projects will be considered as an advantage;
  • Experience of working with relevant stakeholders from the governmental and non-governmental institutions involved into IDPs and recovery issues at the sub-national level;
  • Familiarity with UNDP rules and regulations will be considered as an advantage;
  • Fluency in Ukrainian/Russian and good working level of English are required.

Application Instructions:

  • Click on the "Apply now" button.
  • Input your information in the appropriate Sections: personal information, language proficiency, education, resume and motivation. You can type in or paste your Resume into the last box.
  • Upon completion of the first page, please hit "submit application" tab at the end of the page. On the next page, you will be asked to upload your Resume. Instead of uploading your Resume, please submit a fully completed and signed UNDP Personal History Form (P-11). When completing the Form and, even though not currently requested, please include email addresses for your Supervisors.
  • Without the completed and signed P11 your application will not be considered. The UNDP Personal History Form can be downloaded at link . Failure to disclose prior employment or making false representations on this form will be grounds for withdrawal of further consideration of his/her application or termination, where the appointment or contract has been issued.
  • Only short-listed candidates will be contacted and please ensure that copies of your educational qualifications are available when contacted.

This is a locally recruited position and no expatriation benefits will apply.


UNDP will use a transparent and competitive screening process, though will only contact those applicants in whom there is further interest. Applications may only be submitted for specific vacancy. Qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.