
The UN High Level Dialogue on Migration & Development and the subsequent Global Forum on Migration & Development underscored the contribution of international migrants in meeting labour shortages in destination countries as well as making social and cultural contributions. It also acknowledged that remittances represent the most tangible benefit of international migration for countries of origin and that skill transfers from circular migration has the potential to contribute positively to national economies. 

The EC – UN Joint Migration & Development Initiative:

The European Commission and the United Nations recently launched a three year Migration and Development Initiative that reflects this emerging acceptance of a strong nexus between migration and development. The programme, run out of UNDP Brussels, also represents a major innovation as a first joint UN project of its kind not only with the European Commission, but also in its approach to inter-Agency working. Four agencies - UNHCR, UNFPA, ILO and IOM – are directly engaged in the management and direction of the programme and contribute their institutional knowledge, expertise and extensive networks to ensure its success.

The initiative focuses on four areas:

  • Migrant remittances: facilitation, leveraging for development, etc.;
  • Migrant communities : links with countries of origin/destination, etc.;
  • Migrants’ capacities : use of migrant skills for development, circular migration, mitigation of ‘brain drain’,etc.;
  • Migrants’ rights : information for prospective migrants and returnees; returnee reintegration policies, etc.

The overall objective of the Joint Initiative is to support small scale actors to contribute more fully to linking migration and development in line with international policy frameworks. The Joint Initiative aims to help small scale actors – local authorities, NGOs & Diaspora groups – to become more active and effective, and to ensure that key stakeholders are more fully informed of best practices in Migration & Development and develop a common understanding about these issues. This will be facilitated by the development of a strong knowledge platform to support knowledge sharing and exchange.

The Initiative will support interventions in countries, for implementation by consortia of small-scale actors linking host, transit and originating countries. Primary applicants of each consortium will be based in one of the sixteen target countries: Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt; Cape Verde, Nigeria, Ghana, Mali, Senegal, Ethiopia; Ecuador and Jamaica; Georgia and Moldova; Sri Lanka and the Philippines. The Initiative will also have a strong component of fostering networks and partnerships, and the sharing of lessons.

Small scale actors projects will be selected through a Call for Proposals. Its overarching aim is to facilitate their networking with other actors on the relevant migratory route to the European Union, help build their knowledge and capacities to make effective interventions, and fund quality proposals aimed at achieving tangible results.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Joint Initiative ‘Diaspora Advisory Group’

The Joint Initiative wishes to work closely with prominent members of the diasporas and migrant associations who have recognized hands-on expertise in Migration and Development, in view of supporting programme implementation and creating a channel for engagement with the Joint Initiative. They will form the Joint Initiative ‘Diaspora Advisory Group’. Each of the five regions covered by the Call for Proposals will be represented by one member, in view of bringing into the programme’s planning the specific regional dimensions of Migration and Development.

As far as possible, each member of the Group will have a different profile, in view of including and reflecting the many aspects of diaspora and migrant associations/organizations.

  • Member of a trade/entrepreneurial diaspora network,
  • Member of a professional/scientific diaspora network,
  • Member of academia,
  • Member of a community/hometown association
  • Member of a cooperative/association dealing with facilitation of financial transfers

It is expected that the members of the Group will share with the programme their networks, as well as their policy and political knowledge on issues surrounding Migration and Development at their sectoral, regional as well as global levels.

The Diaspora Advisory Group’s input will be focused on four key areas:

Provision of substantive input to the Call for Proposals

The Diaspora Advisory Group will play a crucial role in contributing to and reviewing the priorities and expected outputs of the call for Proposals for the four thematic areas of the Joint Initiative: migrant communities, migrants’ capacities, use of remittances and migrants’ rights. This will help define the strategic direction of the Joint Initiative, while securing the inclusion of diaspora and migrants organizations’ core interests and needs. 

Support and participation to the Knowledge Management Fair

 A Migration & Development Knowledge Fair will be organized by the Joint Initiative in December 2008. It will bring practitioners together for three days in December. It will put migrants at the centre, and encourage policy-makers and others to learn from their practical experiences and ideas through innovative fora and ‘knowledge exchanges’. At the heart of the Fair will be an exhibition of successful initiatives in the four thematic areas, highlighting projects supported by national governments, international organizations and local NGOs. The dialogue will continue beyond the Fair, including through establishment of an online M&D ‘Community of Practice’ and web platform.
The Diaspora Advisory Group will be invited to participate actively in the preparation of and at the Fair. It will:
  • Review the concept of the Fair developed by the Programme Management Unit in view of securing its maximum  impact and buy-in by diaspora and migrant organizations;
  • Support the identification of diaspora and migrant groups who should be invited at the Fair;
  • At the Fair, facilitate the round tables discussions and possibly take an active part in the opening sessions;
  • Be part of the selection committee that will select and award four good proposals developed by participants at the end Fair.

Participation to the selection of projects to be funded by the Joint Initiative

 The Diaspora Advisory Group will be invited to participate to the selection of small scale actors’ projects resulting from the Call for Proposals. The Diaspora Advisory Group will help retain the overall strategic coherence of the Joint Initiative per thematic areas and provide its expert geographic knowledge to help select relevant and reliable small scale actors.

Advisory role and participation in the M&D Community of Practice knowledge network

The Diaspora Advisory Group will be core members of the Migration and Development ‘Community of Practice’ established by the Joint Initiative. As such, they will be members of the online knowledge network discussing ‘Migration and Development’ issues and will provide advice on the substantive content and queries raised by participants in this virtual forum. The Diaspora Advisory Group will follow the traffic on the knowledge network, provide an email response to queries relating to their particular expertise (on average two messages per year) and provide substantive input into the occasional ‘e-discussions’ held on the network on key issues related to Migration and Development, in particular the four thematic areas of the Joint Initiative. Group members will also be invited to contribute a one-page paper to the knowledge network as part of the ‘Migration and Development Insights’ series. 

Operational modalities
The five members of the Diaspora Advisory Group will receive a fee to cover their involvement in the Joint Initiative. Given the fact that members of the group will be located in different geographic areas, work will mainly take place via email and conference call (video conference will be favored if technically feasible).   A formal meeting of the Diaspora Advisory Group will take place the day before the Knowledge Management Fair, in view of creating the opportunity for face to face interaction and to review the objectives and workplan of the Diaspora Advisory Group for the remaining period.
It is anticipated that the individual involvement of the members of the ’Diaspora Advisory Group’ will consist of 12 days. This represents an overall budget of USD 30,000 (USD 7,200 per Group member). This is exclusive of travel fare and DSA connected with their participation to the Knowledge Management Fair.


  • In-depth understanding of competencies, interests and needs of Diaspora groups, in relation to Migration and Development;
  • Demonstrated academic, policy analysis experience and/or hands-on expertise in Migration & Development issues;
  • Strong substantive knowledge of Migration and Development at the sectoral, regional and global levels;
  • Experience in providing advisory services in areas related to migration and development and ability to provide high quality practical advice;
  • Ability to work harmoniously with persons of different cultural backgrounds;
  • Strong analytical and communication skills, including facilitation of round table discussion and presentations.

Required Skills and Experience

  • Advanced university degree in Economics, Development, Social Studies, or other relevant area an asset;
  • Member of Diaspora and/or Migrant Association;
  • At least 5 years of professional relevant experience, including knowledge and expertise on migration & development 
    issues and advisory services at national or international levels;
  • Computer proficiency and internet skills;
  • Full working knowledge of English or French. Knowledge of other languages an asset.