
Nigeria has faced serious multi-dimensional security threats over the past years, resulting from the vulnerability of its land borders in the north-east to insurgency, terrorist activities, trafficking, and other forms of organized crime. This has made border control with neighbouring countries a daunting task. As a boundary control to the Sahel, Nigeria is vulnerable to insecurity resulting from armed conflict, terrorist activities, illicit trafficking and organized crime, and would benefit from improved border management capacity.

Over the years, UNODC has been supporting the Nigerian Government in its efforts to increase effectiveness of the response to illicit trafficking and organized crime. In Nigeria, UNODC is an active partner in the country’s efforts to address the challenges of organized crime, illicit trafficking and terrorism.

In partnership with and guided by the Nigerian authorities, UNODC is implementing the project –“Strengthening National Response to security threats through enhanced border control”. The overall objective of the project is for Nigeria’s border control capacity to prevent illicit trafficking in North-Eastern Nigeria. Through this project, UNODC will be training selected border control officers from five key Nigerian law enforcement agencies, selected prosecutors from the Federal Ministry of Justice, as well as selected border control officers from neighbouring countries of Benin, Cameroon, Chad, and Niger.

Devoirs et responsabilités

Objective of Consultancy

The purpose of this consultancy is to provide specialized expertise for designing, implementing and reporting on training activities in Nigeria addressing Law enforcement training focusing on investigation/intelligence and surveillance, crime scene management, chain of custody of evidence and standard operating procedures linked to organized crime and other criminal law aspects relevant for an effective criminal justice response to security threats through enhanced border control.

Specific tasks to be performed by the consultant:

The incumbent will carry out the following tasks:

  • Provide specialized expertise for designing and implementing training activities (workshops, seminars, and other pertinent activities) on investigation/intelligence and surveillance, crime scene management, chain of custody of evidence, standard operating procedures and other offences contained in relevant domestic law, and collaboration with other agencies and other aspects as relevant;
  • Participate in the design and delivery of five workshops on investigation/intelligence operations;
  • Support the development of relevant Training material(s);
  • Provide substantive support for the delivery / conduct of training workshops on investigation/intelligence, training exercises and other related activities as required and specified;
  • Participate in  multi-national cooperation workshop as required;
  • Prepare support documents for and reports on training activities, as required;
  • Participate in meetings with international and national experts, related to training activities, as required;
  • Mentor trainees on mentoring and coordination.

Expected tangible and measurable outputs

At the end of the contract, the incumbent will have:

Designed and implemented Five specialized training activities focusing on investigation as follows:

  • Law Enforcement Officers trained on surveillance and investigative techniques;
  • Legal Advisers of Law Enforcement Agencies trained on international cooperation; mutual legal assistance and extradition;
  • Law Enforcement Officers trained on Standard Operating Procedures and Inter agency collaboration for effective border control;
  • Law enforcement officers trained in mentoring and coordination;
  • Law enforcement officers trained on integrated cooperation for case management and referral in joint border control and management in response to security threats, including terrorism;
  • Monitored mentoring activities as performed by trainees after the above-mentioned training on mentoring and coordination;
  • Prepared the necessary support documents and reports linked to training activities, including a final report summarizing all the training activities;
  • Delivered presentations and inputs for relevant training activities;
  • Deliver other requested inputs and tasks, as needed.

Dates and details of how the work must be delivered

Under the overall guidance of the UNODC Country Representative for Nigeria, the Consultant will perform his/her functions working under the coordination and supervision of the National Project Officer.

Within the general framework of this TOR, the Consultant will be asked to undertake specific tasks in relation to designing, implementing and reporting on the training activities involving five workshops as and when required.

For planning purposes, it is estimated that a maximum of 30 work days are required (from August 2015 to April 2016).

The Consultant will submit an implementation report with respect to the services provided in accordance with the communications from UNODC, together with a payment request, depending on actual work days.

The consultant will work from his/her own facilities. As required, UNODC will provide to the consultant access to the relevant substantive files and material, as well as access to facilities at UNODC offices.

The consultant will undertake travels as requested and authorized by UNODC. Travel and other related cost will be discussed separately from the Professional fees before the issuance of Contract.


Successful candidate will be remunerated in an agreed ratio of about five (6) instalments tied to different deliverables as highlighted below:

Outputs and Descriptions of Tasks

Output 1.

Description of task:

  • Designed, implemented and reported on specialized training focusing on investigation.

Output 2.

Description of task:

  • Designed, implemented and reported on specialized training focusing on  international cooperation; mutual legal assistance and extradition.

Output 3.

Description of task:

  • Designed, implemented and reported onspecialized training activities focusing on Operating Procedures and Inter agency collaboration.

Output 4.

Description of task (output)

  • Designed, implemented and reported on outcomes of mentoring and support activities performed by trainees

Output 5.

Description of task (output):

  • Designed, implemented and reported onspecialized training activities focusing on integrated cooperation for case management.

Output 6.

Description of task (output):

  • Final report.

Indicators to evaluate the consultant’s performance

Performance indicators are:

  • The quality and appropriateness of specialized expertise delivered;
  • Information received through feedback questionnaires on quality and usefulness of training activities;
  • Quality of support documents and reports prepared;
  • Timely completion of assignments.


Corporate Competencies:

  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Highest standard of integrity, discretion and loyalty.

Functional Competenies:

  • Excellent understanding of organisational issues;
  • Commitment to professionalism;
  • Commitment to effectiveness, accessibility, accountability, transparency and fairness;
  • Expertise in law enforcement investigation and intelligence, particularly in the context of Nigeria;
  • Good knowledge and understanding of investigation case management, including relevant national legal instruments;
  • Expertise in training officials in criminal justice processes, especially intelligence and investigation work related to serious crimes;
  • In-depth knowledge of the Nigerian criminal justice system;
  • Excellent knowledge of the social, political and economic situation of Nigeria.
  • Knowledge in conducting training sessions and good facilitation skills;
  • Good understanding of change management, including system development and organizational skills;
  • Commitment to quality;
  • Commitment to deadlines;
  • Objectivity, honesty and fairness;
  • Logic and ability to operate systematically;
  • Excellent oral and writing communication skills;
  • Timely and accurate submission of reports and other required documents;
  • Substantive and linguistic quality of documents prepared;
  • Commitment to confidentiality of the assignment and handing over of products and documents paid for by UNODC used in the delivery of consultancy outputs;
  • Demonstrable drafting and report-writing skills.

Qualifications et expériences requises


  • An advanced University degree or equivalent in Social Science, development Studies, Law, or other related field of studies; or
  • A first level university degree or equivalent academic education, professional training with certification from a recognized international/national law enforcement staff training institution, with specialization in criminal justice, crime prevention, criminal investigation, law enforcement and/or other related areas, in combination with required years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of the university degree.


  • 20 years of relevant work experience in criminal investigation/ intelligence training, including a minimum of four years of investigative experience in security threats or closely related areas;
  • Experience as a trainer in programme(s) at national and/or international level focusing on capacity building for law enforcement/intelligence service is highly desirable.


  • English and French are the working languages of the United Nations Secretariat;
  • For this consultancy, fluency in English (both spoken and written) is required.