


The United Nations Volunteers (UNV) Programme is the UN organization that promotes volunteerism to support peace and development worldwide. Volunteerism can transform the pace and nature of development and it benefits both society at large and the individual volunteer. UNV contributes to peace and development by advocating for volunteerism globally, encouraging partners to integrate volunteerism into development programming, and mobilizing volunteers.

In most cultures volunteerism is deeply embedded in long-established, ancient traditions of sharing and support within the communities. In this context, UN Volunteers take part in various forms of volunteerism and play a role in development and peace together with co-workers, host agencies and local communities.

In all assignments, UN Volunteers promote volunteerism through their action and conduct. Engaging in volunteer activity can effectively and positively enrich their understanding of local and social realities, as well as create a bridge between themselves and the people in their host community. This will make the time they spend as UN Volunteers even more rewarding and productive.

Type of Assignment:                National UN Volunteer

Project Title:                        Support to the UNV Field Unit

Brief Project Description: Based in the Country Office of UNDP, the UNV field unit generally consists of a UNV Programme Officer and a UNV Programme Associate.  The field unit is an integral part of the UNV HQ Portfolio Team. The UNV field unit is responsible for the day-to-day management of UN volunteers, UNV-managed programmes, responding to appropriate local demands and seeking out new opportunities for UNV.

Host Agency/Host Institute:    UNV/UNDP

Organizational Context:      

As part of the UNV field unit, the UNV Programme Associate is assigned to the UNDP Country Office to work with his/her supervisor to provide support to UNV activities in the country. The UNV Programme Associate is responsible for administrative requirements related to the UNV inputs/assignments.

Under the general guidance of the respective Portfolio Team at UNV HQ, the UNV Programme Associate works under his/her direct supervisor through whom he/she reports to the UNDP Resident Representative. To function effectively, it is essential for the UNV Programme Associate to maintain close working relations with other staff in the UNDP office, in both operations and programme divisions, and be well integrated as a member of the UNDP team.

Type of Assignment Place: Assignment without family

Living Conditions:

Dar es Salaam is the largest City in Tanzania, as the major port and economic Center.  Most Ministries, government offices, embassies and UN offices are based in this City.  Dar es Salaam is situated on the coast, overlooking the Indian Ocean.  It is an International multicultural city with a mix of religions. There is a wide range of facilities available, including numerous shopping centers movie theatres, restaurants and many new developments planned.

Conditions of Service:

A contract until 31/12/2015; monthly volunteer living allowance (VLA) of Tshs: 969,131.00 intended to cover housing, basic needs and utilities; life, health, and permanent disability insurance; return airfares (if applicable); resettlement allowance for every month of satisfactory service.


Description of Assignment prepared by the UNV Field Unit:

Stella Karegyesa, UNV Programme Officer, UNDP

Date: 5/08/2015

Duties and Responsibilities

Description of tasks:

Under the direct supervision of the UNV Programme Officer, the UN Volunteer will provide the following support

  • Programme-related support
  • Volunteer-related support
  • Administrative and logistical support


Ensures effective programme-related support, focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Provide the required support, where appropriate, to his/her supervisor in managing and monitoring the UNV project under the supervisor’s responsibility.
  • Maintain required financial information on expenditures to assist his/her supervisor in the preparation of project budgets and subsequent revisions.
  • Act upon and follow-up on pipeline UNV assignments with partner agencies, particularly in the timely submission of Descriptions of Assignment, confirmation of funds, clearance of candidates, etc.
  • Support the supervisor in volunteerism related activities, including International Volunteer Day (IVD) events.


Ensures effective volunteer-related support, focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Maintain volunteer files of all UN volunteers assigned to the country, ensuring that all correspondence and periodic reports (online) are properly kept, and that related matters requiring action are brought to the attention of his/her supervisor.
  • Monitor and maintain records of the contractual status of all serving UN volunteers and flag to his/her supervisor follow-up actions on assignment extensions, renewals and replacements.
  • Maintain up-to-date volunteer leave records and ensure that all UN volunteers submit their leave requests well in advance to the UNDP office (particular attention is given to final leave entitlements); submit to UNV headquarters copies of the final leave records for all departing UN volunteers.
  • Maintain up to date contact records of all serving UN volunteers, including their recognized dependents.
  • Ensure that inventories of personal effects of UN volunteers are compiled, updated and sent to UNV headquarters in a timely manner, in accordance with the relevant provisions included in the Field Security Handbook as well as in the UNV Conditions of Service.
  • Liaise with UNV HQ and/or country of recruitment on the logistical and travel arrangements of arriving UN volunteers and his/her recognized dependents.
  • Facilitate government clearance and entry visas of incoming UN volunteers and their recognized dependents.
  • Undertake all the tasks in order to ensure that all UN volunteers arriving for the first time in the country are met and pre-arrival arrangements are made. Ensure timely payment of UN volunteer Settling-in-Grant.
  • Provide the necessary support to UN volunteers to open bank accounts as well as to complete forms required to obtain residence permits, driving license, etc.
  • Prepare, when required, in consultation with the supervisor, travel authorization for UN volunteers in connection with their in-country duty-related travel.
  • Respond to and liaise with all UN volunteers in the country regarding financial and administrative issues.
  • Undertake tasks in the overall management of the UN volunteers and recognized dependents in the country.
  • Process monthly entitlements of UN volunteers.
  • Provide, when required, in consultation with the supervisor, the necessary support to UN volunteers in the case of serious illness, medical evacuation, security evacuations or the death of a UN volunteer.
  • Ensure all conditions are met before the payment of final entitlements to UN volunteers at the end of their assignment.
  • Provide guidance and advice on conditions of service and administrative processes in co-ordination with the Portfolio Team at UNV HQ.
  • Screen national candidates applying for UNV positions.


Ensures effective administrative and logistical support, focusing on achievement of the following results:

  • Maintain inventories of all UNV-supplied, non-expendable equipment, and ensure records of all items purchased for UNV-executed projects are submitted to UNV headquarters.
  • Perform functions related to carrying out surveys on housing and utilities relevant to UNV and ensure that the results are communicated to UNV headquarters.
  • Maintain general office files and keep information and reference material in a manner that allows easy reference and retrieval.
  • Perform duties such as photocopying, collection and distribution of incoming mail, dispatching outgoing mail, locating files, etc.
  • Perform ATLAS HCM roles related to contract management, payroll validation, earnings and deductions, leave management, terminations, etc.
  • Prepare requisitions, purchase orders and vouchers for all UNV payments in ATLAS and take timely corrective actions on incorrect requisition, purchase orders, and vouchers.
  • Provide administrative support for the recruitment of local UNV candidates who are deployed to other countries.
  • Perform other administrative duties as may be required.


Impact of Results:

  • Achievements of key results has an impact on the efficiency and effectiveness of the UNV Field Unit, and strengthens the capacity of the office to promote the image of UNV/UNDP as an effective contributor to the development of the country.


  • Communcations
  • Analytical

Required Skills and Experience


  • University degree in relevant area (e.g. development, administration or related area) or a certificate in relevant area in combination with 5 years of qualifying experience may be accepted in lieu of a University degree
  • Minimum 3 years of relevant experience in programe/project and administrative support services
  • Strong negotiation and organizational skills
  • Positive and flexible response to challenges
  • Previous experience with UNV an asset
  • Ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing with internal and external clients
  • Ability to present a professional image and demeanor to internal and external customers
  • Experience using computers and office software packages (ERP, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc). as well as handling of web-based management systems is highly desirable.