
In accordance with the organizational mandate and national development priorities of Ukraine, UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, implements a country programme of technical assistance to Ukraine for 2012-2016. The programme targets, inter alia, the improvement of sexual and reproductive health of the Ukrainian people, counteracting the spread of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections, promoting gender equality and combating gender-based violence, as well as improved collection and use of good quality population data for national development planning and implementation.

Alongside this development work and driven by the humanitarian consequences of the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, UNFPA participates in the development and implementation of the annual Humanitarian Response Plans (HRPs) of the United Nations Humanitarian Country Team in Ukraine to provide support to internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees, host communities and people who remain in the conflict areas. More specifically, UNFPA mostly contributes to the work of health and protection clusters within the HRPs and leads the gender-based violence (GBV) sub-cluster.

The UNFPA humanitarian response programme presently covers five province of Ukraine most affected by the armed conflict (Dnipropetrovska, Donetska, Kharkivska, Luganska and Zaporizka) and focuses on the delivery of the following outputs:

  • Sufficient capacities of local social service providers to prevent GBV and deliver good quality, equitable and easily accessible socio-psychological support to GBV survivors, IDPs and members of the host communities;
  • Sufficient capacities of the local primary level health care providers to address emergency sexual and reproductive health needs, including the availability and accessibility of essential sexual and reproductive health related equipment and supplies;
  • Raised awareness on GBV prevention and available services among local population.

Pursuing these outputs envisages, but is not limited to, the development/adaptation of training methodologies and guidelines, conduction of training workshops for service providers and provision of on-the-job support to them, procurement of equipment and supplies to improve the quality and management of service delivery, development and deployment of IT solutions for service monitoring, accounting, analysis and planning, supporting mobile teams providing outreach services, development, production and dissemination of information, education and communication materials, designing and delivering a social media-based awareness campaign on GBV and media events in the regions. The UNFPA humanitarian response is mostly field-focused, being delivered in partnership with national implementing partner organizations and coordinated with all stakeholders, including governmental agencies at the central and local levels, UN agencies and the donor community.

In this complex context, UNFPA invites applications from highly knowledgeable, experienced and proactive Ukrainian management professionals to take up the responsibilities for the smooth, well-coordinated, timely and effective delivery of the UNFPA humanitarian response programme.


The Programme Manager, with guidance from the UNFPA colleagues and in daily proactive collaboration with the national implementing partner institutions, will design, organize, coordinate and perform activities necessary for the successful implementation of the UNFPA humanitarian response programme in Ukraine through respective work plans in line with the established outputs and targets.

The incumbent will be the UNFPA country office’s primary focal point for the daily management and monitoring of all humanitarian response activities ensuring that all planned targets are achieved timely and in full. The incumbent will also participate in the UNFPA and UN-wide humanitarian response mechanisms and networks at the regional and global levels as may be required. Specific activities, objectives and targets for the job will be further detailed in the incumbent’s individual work plan based on the UNFPA country office’s annual performance plans and work plans of UNFPA and its implementing partners.

Reporting Structure

The Programme Manager (Humanitarian Response Programme) reports directly to the UNFPA Assistant Representative. The incumbent supervises and organizes the work of the project personnel and consultants assigned to the UNFPA humanitarian response work plans, including personnel of the implementing partner organizations and consultants hired by them.

The UNFPA Representative will provide strategic guidance on programme matters to the incumbent. The UNFPA Administration and Finance Associate will provide guidance on operational matters (administration, finance, procurement, human resources, asset management, ICT etc.). The UNFPA programme officers on sexual and reproductive health, HIV/AIDS, gender equality, and population and development will provide technical guidance to the Programme Manager as required. The incumbent will also interact with the UNFPA Regional Office and Headquarters colleagues, as well as colleagues from other UN agencies, on matters within his/her responsibility.

Duties and Responsibilities

The incumbent will have the following duties and responsibilities related to the UNFPA humanitarian response programme and respective work plans.

Programme Integration:

  • Monitors the operational (political, social and economic) environment, keeps abreast of the developments of the humanitarian situation in the country and ensures alignment and integration of the UNFPA humanitarian response programme with Ukraine’s national, subnational, sectoral and other frameworks, programmes and plans related to the humanitarian response;
  • Participates in programming processes for the effective integration of the UNFPA humanitarian response programme into the UN and UNFPA strategic frameworks: United Nations Development Assistance Framework, Humanitarian Response Plans, Country Programme Document, Country Programme Action Plan and Work Plans, including desk reviews, situation and stakeholder analysis, negotiations, strategic meetings, cluster and sub-cluster meetings, inter-agency working groups. Provides information and technical advisory support on humanitarian activities pertinent to UNFPA programme delivery;
  • With guidance from the UNFPA Assistant Representative and programme officers, and in full collaboration with the national stakeholders, drafts project documents and work plans aligned with the UNFPA Strategic Plan, UNFPA Standard Operating Procedures for Humanitarian Settings, regional priorities and country programme action plan;
  • Supports integration of country level activities with the regional and global initiatives and activities of UNFPA and other stakeholders;
  • Integrates UNFPA humanitarian response programme monitoring and reporting with the country office’s results-based management systems providing inputs to the UNFPA Global Programming System, country programme planning and tracking tools, UNFPA Strategic Information System/myResults, corporate performance planning and appraisal system etc;
  • Supports UNFPA in partnership development and resource mobilization initiatives.

Programme Implementation:

  • Acts as a primary focal point for UNFPA humanitarian response programme;
  • Ensures timely preparation, updating and implementation of programme-related work plans and other related documents for timely commencement and implementation of the planned activities;
  • Prepares, updates, implements and monitors the calendar activity plans for the programme based on the approved work plans;
  • Provides advisory, programmatic and technical support to the concerned governmental counterparts and implementing partners to ensure the smooth and effective implementation of the UNFPA humanitarian response programme and respective work plans;
  • Liaises and interacts will all concerned parties, including implementing partners, vendors and service providers, on all matters related to the programme to ensure the timely, cost-effective and efficient implementation of all activities planned under respective work plans;
  • Coordinates the programme delivery with the activities of other stakeholders working in the same area in order to build synergies and avoid activity duplication, including the development of inter-agency linkages and partnerships with other relevant UN programmes and projects;
  • With guidance from the UNFPA Assistant Representative, develops, operationalizes and maintains the programme monitoring and evaluation framework;
  • Analyzes the programme implementation, identifies possible implementation obstacles and suggests solutions, reports on the programme output delivery to the UNFPA programme and operations staff, in their areas of competence;
  • Regularly and consistently collects, analyses and shares with UNFPA complete and up-to-date information on all aspects of programme delivery, with special and urgent attention to possible implementation bottlenecks and risks;
  • Organizes and participates in the programme review exercises, provides suggestions for improving the programme performance;
  • Substantively and proactively contributes to the development and implementation of a programme communication strategy, plans and events.

Managerial Functions:

  • Effectively applies, with due integrity and diligence, current UNFPA policies and procedures related to programme and operations, including UNFPA Standard Operating Procedures for Humanitarian Settings;
  • Maintains the programme work plans in the UNFPA Global Programming System and ensures that any activity and budget revisions are recorded timely and accurately with due approvals;
  • Manages the programme on the daily basis and ensures the delivery of expected results in line with the relevant programme documents and work plans;
  • Provides overall organization, coordination and administration of programme-related activities ensuring that their implementation fully complies with the approved work plans, timelines and budgets;
  • Facilitates the programme work plans delivery by national implementing partners providing them with oversight, guidance and advice and promoting national ownership of UNFPA-funded work plans. Serves as a primary liaison between the implementing partners and UNFPA on all matters related to their work plans implementation;
  • Establishes working contacts and regularly maintains effective communications between all programme stakeholders;
  • Provides proper management of the programme budget ensuring that funds are available when needed and financial disbursements are made according to the approved work plans and contribution agreements with donors;
  • Monitors financial expenditures under the programme-related work plans and reports to the UNFPA Administration and Finance Associate on the project financial delivery;
  • Organizes and supervises the work of the programme personnel (including experts, consultants, writers, researchers, trainers and support personnel assigned to the project), including the preparation of the terms of reference, facilitation of recruitment and performance monitoring and evaluation;
  • With guidance from the UNFPA Security Focal Point, ensures that programme field office(s) and personnel fully comply with the corporate security requirements and all security measures are in place;
  • Maintains the document workflow required for recording and accounting of programme-related transactions. Prepares, verifies and enters programme-related transactions into UNFPA management information systems. Organizes and maintains programme and work plan files to ensure instant availability of documentation and correspondence;
  • Ensures regular monitoring of the work plans implementation for quality and timeliness and undertakes necessary administrative response vis-à-vis UNFPA and national implementing partners;
  • Regularly communicates with and gives advice to UNFPA on all matters related to the programme implementation to ensure achievement of the respective programme outputs and targets;
  • Facilitates and participates in programme monitoring, evaluation and audit activities;
  • Represents the programme at all kinds of management, public and visibility events;
  • Provides programme and work plans related information for the UN and UNFPA communications activities, including news, press announcements, press releases, summaries/overviews, presentations;
  • Collects from implementing partners, prepares and submits to UNFPA the reporting documents related to the programme, including event reports, field monitoring reports, technical and thematic reports, best practices and lessons learned publications, work plan progress and annual reports, financial authorization and certificate of expenditures forms, financial expenditure reports, narrative and financial reports required by the donors etc.;
  • Performs other programme-related tasks as may be requested by the UNFPA Assistant Representative.

Deliverables and Performance Indicators

  • All programme and work plan reports submitted timely and accepted by UNFPA;
  • Work plans related to the UNFPA humanitarian response programme are implemented in a complete and timely manner:
    • Work plan financial delivery rates are above 95%;
    • Work plan target indicator achievement rate is 100% across all programme work plans;
  • Work plans related to the UNFPA humanitarian response programme are implemented in strict accordance with applicable UNFPA policies and procedures, as well as donor requirements:
    • No filed observations from UNFPA regarding violations of corporate policies and procedures;
    • Non-qualified NEX audit opinions for all implementing partners under the programme;
    • Positive feedback from stakeholders, including donors, on the programme/work plan final reports;


Functional Competencies


Analyzing the country context, trends and projections to prepare information and evidences for advocacy activities.

Results-based programme development and management

Effectively managing internal and external resources to achieve stipulated results. Moving from basic research to programme management, programme design and conceptual leadership.

Leveraging the resources of the Government and partners/Building strategic alliances and partnerships

Establishing, maintaining and utilizing a broad network of contacts. Building partnerships and strategic alliances. Leveraging the larger resources of the Government and other development partners.

Innovation and marketing of new approaches

Enhancing existing processes or products. Developing original and imaginative ideas and approaches.  Influencing others (within UNFPA and outside) to adopt new approaches. Creating a culture of innovation and change.

Job knowledge/Technical expertise

Demonstrating and applying professional and/or technical expertise and knowledge of the post. Focusing on the knowledge and skill areas necessary to effectively perform the job. Identifying and seeking to expand knowledge and improve work processes.

Management and Leadership

  • Builds strong relationships with project counterparts, focuses on impact and result for the client and responds positively to feedback;
  • Demonstrates excellent interpersonal skills and fosters conducive working environment with a multi-disciplinary team;
  • Leads effectively, with mentoring as well as conflict resolution skills;
  • Demonstrates strong oral and written communication skills;
  • Possesses proven networking, team-building, organizational and communication skills;

Development and Operational Effectiveness

  • Proven ability to lead strategic planning, change processes, results-based management and reporting;
  • Proven ability to lead formulation, oversight of implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the project;
  • Proven ability to apply development theory to the specific country context to identify creative, practical approaches to overcome challenging situations;
  • Willingness to travel extensively on service missions;

Corporate Competencies

Values/Guiding Principles

  • Integrity: Taking actions that are congruent with what he/she says.  Reliably delivering on promises and honouring commitments made. Demonstrating consistency in upholding and promoting the values of UNFPA in actions and decisions;
  • Commitment to the Organization and its Mandate: Demonstrating personal commitment in actions taken and decisions made on a daily basis. Demonstrating commitment to organizational vision and priorities and strategic direction;
  • Cultural Sensitivity/Valuing Diversity: Demonstrating an international outlook, appreciating differences in values and learning from cultural diversity. Moves from demonstrating sensitivity to encouraging full participation, to leveraging diversity;

Performance Management

Accepting responsibility for personal performance and performance of staff under supervision, including staff of the implementing partners. Managing the performance of staff.

Working in Teams

Working effectively with colleagues in ways that allow the achievement of shared objectives. Building teams both within existing organizational structures and outside of them. Creating team spirit and unity of purpose.

Self-Management/Emotional Intelligence

Managing moods, responding effectively to stress, situations of ambiguity or crisis. Managing relationships with others to achieve mutual benefit. Building an emotionally intelligent team.

Communicating Information and Ideas

Communicating clearly and effectively. Seeking to understand the ideas of others. Facilitating and encouraging open communication. Creating an environment for open communication. Inspiring and persuading others.

Analytical and Strategic Thinking

Making appropriate and transparent decisions by analyzing complex information, taking into consideration different points of view. Demonstrating the ability to make tough and/or sensitive decisions. Having flexibility to both adopt a course of action and change it when required by the situation. Using rational and intuitive processes that result in drawing accurate conclusions, generating viable solutions and visualizing new potentials. Demonstrating the ability to step above immediate concerns and to see the "big picture".

Results Orientation/Commitment to Excellence

Driving to achieve results while pursuing the highest standards. Maximizing the use of resources. Moving from basic results orientation to managing for results, to linking results.

Required Skills and Experience

Academic Requirements

  • Master’s degree or equivalent in management/administration, health, social sciences, international relations, international development or other relevant areas. A postgraduate degree will be considered an advantage;
  • Educational background in areas related to the UNFPA mandate (sexual and reproductive health, gender equality, population and development) is a strong asset;


  • At least 7 years of progressively responsible experience in international programme or project management, preferably in international development assistance projects/programmes, with supervisory responsibilities;
  • Experience of working in a multi-stakeholder development environment with governmental and non-governmental institutions;
  • Proven experience in national capacity development, advocacy and partnership development interventions in Ukraine;
  • Experience of working at both national and local levels;
  • Experience of working in the humanitarian settings is a strong asset;
  • Knowledge of UNFPA policies and procedures and Atlas enterprise resource planning and management system will be considered as an advantage;


  • Excellency in oral and written Ukrainian, fluency in English and Russian (subject to testing).

Abilities and Skills

  • Proactivity, resourcefulness, punctuality, responsibility;
  • Strong analytical orientation and sound judgment;
  • Data management skills;
  • Excellent administrative/management skills, self-organization;
  • Excellent writing, presentation, communication and negotiations skills;
  • Ability to travel extensively, including foreign travels, and work under time pressure on multiple tasks;
  • Solid understanding of the social, economic and political context of Ukraine;
  • Dedication to the United Nations principles and demonstrated ability to work harmoniously with persons of different national and cultural backgrounds;

Computer skills

  • Proficiency in current office software applications. Ability to use office machinery.

Recommendations/references from previous employers are mandatory and subject to check.


Application Instructions:

  • Click on the "Apply now" button.
  • Input your information in the appropriate Sections: personal information, language proficiency, education, resume and motivation. You can type in or paste your Resume into the last box.
  • Upon completion of the first page, please hit "submit application" tab at the end of the page. On the next page, you will be asked to upload your Resume. Instead of uploading your Resume, please submit a fully completed and signed UNDP Personal History Form (P-11). When completing the Form and, even though not currently requested, please include email addresses for your Supervisors.
  • Without the completed and signed P11 your application will not be considered. The UNDP Personal History Form can be downloaded at link . Failure to disclose prior employment or making false representations on this form will be grounds for withdrawal of further consideration of his/her application or termination, where the appointment or contract has been issued.
  • Only short-listed candidates will be contacted and please ensure that copies of your educational qualifications are available when contacted.

This is a locally recruited position and no expatriation benefits will apply.


UNDP will use a transparent and competitive screening process, though will only contact those applicants in whom there is further interest. Applications may only be submitted for specific vacancy. Qualified women are strongly encouraged to apply.