
The Village Courts Act 2006, later amended on September 2013, entrusts Union Parishad (UP) to offer justice services for both petty civil and criminal disputes in nature within the pecuniary jurisdiction of BDT 75,000. This justice delivery service aims to enable local peoples resolving their petty disputes and conflicts amicably at their door steps for establishing local peace and harmony for broader development and human rights establishment. 
After successful implementation of the pilot phase of Activating Village Courts in Bangladesh (AVCB) project (2009-2015), Local Government Division (LGD) of the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives (MoLGRD&C) has initiated Phase II of AVCB Project, a five year (2015-2020) intervention, with financial and technical support of Government of Bangladesh, UNDP, EU and Danida, covering 1,000 UPs across the country. The overall objective of the project is to improve access to justice for disadvantaged and marginalized groups in Bangladesh. The project will be implemented under the Nationally Execution (NEX) modality and expected output of the project is the village Courts in selected UPs are activated, functioning and responsive to the needs of the justice seekers at local level. Programmes are targeted to create awareness among the community members, service providers and other relevant stakeholders about village courts and its functions through a number of awareness-raising and community mobilization initiatives. Besides, the project will develop an outreach strategy which responds to the different needs and information sources for different segments of the population. There are 5 technical components such as Program Coordination, Capacity Building, Communication & Advocacy, Legal Reform and Monitoring and Evaluation. Involving national institutions like NILG, PATC, JATI, BPA, etc. the project has a plan to build up the capacity of the institutional stakeholders on village courts. Besides, as a part of implementation strategy it will include NGOs/CSOs to help LGD for grassroots level capacity building, social mobilization and eventually activating village courts under the technical support and supervision of Project Management Team. The project is still under approval process.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Training Officer will report to National Project Coordinator and work under the overall guidance and direct supervision of Manager- Capacity Development. S/he will also work in close coordination with the implementing partners and other team members of the components of the project. The post-holder will be responsible for assisting the development and implementation of capacity building strategies, plans and processes to support the project goals. S/he will have the following duties and responsibilities;

• Assist in developing comprehensive capacity building plan on village Court issues and other Training related issues;
• Provide cooperation in conducting training need assessment;
• Work in a group to develop training curriculum, manuals, modules and relevant guidelines, Develop training and learning materials (flip chart, flash card, process card, booklet, handout and video learning aid etc);
• Organize training for elected UP representatives and administrative staff, and village police and NGO/CBOs on the role and function of village court;
• Monitoring of district, upazila  and union level trainings to be conducted and managed by local administration;
• Provide Technical Assistance to local organizations, VC officials and stakeholders through capacity building knowledge;
• Provide on the job training for improving VCs performance;
• Sensitize CSO staffs on Gender and Human Rights;
• Work in a group in organizing  and conducting  consultations/orientations with various GoB training institutes for customizing their training curriculum focus on VC;
• Coordinate to ensure the full utilization of all training facilities, processes, resources, equipments and materials;
• Maintain training files and manage day-to- day routine administration of the project's training component concerning personnel and logistic support;
• Initiate file to release fund to district offices in connection with the training and other relevant cost and monitor the adjustment and compliance of the expenditure as per applicable rules;
• Prepare routine correspondence and general reference documents, organize data and information, maintain records and documents to facilitate monitoring of all training activities;
• Provide supports for organizing all sorts of Training events e.g. circulating invitations, follow up with participants, selecting venues, organizing required logistics, producing necessary documents/materials, folders etc.
• Draft ToR, concept note, note sheet and organize and conduct workshops and  seminars with various stakeholder;
• Provide required inputs and information for developing training plan, organizing events etc.
• Develop tools for pre-post training evaluation and conduct evaluation;
• Provide logistics support and others to develop the capacity of PMU on village courts issues;
• Provide technical assistance in preparing required training reports for LGD and UNDP;
• Assist with technical inputs in preparing training plan and budget
• Any other relevant tasks that may emerge as important in the course of this assignment, and which deems to be appropriate for the Manager- Capacity Development/National Project Coordinator to undertake.



Corporate Competencies:
• Demonstrate integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards (human rights, peace, understanding between peoples and nations, tolerance, integrity, respect, results orientation (UNDP core ethics) impartiality;
• Promotes the vision, mission and strategic goals of UNDP;
• Displays culture, gender, religion, race, nationality, age sensibility and adaptability

Functional Competencies:
Development and Operational Effectiveness
• Ability to conduct, manage  and monitor the training programmes;
• Ability to develop relevant training materials ( modules, manual and hand out of the training)
• Ability to conduct training need assessment;
• Ability to work in interdisciplinary mixed ability teams;
• Ability to carry out and conduct the training on law, gender and human rights issues;
• Excellent communication skills in Bengali and English, both written and oral;
• Ability to maintain good working relationships to facilitate work goals;
• Ability to accommodate cultural sensitivity and respect human rights and gender issues in the workplace;
• Computer and internet expertise is mandatory.

Knowledge Management and Learning
• Promote knowledge management and learning environment in the office through leadership and personal example: Excellent knowledge of capacity building theory and the application of methodology, good understanding of capacity assessment methodologies; excellent ability to identify significant capacity building opportunities;
• Actively works towards continuing personal learning and development in the subject area of the project, acts on learning plan and applies newly acquired skills.
• Excellent communication skills (written & oral), sensible responsive to all partners, respect and helpful relation with all UN/UNDP and project staff.

Required Skills and Experience

Minimum Graduation degree in Public Administration, Political Science, International Relations, Law or closely relevant discipline

• Minimum 05 (five) years of relevant experience in developing training manual, modules, curricula and training materials for the national/international development organizations;
• Proven professional, intensive experience and hands on knowledge on training issues, local justice and other relevant areas;
• Proven experience of conducting ToT, training needs assessment along with facilitations skills and ability to independently prepare training report;
• Monitoring of training programme;
• Relevant experience of working with Union Parishad (UP), local justice would be considered an asset; 
• Experience of organizing Training related events;
• Fluency in written and spoken English and Bangla;
• Experience with computers and MS Office software packages.