Tanzania has since 2007 been piloting the UN Delivering as One reform initiative. The overall purpose of this reform is to unify and align in order to more efficiently and effectively deliver results in support of national priorities. Working as one, the UN can have a far greater impact on the development and humanitarian challenges that face the country, avoiding the fragmentation and duplication of efforts seen in the past. By combining the skills and resources of UN Agencies active across the country, the UN can complement the efforts of the Government, civil society, private sector and other development partners by providing policy advice and technical assistance to Tanzania. The vision of ‘Delivering as One’ in Tanzania is therefore about being a more effective partner for Government; focusing on the UN’s comparative advantage; being strategic about the development areas where the UN prioritizes support; and continuing to support Government on humanitarian issues.
In July 2011, the UN in Tanzania entered a new phase of programming, operating under a single business plan, the UN Development Assistance Plan (UNDAP) 2011-2016. The Plan, the first of its kind in the history of the UN System, captures the entire range of activities supported by the UN system in Tanzania, across ten sectors. The subsequent UN Development Assistance Plan UNDAP II (2016-2021) detailing UN collective support to achievement of Government priorities is under finalization and the RCO is at a critical period of finalizing commitments under UNDAP I meanwhile finalizing and initiating implementation of UNDAP II.
The UN Coordination Specialist works in close collaboration with UNCT members, programme and operations teams of the Agencies, UNDOCO staff and Government officials, technical advisors, experts, multi-lateral and bi-lateral donors and civil society ensuring successful and transparent coordination of UNCT activities. As one of the original eight pilot countries Delivering as One, Tanzania is a global leader in advancing reforms of the UN System, with a view to support accelerated harmonization in implementation practices, coherence in programming, and alignment with national systems, including business harmonization.
Deepening reform will require new and even more innovative ways for the UN agencies to work together. Programme planning, resource mobilization, evaluation, and review activities will be done collaboratively. Increased harmonization of UN policies, procedures and tools, will be promoted by the Operations Management Team.
The UN Coordination Specialist works according to the RCO business model and in close collaboration with team members of the RCO; UNDAP operations and programme groups; and joint programmes by providing advisory and operational support.
Devoirs et responsabilités
Summary of Key Functions:
- Ensures effective support to UNCT in preparation and implementation of the One Country programming processes, and UN programmes coordination;
- Supports application of Result Based Management in all UN intervention ensuring accountability and transparency;
- Ensures creation of strategic partnerships and implementation of the resource mobilization strategy;
- Ensures the development and implementation of UN Tanzania Business Operations Strategy, aiming at reducing operational cost and contributing to global innovations;
- Supports humanitarian coordination and emergency preparedness and response;
- Ensures facilitation of knowledge building and management.
Programming Policy and Coherence:
Ensures effective support to UNCT in preparation and implementation of the One:
Country programming processes, and UN programmes coordination focusing on achievement of the following results:
- Assisting in analysis and research on policies in the areas of the key elements of the DaO reforms to support the RC and UNCT;
- Support coordination in identification, planning, implementation of inter-agency joint programs with a focus of achieving synergies, complementarities and coherence;
- Supporting the identification of strengths and weaknesses in UN Agencies programmes in the context of UNDAP I&II, UN System reforms, and SDGs. Provision of advice on adjusting strategies and implementation modalities, cost-effective and efficient implementation of JWP, Common Services and other UN functions.
Results Based Management
Supports application of Result Based Management in all UN intervention ensuring accountability and transparency focusing on the achievement of the following results:
- Ensures establishment of effective mechanisms for planning, monitoring and reporting of UNDAP II implementation;
- Supports application of Results Based Managed in all aspects of UNDAP II including development of Joint Work Plans (JWP), management of results matrix, in consultation with UN Agencies, Government, Civil Society, Multilateral and Bilateral institutions;
- Ensures the establishment and administration of the UNDAP II Results Monitoring and Implementation Support System in close collaboration with the system developers, UN results groups, and Operations Management Team;
- Supports development of UNDAP Annual Report and other results based reports throughout the UNDAP II period.
Communication, Outreach, Advocacy& Partnership:
Ensures creation of strategic partnerships and implementation of the resource mobilization strategy, focusing on achievement of the following results:
- Supporting the development of partnerships with IFI’s, government institutions, bi-lateral and multi-lateral donors, private sector, and civil society;
- Supports identification, development and coordination of funding proposals;
- Supports tracking of resources mobilized and ensure an up-dated over-view of the funding situation;
- Supporting the analysis and research of information on donors, preparation of substantive briefs on donor strategies and national development strategies, provision of advice to UN RC on ensuring synchronicity, alignment and complementarity between these strategies and UN activities;
- Assisting the coordination of the substantive preparations of the UNCT for High Level Events and other key events in close consultation with appropriate counterparts in government, bilateral and multilateral partners;
- Ensure timely administration of the One Fund including management of SAA, MoUs, allocations and reporting.
Business Operations/Harmonization
Ensures the development and implementation of UN Tanzania Business Operations Strategy, aiming at reducing operational cost and contributing to global innovations focusing on achievement of the following results:
- Project manager for implementation of Innovation Facility funded project and other projects focused on business harmonization;
- Ensures development, implementation and reporting on Business Operations Strategy for 2016-2021 in close collaboration with UN agencies, Operations Management Team and technical operational groups;
- Advocate for business harmonization and enhanced efficiencies and effectiveness in UN business operations and identification of innovations and potential efficiencies in inter-agency programs;
- Closely liaise and network with other UNCTs, UNDG regional offices and UN DOCO and HLCM to ensure UN Tanzania continues to be in the forefront of Business Harmonization and innovation;
- Ensures support to the Tanzania One Procurement Team in efforts linked to enhance common procurement, reporting and planning.
Humanitarian Coordination:
Supports humanitarian coordination end emergency preparedness and response focusing on achievement of the following results:
- Ensures development, update and implementation of Inter-agency contingency plan and development of subsequent support functions and tools;
- Advices the UN RC on matters related to emergency preparedness and response;
- Liaises with Government Counterparts to ensure well-established relationship and functional support to Government leadership in emergency preparedness and response;
- Closely liaise with relevant OCHA entities to ensure sharing of information, inclusion in planning and reporting and request further assistance where required.
Ensures facilitation of knowledge building and management focusing on achievement of the following results:
- Synthesis of best practices and lessons learnt on coordination;
- Sound contributions to knowledge networks and communities of practice;
- Supports internal knowledge management within the RCO.
Corporate Competencies:
- Demonstrates integrity by modeling the UN’s values and ethical standards;
- Advocates and promotes the vision, mission, and strategic goals of UN;
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
- Treats all people fairly without favoritism.
Functional Competencies:
Knowledge and Learning Management:
- Shares knowledge and experience from within and outside the UN Country Team;
- Encourages UN staff to share knowledge;
- Develops deep understanding in UNDAP, UN System reform and MDGs.
Coordination Effectiveness:
- Ability to lead the design and implementation of UN programme activities, strengthening of strategic partnerships for UNDAP implementation;
- Ability to build and sustain effective partnerships with UN Agencies and main constituents, advocate effectively, communicate sensitively across different constituencies.
Management and Leadership:
- Focuses on impact and result for the client;
- Leads teams effectively and shows conflict resolution skills;
- Establishes priorities for self and other members of the RC office; schedules activities to ensure optimum use of time and resources; monitors performance against development and other objectives and corrects deviations from the course;
- In providing advice to the RC, has the capacity to gather comprehensive information on complex problems or situations; evaluates information accurately and identifies key issues required to resolve problems;
- Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude;
- Demonstrates excellent oral and written communication skills;
- Builds strong relationships with clients and external actors;
- Manages conflict and stress, remaining composed and working as a mediator in crisis or antagonistic situations;
- Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities;
- Responds positively to critical feedback and differing points of view;
- Solicits feedback from staff about the impact of his/her own behavior.
Qualifications et expériences requises
- Master’s Degree in Economics, Social Sciences, International Relations, Political Sciences or related field.
- Minimum 5 years of relevant experience at the national or international level in providing management advisory services, hands-on experience in design, monitoring and evaluation of development and humanitarian projects, including 3 to 5 years of working experience from developing countries;
- In-depth knowledge of the UN system, UN reform and its operational mandates;
- Previous UN field and coordination experience will be considered an asset;
- Knowledge of humanitarian system is considered an asset;
- Excellent skills in the usage of computers and office software packages (MS Word, Excel, etc) and advance knowledge of spreadsheet and database packages, experience in handling of web based management systems.
- Fluency in English with excellent drafting skills;
- Good communication skills.