
Situations of insecurity and armed conflict affect full enjoyment of the right to education. They do so in a myriad of ways, including through multiple and varied violations of international law: schools and other  education institutions are destroyed; teachers are assassinated; scholars are tortured; and young students are recruited into armed forces.

Under international law, States have an obligation to respect, protect, and fulfil the right to education, even during insecurity and conflict. In other words, States must not take measures to prevent or limit the right to education; they are obliged to ensure that third parties (armed groups, mercenaries, corporations, etc.) do not deprive individuals of their right to education; and, they must take positive action to ensure provision of education, which is appropriate, accessible, and adequate. In addition to realizing the right to education, States must protect the people and places responsible for delivering education— students, scholars, educational personnel, and educational institutions—from other international crimes and violations (murder, torture, destruction, etc.).

No region is immune to violations of the right to education during insecurity and armed conflict. In the Middle East  and North Africa (MENA),  the right  to education has and continues to be threatened in a number of States.

In 2013, Protect Education in Insecurity and Conflict (PEIC) – formerly known as Education Above All (EAA) – and the United Nations Human Rights Training and Documentation Centre for South-West Asia and the Arab Region (OHCHR-Doha Centre) partnered on the design and implementation of a project to initiate contextualization of PEIC’s commissioned legal resource on the legal protection of the right to education during insecurity and conflict.

The partnership between PEIC and OHCHR was intended to build on the Handbook and to also highlight recent developments relating to the right to education articulated in the work of the UN Treaty Bodies, Special Procedures, as well as substantive work developed by OHCHR. Furthermore, the partnership aimed to (1) create regional awareness in relation to the impact of education-related violations of international law; (2) strengthen the capacity of regional  stakeholders  to  address  violations  relating  to  the  right  to  education  through 

accountability and reparations; and (3) draw attention to the need for developing stronger strategies for the prevention of similar future violations.

To better inform their joint activities, OHCHR and PEIC commisioned a study focusing on the protection of the right to education during insecurity and conflict in the MENA region. The purpose of the scoping study was to: (i) map education-related violations of international law in the region, (ii) where possible, map associated impacts of the violations, and (iii) identify and recommend an appropriate regional approach to legal response to education-related violations, key stakeholders to implement such response, and  entry points for the implementation of such response.

The Study was conducted on five conflict affected countries in the MENA region: Libya, Palestine, Yemen, Iraq and Syria. Despite the limitations of time, reliable data and available resoucres, the findings were alarming. The results were announced at the Regional Forum on the Protection of the Right to Education during Insecurity and Armed Conflict in the MENA Region which was organized from January 19-21, 2014 in the Dead Sea, Jordan.

Devoirs et responsabilités

OHCHR-Doha Centre is seeking the services of a Consultant to build on the Scoping Study and the Regional Forum, its findings and produce a more focused and up-to-date publication on the project, its activities, its impact and recommended steps forward.

Specific Tasks:

  • Design, research, draft and finalize an end of project paper in English of publishable quality whose purpose is as follows:
  • To draw upon the Scoping Study and the Regional Forum;
  • Detail and analyze the three projects provided with small grants by OHCHR, identifying within them examples of practical and effective initiatives that have contributed to the protection of education during insecurity and armed conflict at the community level within the region;
  • Identify domestic and regional initiatives that promise to contribute to the protection of education during times of insecurity and conflict at the regional level; and
  • Make recommendations and suggestions on how to address particular needs of the region vis-à-vis protection of education in current/volatile situations.



  1. Detailed work plan (after 5 working days initial desk review); identify how the Consultant intends to approach the work, and types of meetings s/he need to hold.
  2. A draft version of the study by Sept. 30, 2016 for the November 2016 networking meeting
  3. The work plan will also elaborate the necessary timeline for deliverables keeping in mind the deadlines of Sept. 30 and Dec. 31, 2016.
  4. Mid-term report and outline/table of contents of study
  5. A first draft of the full study for review, discussion and validation
  6. A second draft of full study
  7. A final study and narrative report


  • Demonstrating/safeguarding ethics and integrity
  • Demonstrate knowledge and sound judgment
  • Self-development, initiative-taking
  • Acting as a team player and facilitating team work
  • Informed and transparent decision making

Qualifications et expériences requises

Education :Higher degree in international law, preferably with a background in human rights and/or education. Expertise in international humanitarian and criminal law is an asset


Experience :·   

  •    Minimum five years in undertaking research projects relating to international human rights. Specific experience related to education is an asset;
  • Practical and/or academic expertise and/or experience working with or through UN and regional human rights mechanisms and processes an asset;
  • Proven ability to successfully complete research projects both independently and as part of a team;
  • Very good knowledge of the MENA region;
  • Familiarity with the context and issues implicated in education related violations of international law in times of insecurity and conflict;


  • Fluency in written and oral English; Arabic is an asset;
  • Excellent interpersonal skills; able to work individually and as a member of a team;
  • Willingness to listen to and accommodate different perspectives;
  • Knowledge with Microsoft office kit – MS Excel, MS Word, Power Point, and excel.
  • Very good and reputable evidence of research, documentation and publication.


Documents to be included when submitting the proposal:

Interested individual consultants must submit the following documents/information to demonstrate their qualifications:

  • Proposal: explaining why they are the most suitable for the work including past experience in similar Projects (please provide brief information on each of the above qualifications, item by item);
  • Financial proposal (Monthly payment ) in USD, specifying in a total requested amount per day, number of days needed to complete the assignment, including all related costs, travel, phone calls etc. );
  • Duly completed P 11 form, personal CV and at least 3 references.